Fengrun City!

His face was as pale as paper, and his breath fell to Lan Rong of Martial Saint Grade 1 Early-Stage, kneeling on one knee before Qin Lingfei, begging bitterly.

“Her Highness the Princess, I beg you to return to Prince Consort Mansion immediately, and then control the Mansion Formation to return to Xianyang City as soon as possible.”

In the middle of the city outside Fengrun City, there are 72 peerless powerhouses from Martial Venerable Grade 1 to Grade 9 Peak Realm, 36 supreme experts from Wudi Grade 1 to Grade 9 Peak Realm, and nine to one Demi-God realm. The pseudo-god powerhouse, and a silver-haired old man in a light blue robe who can’t see through the cultivation base, are fully attacking the Sun, Moon and Stars defense formation of Fengrun City.

Whether it is the peerless powerhouse of Martial Venerable realm, the supreme expert of Wudi realm, and the pseudo-god powerhouse of semi-robber realm, the Sun, Moon and Stars defense formation can completely resist their attacks.

From this point alone, it can be seen that 2nd Avatar’s success in the Formation Dao Formation.

But the silver-haired old man who ca n’t see through the cultivation base, every seemingly very random attack, not only makes Sun, Moon and Stars tremble against the formation, but also Han Guangbei and the others who are responsible for manipulating the formation. Blood spit in his mouth and his breath continued to slump.

If it weren’t for Yu Haoran’s departure before leaving a large number of top-notch medicine pills that could quickly restore Origin Force and Soul Power, and repair the injuries of fleshhy body and Divine Soul, Han Guangbei and the others would have been forcibly shaken by the attack of a silver-haired old man dead.

However, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that Han Guangbei and the others have not been able to persist for a long time, and the defense formation of Sun, Moon and Stars may be broken at any time.

Therefore, Lan Rong will let a Commander of Martial Saint Grade 7 Peak temporarily replace himself to manipulate the Sun, Moon and Stars to defend the Formation. He personally came forward to persuade Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin to exit Fengrun City with Xiang Muling.

“Lan will, since Grand Prince Consort is the commander of the North Army, so as his wife, I have the responsibility and obligation to stay in Fengrun City and co-exist with the Hunted thousand brother of the North Army.”

Looking up at the eastern sky of the city, he was violently attacking the hundred powerhouses defending the Formation, Qin Lingfei said desperately.

“So, what does General Blue need to do now to increase the formidable power of the Defense formation and how to withstand enemy attacks, instead of wasting time to persuade me to leave.”

“Invisible Young Lady, please persuade Her Highness the Princess!”

Seeing Qin Lingfei’s unquestionable attitude, Lan Rong could only look at the gentleness of the sword without a trace.

He shook hands on the imperial realm top grade sword, then stood beside Qin Lingfei, and the sword replied without a smile.

“General Blue, respects the choice of elder sister seamlessly, and is willing to accompany her to live and die.”

“oh! ”

After hearing the same choice of Jian Wuzhen, Lan Rong couldn’t help but sighed, and then stepped toward the position of manipulating the defense formation of Sun, Moon and Stars.

However, when he regained control of the Formation, he took a bright red medicine pill from the storage ring.

Looking at the medicine pill made of fresh blood refinement, Lan Rong’s eyes flashed a hesitant expression.

Mad Desperate Heart Dan was an accidental gain from the treasure house of the City Lord Mansion when he led a large army to attack Qingfu City beyond a thousand miles from here.

The second-order Grade 1’s sickness devil, Heavenly Profound Continent’s top ten taboo medicine pill ranked second, can ignore the restrictions of any cultivation base and physique, and forcibly upgrade the martial artist’s two great realm within a short period of time. cultivation base.

For example, a martial artist who has just entered the Martial Apprentice realm, after taking the second-order Grade 1 madman, can have a cultivation base of the warrior Grade 1 Early-Stage for up to ten seconds.

For example, a master of Martial Sovereign Grade 9 Peak Realm can take up to 1 seconds after taking Grade 9 Mad Realm, not only can the cultivation base directly reach Martial Venerable Grade XNUMX Peak Realm, but he can also control it out of thin air. One of the simplest strengths of law.

Utilizing the medicine pill and cultivation reserved by Yu Haoran to realize jade slip and the deep accumulation of siege and siege during this period, Lan Rong actually has the strength to impact the top Martial Venerable realm.

It was only because Yu Haoran left Fengrun City temporarily that the lack of a powerhouse in the town led him to temporarily suppress the breakthrough of the cultivation base.

If you take the second-grade Grade 1 Mad Desperate Heart at this time, then by virtue of his own Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak extreme cultivation base and deep accumulation, he can have at least the second or third Demi-God realm. Cultivation base and strength.

At the same time, with the help of Yu Haoran’s attack formations using nine Divine Beast mountains, it is absolutely easy to kill the enemies of Martial Venerable, Martial Venerable, and Demi-God realm.

If it happens, it may even damage the silver-haired old man who can’t see through the cultivation base.

Of course, the second-order Grade 1 madman who can promote two great realm in a short time, the consequences of side effects are also quite serious.

After the medicine efficacy of the second-order Grade 1 mad monster Danxindan, the martial artist meridian and blood vessels taking medicine pill will break one by one, dantian and Shihai will collapse inch by inch, and internal organs will be corroded by little by little.

After seven days and seven nights of inhuman torture, eventually the fleshhy body and Divine Soul will be completely turned into a pool of sewage.

When Yu Haoran was not in Fengrun City, as Lan Rong of the Great General, he was the soul of the hundred thousand soldiers on the North Road, and everyone would pay close attention to his every move.

After seeing him take out the bright red medicine pill, and hesitation and decisiveness flashed from time to time, whether it is six generals such as Han Guangbei, or ordinary elite soldiers, the removal of the eyes also reveals that the expression can be used to stimulate the cultivation base and Strength, and will produce great side effects of medicine pill.

“Hurry up and attack!”

The silver-haired old man who originally had the mentality of watching a theater and attacked at will. When he saw the hundred thousand elite soldiers in the city, all of them were taken out to enhance the cultivation base and strength in a short time, which will have a great side effect afterwards. Dan Shi couldn’t help but face a sudden change of face, loudly instructed his subordinates who were attacking Sun, Moon and Stars defense Formation.

The silver-haired old man commanded that while letting a hundred Martial Venerable, Emperor Wu and Demi-God powerhouse frantically attack and defend the Formation, they also forced Lan Rong, who was still a little hesitant in his heart, and had to finally make a hard heart to swallow the second-order Grade 1 The madman is desperate.


However, when Lan Rong had just put Mad Desperate Heart Dan to his mouth and was going to swallow it directly, the ears suddenly heard the familiar stern reprimand.

At the same time as quickly smashing the madman’s heartbreaker, Lan Rong quickly looked up towards the side of Fengrun City.

Later, he saw the void in the east of the city that had been forcibly torn, and stepped out of Yu Haoran with a blushing complexion, and Yu Siqi and Murderous aura with a red-faced beast.

“All the soldiers obey orders!” After a cold glance at the silver-haired old man, Yu Haoran’s gaze turned to the hunted thousand elite soldiers of medicine pill who can temporarily improve the cultivation base and strength, but have serious side effects, His eyes were red with a loud command.

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