Huaiyu mountain range!

If the strongest attack by Yu Siqi and the Red-Beasted Beast is already threatened by Earth Book Artifact Spirit.

Then, with the full strength of Yu Haoran, combined with the strongest attack by Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword, the formidable power is strong enough to damage the Earth Book device and the body.

Therefore, Earth Book Artifact Spirit, which was repelled by Yu Siqi and Chiyanbei, felt the two powerful sword energy exerted by Yu Haoran, which contained enough terror power to damage themselves and the body. The power of the earth’s veins and the original energy used to resist the two red sword glows are not immediately drawn back.


It is considered to mobilize the power of all the ground veins stored in the cemetery, and then cooperate with the original energy of overdraft one third to resist the two red sword glows containing the mystery of Tower Spirit’s application.

Now, after extracting a part of the earth ’s vein power and the original energy, two red sword glows quickly break through the defense laid out by the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, while a red sword glow penetrates the Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul, and another red sword glow, It is a breath of Remnant Soul that directly penetrates the void of the mountain range, and then goes straight to the distant endless void.

At the same time, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, which draws back some of the power of the earth’s veins and the original energy, barely counts against the two powerful Sword Art performed by Yu Haoran with the help of Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword.

However, when he saw Yu Haoran, who was holding Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword in both hands, and intended to continue to perform the powerful Sword Art, he quickly raised his hand and asked loudly.

“Small friend, stop slowly, please listen to me!”

The previous attack could threaten Earth Book Artifact Spirit because the power of the earth veins he mobilized and the overwhelming source of energy were mostly used to resist Tower Spirit’s Sword Art with Yuan Tu and A Bi’s Divine Sword. This is to protect Remnant Soul of Zhen Yuanzi.

Today, Zhen Yuanzi ’s Remnant Soul has been destroyed. Without the need of the Earth Book Artifact Spirit to be protected, he can use the strength and defense of the top Innate Spirit Treasure. With the strength of his current Emperor Shipin perfect realm, it is not yet Earth Book Artifact. Spirit’s opponent.

So, after hearing the request from Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Yu Haoran quickly stopped the Sword Art being performed and then looked at each other indifferently.

“Xiaoyou, the sneak attack just was made by Zhenyuan Brother himself. It has nothing to do with my Artifact Spirit, and I don’t have any idea of ​​hurting him.”

Seeing Yu Haoran, who stopped casting Sword Art, Earth Book Artifact Spirit secretly relieved, he quickly expressed his attitude.

“Nothing malicious!”

After hearing the Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s statement, Yu Haoran couldn’t help sneering.

“Earth Book Artifact Spirit, if you have no malicious intentions against me, why did you just take a shot against the two red sword glow attacks?”

“Little friend, I have known each other since ancient times, and then after countless years of companionship, my relationship with Brother Zhenyuan has been a good teacher and friend.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s sneer question, Earth Book Artifact Spirit followed the original explanation.

“So, when Zhenyuan Brother Remnant Soul is facing the crisis of Life and Death, from emotions and from logic, I must help.”

“Earth Book Artifact Spirit, since the relationship between mentors and friends requires you to help, then the hatred with Zhen Yuanzi irreconcilable until death gives me reason to deal with you.”

Earth Book Artifact Spirit responded truthfully, although Yu Haoran was sincerely admired, but in order to get enough benefits in the future, he had to continue to pretend to be tough.

“Little friend, be that as it may, but you do n’t forget, I do n’t need to continue protecting the Zhenyuan brother Remnant Soul, it is not what you can handle.” Facing Yu Haoran’s tough attitude, Earth Book Artifact Spirit is full of Threatening self-confidence.

“Earth Book Artifact Spirit, be that as it may, but don’t forget, you don’t need to continue attacking the red sword glow of Zhen Yuanzi Remnant Soul, nor is it something you can resist.” Facing the threat of Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Yu Haoran is equally full of self-confidence.


Thinking of the two red sword glows that beheaded Zhen Yuanzi, the special rules contained in the mystery, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit face suddenly changed, but I do n’t know how to fight back the threat of Yu Haoran.

“Earth Book Artifact Spirit, if you want to save your life and continue to guard this special cemetery, then you must agree to my three conditions.” Seeing that the threat was almost the same, Yu Haoran expression reminded lightly Road.

“Yes, please tell me!”

Several times the power of the ground veins stored in the cemetery and the original energy of the second overdraft body make it difficult for the Earth Book Artifact Spirit to restore the strength of the Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak within a short period of time, nor can it resist the red sword containing special rules and mysteries glow.

So, in the face of the concession offered by Yu Haoran, Earth Book Artifact Spirit quickly nodded.

“In the first condition, except for the Innate Spirit Treasure Golden Shear that I got, the remaining Innate Spirit Treasure Binding Dragon Rope and Flying Smoke Sword belong to me as well.”

After holding out a finger, Yu Haoran began to make his offer.

Although the aggressive Innate Spirit Treasure is very precious, it can’t be compared with its own safety. Therefore, in the first condition proposed by Yu Haoran, Earth Book Artifact Spirit has no hesitant nodded consent.

“no problem!”

“The second condition is to lift the second seal on Fellow Daoist Cool Breeze, which will allow him to leave the shackles of fencing and break away from the restrictions of the cemetery.”

Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s agreeable attitude, not at all was beyond Yu Haoran’s surprise, and he continued with a second finger.


Facing the second condition proposed by Yu Haoran, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit suddenly hesitated.

Because Qingfeng is not only a direct disciple of Zhen Yuanzi, but also has the potential to become a Paragon powerhouse, he is also an Artifact Spirit specially cultivated after the cemetery is promoted. It is the most important piece of Zhen Yuanzi’s layout, and it is also important to not make mistakes easily. A ring.

Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s hesitant attitude did not exceed Yu Haoran’s surprise. He expressed indifferently that he could not change his attitude.

“Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Fellow Daoist Cool Breeze, when receiving me into the Taoist Temple and giving me a ginseng fruit, I promised him personally, to give him a chance to regenerate, I hope you will not let me go against my promise Oath. “


Yu Haoran explained in detail that Earth Book Artifact Spirit knew that the other party would never give in.

At the same time, considering the replaceability of the cemetery Artifact Spirit and its own safety, Earth Book Artifact Spirit finally nodded to agree with the second condition proposed by Yu Haoran.

“Third condition, I want to take away Ginseng Fruit Tree!”

Earth Book Artifact Spirit was able to give in a step back and let go of the Remnant Soul, allowing Yu Haoran to resist the sighed in relief. At the same time, he had a certain degree of confidence in the third condition proposed next.

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