Huaiyu mountain range!

Seeing Earth Book Artifact Spirit obeying Yu Haoran’s orders obediently, giving up the eighth destruction of Divine Thunder, the formidable power that had been weakened by 70%, Tower Secretly Secretly Secretly Releasing Divine Sword in the sea space.

If Earth Book Artifact Spirit refuses to surrender the Thunder Tribulation, then Tower Spirit will risk being discovered by everyone and use Yuan Tu Divine Sword to re-create the Earth Book Artifact Spirit. At the same time, Yu Haoran will regain the eighth path formed by the Thunder Tribulation. Destroy Divine Thunder.

After Yu Haoran used Soul Power’s condensed defensive formation, passed the eighth Thunder Tribulation, and accelerated to attract the essence of the thunder and lightning energy scattered in the sea space, Tower Spirit stole Yuan Tu Divine Sword, while the ten fingers Quickly condensed 36 marks.

Subsequently, the 36 imprints were quietly integrated into the soil of the roots of the Ginseng Fruit Tree under the blessing of the time and space energy of the domain tower.

“Will you be able to recover Valkyrie Realm before Yu Haoran breakthrough, it depends on the inferior opportunity of this time.”

Looking through the barriers of the sea space, Tower Spirit looked at the mud with 36 imprints, and his expression of anticipation and tension appeared in his eyes.

“Nearly, it is almost enough to impact the real realm of the tenth product of Emperor Wu!”

After absorbing all the subtle thunder and lightning energy scattered in the air, Yu Haoran can clearly feel the bottleneck of realm breakthrough.

At the same time, based on the sturdiness of the realm bottleneck, he was basically able to determine that what he felt was not the bottleneck of Valkyrie realm, so he could only have a successful realm bottleneck of Emperor Wu.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the black black cloud above his head, and at the thundering and converging Thunder Tribulation in the black black cloud, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a hesitant expression.

Because according to the feeling of realm’s bottleneck just now, he knows that he does not have the strength to directly impact the perfect realm of Wudi Shipin in a short time, but the reality is becoming more and more complicated, which makes him have to take the risk of breaking through.

After all, even Eternal Undying’s Spiritual God powerhouse has been able to officially appear in Heavenly Profound Continent. The strength of Emperor Wu and Demi-God realm can not only affect the specific trend of Heavenly Profound Continent, but also not have the absolute self-protection strength. .

Only when the cultivation base was promoted to the successful realm of Wudi Shipin, with the help of the fairy sword and Divine Sword, he was able to talk to and fight with Spiritual God, and he was able to maintain the strength of body protection and close friends.

Thinking of this, after hesitant expression was replaced by Yu Heoran, Yu Haoran looked up at the Earth Book Artifact Spirit order to resist the ninth Thunder Tribulation.

“Earth Book Artifact Spirit, Divine Thunder, the ninth destroyer. You only need to weaken 60% of your power!”

“Are you sure!” Asked a faint flash of light from the Earth Book’s spiritual eyes after hearing Yu Haoran’s order.

According to the practice of Thunder Tribulation punishment and the time for Thunder Tribulation to accumulate the amount of lightning power in the black clouds, Earth Book Artifact Spirit knows that the power of the ninth Thunder Tribulation will be tens of times greater than the sum of the previous eight Thunder Tribulations.

Even if he now uses the power of the earth’s veins that have been stored for countless years, there is no 100% confidence that he can safely withstand the ninth Thunder Tribulation.

Therefore, Yu Haoran’s initiative to strengthen himself to resist the power of Thunder Tribulation will shock the Earth Book Artifact Spirit, and at the same time, a little admiration will be felt inside.

“I confirm!”

There is still a distance between sensing the existence of a realm bottleneck and the bottleneck that has a real impact on realm.

Yu Haoran intends to ward off and absorb formidable power to destroy Divine Thunder, which is stronger, so that he can truly have the bottleneck that impacts realm, and then use the rewards after the Thunder Tribulation to break through the Emperor Wuping’s successful realm in one fell swoop.

