Huaiyu mountain range!

With the imprint of Tower Spirit, under the blessing of the time and space energy of the domain tower, it successfully avoided the perception of everyone on the scene, and then quickly integrated into the Azure Lotus color formation flag, which was only the size of the formation flag, which instantly expanded to A huge formation flag that is enough to cover the entire Huaiyu mountain range.

Subsequently, the giant Azure Lotus treasure-colored formation flag directly greeted the fast-moving devastation Divine Thunder.


Along with the violent roar of the mountain range, the destruction of Divine Thunder continues to impact the defense of Azure Lotus’s formation flag, and the Azure Lotus formation flag continuously weakens the power of destroying Divine Thunder’s attack.

Regardless of the amount of lightning power destroyed or the strength of law of destruction, Divine Thunder’s damage to the Innate Spirit Treasure Azure Lotus formation flag is very great.

The banner that was enough to cover the entire Huaiyu mountain range, under the constant strikes to destroy Divine Thunder, quickly reduced one third.

“Yu Haoran, almost!” Waiting for Divine Thunder, the destruction flag of the Strikes Azure Lotus formation flag, to shrink from the thickness of the original finger to hair, Tower Spirit immediately reminded Yu Haoran.

“I see!” Sit back and bend down, Yu Haoran expression grave replied.


After everything was ready for Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit reached out to Azure Lotus’s formation flag and lightly shouted across the sea space.

Along with Tower Spirit’s soft drink, the Azure Lotus sapphire formation flag, which was originally one third in size, was quickly reduced to the size of a slap, and it directly avoided the remaining destroying Divine Thunder strikes.

Without the defense of Azure Lotus’s formation flag, Divine Thunder, a hair-sized ruiner, blasted directly at Yu Haoran.

took a deep breath, Yu Haoran did nothing to resist the destruction of Divine Thunder and banged in his head.

Immediately afterwards, a pain that caused Divine Soul to tear instantly, and a horror of death from within, made Yu Haoran’s face slightly twisted.

Fortunately, the Divine Soul of Wudi Grade 9 Peak Realm and tenacious perseverance allowed him to forcibly withstand the pain caused by the 90% weakened Thunder Tribulation while accelerating the destruction of the pure energy contained in Divine Thunder. .

After the first destruction of Divine Thunder formed by Thunder Tribulation completely disappeared, Yu Haoran took a closer look at the changes in his cultivation base after absorbing the power of Thunder Tribulation, and he could not help frowning.

By absorbing the energy of destroying Divine Thunder, the cultivation base itself has been improved, but the energy consumption of too much destruction of Divine Thunder Divine Thunder has limited the degree to which the cultivation base can be improved. That’s 108,000 li.

“Tower Spirit, the bombing power reserved by Divine Thunder for the 2nd Destruction Soul has been tripled.”

If you want to make your cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, and if you want to achieve the transformation of cultivation base and strength Heaven and Earth turning upside down with Divine Thunder, you must face formidable power to strengthen Thunder Tribulation, so Yu Haoran decided Changing Tower Spirit began with the Transcending Tribulation plan.

“Yu Haoran, are you sure?” Tower Spirit asked, frowning.

After agreeing to use the Thunder Tribulation formed by Divine Thunder to destroy the perfect realm of the ten emperors, Tower Spirit made a very detailed and reasonable Transcending based on his own understanding of Divine Thunder ’s formation of Thunder Tribulation for midable power. Tribulation plan.

In addition to the unpredictable Earth Book Artifact Spirit, the three innate Five Elements Formation flags, Yuan Tu and A Bi Er will resist Divine Sword’s eight to 90% of the attack power of the seven Destroyed Divine Thunder, and the remaining one to 20% of the attack. Power is handled by Yu Haoran alone.

In this way, he can ensure that he can successfully pass through the Thunder Tribulation and fully absorb the energy of destroying Divine Thunder, laying a solid foundation for the next imperial perfect realm.

One to 20% of the Thunder Tribulation power is the limit that Yu Haoran Divine Soul can withstand.

If Thunder Tribulation’s attack power exceeds the limit, it may directly hurt his Divine Soul, and then affect the impact of the Emperor Shipin perfect realm.

“Tower Spirit, I’m pretty sure.”

While nodded responded to Tower Spirit’s questioning, Yu Haoran looked up at the black clouds that were about to hit the 2nd Thunder Tribulation, and explained solemnly.

“Maybe it’s because my own foundation is too strong. The remaining XNUMX% of Divine Thunder’s devastating energy after a Thunder Tribulation attack has a very limited improvement in cultivation base.”

“Tower Spirit, I’m worried that the strength of destroying Divine Thunder by XNUMX% is not enough to complete the accumulation of realm before the impact, and it will eventually affect the breakthrough of the top ten perfect realm.”


For more than three years of acquaintanceship, Tower Spirit also knows Yu Haoran’s personality very well, knowing that although he is sometimes impulsive, he is very cautious when it comes to his safety.

He is willing to risk increasing the formidable power of the Thunder Tribulation attack, which means that he has enough confidence to resist the Thunder Tribulation, and at the same time, the energy to destroy Divine Thunder is really too scarce.

Therefore, at the same time that Azure Lotus’s formation flag defense was re-energized, Tower Spirit began to calculate the timing of removing the formation flag defense.

When seeing the Azure Lotus sapphire formation flag coping with the 2nd destruction of Divine Thunder by Thunder Tribulation, Earth Book Artifact Spirit immediately mobilized a large number of ground pulses, and also secretly inspired a part of the cemetery’s defense, preparing to intercept at any time intending to rely on instinctual awareness Escaping Azure Lotus color formation flag.

“Yu Haoran, are you ready?” When the 2nd Destruction Divine Thunder was weakened by nearly 70% of its power, Tower Spirit reminded grave while mobilizing the energy of the space and time of the body.


In response, Yu Haoran immediately placed the medicine pill, which had been prepared to treat Divine Soul, in his mouth and directly under the tip of his tongue.


Pointing to the Azure Lotus sapphire formation flag that is resisting Thunder Tribulation, the rapidly shrinking formation flag disappears in mid-air under the blessing of time and space energy, and then appears in the hands of Tower Spirit who knows sea and air.

Looking at the Azure Lotus sapphire formation flag that suffered too much damage at the origin of the ontology, Tower Spirit is long sighed in relief.

“Yi! What’s going on?”

Using the power of the ground vein and the defense of the cemetery to block the entire Earth Book Artifact Spirit in the mountain range of Huaiyu, facing the sudden disappearance of the Azure Lotus sapphire formation flag, his expression was bewildered.

Azure Lotus’s formation flag is just Magical Artifact that Innate Spirit Treasure is better at defense. It does not have the ability to shuttle in space and time, nor does Tower Spirit rely on the energy of space and time to achieve instant movement.

So, how did the Azure Lotus formation flag disappear?

With this in mind, the eyes of Earth Book Artifact Spirit immediately turned to Yu Haoran who successfully resisted the power of 2nd Thunder Tribulation, and used the energy of Thunder Tribulation to enhance the cultivation base.

“Must be the Purple Spirit Lord of the Seventh Innate Supreme Treasure, or the Ethereal Lord has arrived at the Heavenly Profound Continent in advance, and a certain adult secretly assisted the kid in front of him.”

Thinking of the strengths and methods revealed by Lord Purple and Lord Ethereum when Heaven and Earth first opened, Earth Book’s spiritual eyes flashed a dreadful expression.

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