Therefore, after receiving the confirmation of Artifact Spirit in a nodded response, Yu Haoran closed his eyes again and began to prepare to resist the last method of Thunder Tribulation.

The first is to take out. The 20th percentile has used dozens of magical artifacts in the level of sacredness and dignity to repair and upgrade the graded Ruyi Bell as the first line of defense against the last Thunder Tribulation.

Immediately afterwards, the Soul Power, which was nearly one third overdrawn, condensed a defense formation that reached the limit of formidable power, as a 2nd line of defense against the last Thunder Tribulation.

Finally, take out the nose Divine Sword from the domain tower as the third line of defense against the last Thunder Tribulation.

I also felt the Tower Spirit of the ninth Thunder Tribulation horror formidable power, and I wanted to persuade Yu Haoran not to take too much risk.

However, after seeing all the defensive measures he made, at the same time, he was slightly at ease, and probably already guessed why he took risks.

Although the destruction of Divine Thunder is deadly to Divine Soul’s body, with the dual protection of Yuta and Yuan Tu, he can also help Yu Haoran in a timely manner when he encounters a deadly danger.

Therefore, after the Tower Spirit extinguished the thought of persuasion, the whole god stared at the black black cloud alertly, staring at the final destruction of Divine Thunder that was about to come out of the black black cloud.

Perhaps it was because the previous eight Thunder Tribulations not only did not give Yu Haoran a tiny bit of damage, but instead enabled him to use advanced lightning energy to destroy Divine Thunder, and cultivated his base and strength by advanced by leaps and bounds.

It may also be because of the adventurous hands of Vermilion Bird and Earth Book Artifact Spirit that thoroughly angered Thunder Tribulation’s instinct.

The Thunder Tribulation energy that has been accumulated to the limit, not only has not arrived late, but has started to gather more and more black clouds and lightning energy from more distant places.

Soon, the accumulated energy of Thunder Tribulation in the black black cloud has exceeded the limit.

The terrifying breath emanating from the Thunder Tribulation exceeding the limit energy is no longer covered by the black clouds. This has caused the three Divine Beasts and Yu Siqi and the others who have retreated to the edge of the mountain range to continue to retreat several hundred. meters, counting 1000 meters, so that the distance to ten thousand meters is finally backed up.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the last Thunder Tribulation, the expression of anxiety appeared in the eyes of the red beast and Zhong Lishuize.

Even Yu Siqi, who is about to be promoted to be indifferent to realm, subconsciously clenched his fists, and his beautiful eyes stared at the dark Thunder Tribulation.

“The opportunity is coming!”

Looking at the black clouds that can no longer hide the breath of Thunder Tribulation, Azure Dragon and White Tiger glanced at each other and found that there was a touch of excited expression in their eyes.

“Although he was sheltered by Heaven and Earth, the fate of the son of fate is relatively hard, but he is not the Undying Body. I do n’t know if the Earth Book Artifact Spirit suddenly withdraws from the defense, the Emperor Yu Zhen can resist the last Thunder Tribulation attack. “

Unlike Azure Dragon and White Tiger in excitement, Black Tortoise Divine Beast was the first to focus on the Earth Book Artifact Spirit when feeling the Thunder Tribulation with formidable power getting stronger, and then there was a speculation of worry expression in his eyes.

“Damn bastard, this is going to * I’m desperate!”

Originally, with the power of countless ground veins accumulated in the cemetery, the Earth Book Artifact Spirit has 90% certainty, and can safely withstand the Thunder Tribulation that the lightning energy has accumulated to the limit.

Nowadays, in the face of Thunder Tribulation, when his power accumulation suddenly exceeds the limit, he is horrified to find that even if he consumes all the ground veins stored in the cemetery, even if he is struggling to suffer the heavy damage, it is difficult to resist Thunder Tribulation The last formation to destroy Divine Thunder.

So, after the fiercely cursing, a trace of hesitant expression flashed in the eyes of Earth Book Artifact Spirit.


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