Huaiyu mountain range!

“It’s hard to be a town cemetery, but there are still people who intend to use the horrific Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder to destroy the realm!”

After hearing Black Tortoise Divine Beast’s silent voice pointing out the origin of the horror, Vermilion Bird, who is more familiar with all kinds of Thunder Tribulation, couldn’t help frowning.

“Yu Haoran!”

After hearing Vermilion Bird’s speculation, Black Tortoise Divine Beast said almost without thinking.

“It must have been Pill Dao Pill Emperor Yu Haoran who used his own refined Thunderbolt to trigger the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder, which destroyed the Emperor Realm.”

At the moment when the Five Yuan Five Elements Formation method was cracked, the nine martial artists who broke into Zhenyuan’s cemetery were capable of refining the thunderbolt that caused the destruction of Divine Thunder, and it seemed that only Yu Haoran had the impact on the realm.

However, with Yu Haoran’s innate talent and potential, as well as his Pill Dao ability, it is not difficult to break through the bottleneck of the Emperor Wu Realm. There is no need to use the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder.

So, why did he do this?

Or what did he want from the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder?

The hearts of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise suddenly produced exactly the same questions.


Emperor Wu’s Grade 9 Peak Realm’s state of mind cultivation base, fleshhy body grade, Origin Force, and Soul Power have allowed Yu Haoran’s own accumulated thickness to reach the limit.

Therefore, when he chose his own cultivation base to impact Emperor Wudi ’s realm, the bottleneck of the cultivation base was like a bright moon, and it was directly broken at the touch of a finger. This also made his own cultivation base appear at an advanced speed of advanced by leaps and bounds. .

30% of the bells, from the realm of Wudi who entered the emperor first, reached Wudi Grade 1 Peak in one fell swoop.

Five minutes from the realm of Wudi Grade 1 Peak, he reached Wudi Grade 2 Peak in one fell swoop.

An hour later, from the real emperor of the Emperor’s Grade 6 Peak, he broke through the real emperor of the Emperor’s Grade 7 Early-Stage at the same time, and after only staying for less than five minutes, it directly impacted the realm of the Emperor’s Grade 7 Peak.

“A deep accumulation!”

Seeing that Yu Haoran only spent an hour, his cultivation base was promoted from the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak in a spurt of energy to the Emperor Wudi Grade 7 Peak Realm.

This made the knowledgeable Earth Book Artifact Spirit sigh from his heart.

After sighing, Earth Book Artifact Spirit looked up at the black dark clouds gathered from the foreign exchange in the cemetery, revealing a dignified and doubtful expression.

The dignity is because the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder is likely to cause irreparable damage to the newly upgraded graveyard defense. It may even damage the foundation of the cemetery, affecting Zhen Yuanzi’s plans for countless years.

The doubts are exactly the same as the doubts that emerged from the four Divine Beasts. That clearly has the innate talent and accumulation that impacted the Emperor Wu Realm, why should he provoke the Thunder Tribulation of nine deaths and still alive.

“Hong long long…!”

When Yu Haoran’s cultivation base just broke through the Emperor Wu’s Grade 8 Early-Stage, the black dark clouds gathered in the mountain range of Huaiyu began to sound a dull and depressed thunder.

“Three sisters, how about the Thunder Tribulation formidable power formed by Divine Thunder?” Feeling the increasing blackening of black clouds, the pressure on Divine Soul was increasing, and Black Tortoise Divine Beast’s eyes flashed with thought. expression.

“There are nine ways to destroy Divine Thunder formed by Thunder Tribulation, corresponding to the Divine Soul realm of Valkyrie Grade 1 to Grade 9.”

Looking at the black clouds that brought him a sense of depression, Vermilion Bird’s eyes had a dignified expression and a trace of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“With Yu Haoran’s current cultivation base and strength, there must be no doubt under Thunder Tribulation!”

“The formidable power reached Divine Thunder, the devastating soul interceptor of Valkyrie realm, and the Zhenyuan cemetery defense that Valkyrie Grade 9 Peak powerhouse could not break. Obviously, it has the power to impact the real emperor of Warrior, but it has provoked Thunder Tribulation, I know!”

Ignoring the judgment of Vermilion Bird taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, Black Tortoise Divine Beast frowned and analyzed and speculated, and finally guessed why Yu Haoran provoked Thunder Tribulation.

“Big brother, second brother, three sisters, I think the reason why Yu Haoran provoked the Thunder Tribulation formed by Divine Thunder, in addition to hoping that the Thunder Tribulation can open the Zhenyuan cemetery, I am also trying to directly impact the Emperor Grade 9 Peak Realm’s limits, and accumulate unlimited potential to impact Valkyrie realm in a short time. “


After hearing Black Tortoise Divine Beast’s analysis and speculation, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

As a family inherited from ancient times, the four guardian families have witnessed countless geniuses of monstrous talent level in the three periods, but have never seen or heard realm like Yu Haoran from Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak. After a breakthrough of the cultivation base, the monster genius of the Emperor Grade 9 Peak reached the limit.

Even the ancient Xingtian Paragon, known as the first demon genius in ancient times, even Zhen Yuanzi, who is as deep as the sea, and even the demonic beast emperor who is famous for his youth, are not as outstanding and dazzling as Yu Haoran.

Compared to the shock of Azure Dragon, White Tiger and Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise thought more about it.

Because he is proficient in Formation Dao and Shudao, he and several Old Ancestors in the family have used the Hetu Luo book left by the ancestors to make predictions, and found something vaguely recognized by all the top forces, as if with them The forecast results are biased.

Originally, Black Tortoise Divine Beast believed that their ability to practice realm was insufficient, which eventually led to speculative results, but from the performance of Yu Haoran since its birth, it seems that things are not what they and their family Old Ancestor agreed.

Thinking of this, Black Tortoise Divine Beast secretly glanced at Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird, and found that they were still in shock. They quietly took out a jade talisman and crushed it, looking towards the mountain range cemetery group. Expected a hint of expression.


“Yu Haoran, at most about ten minutes, the Thunder Tribulation formed by the destruction of Divine Thunder will come.”

When Yu Haoran just broke through the Emperor’s Grade 8 Early-Stage, he was paying attention to the towering spirit of the black black cloud, expression grave reminded him when he was relying on his strong accumulation, and the impact of the shift was higher.

“So, you must raise your cultivation base to Wudi Grade 9 Peak before the arrival of Thunder Tribulation, because only then can you have the opportunity to use the power of Thunder Tribulation’s bombardment and feedback to directly impact the successful realm of Wudi’s top ten products. “

After hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran looked up at the emptiness of Taoist temple, his eyes revealed a dignified expression.

Although it is isolated from the dual space barriers of Taoism and the cemetery, the sight and devotion cannot see the black dark clouds converging in the mountain range, but as a Transcending Tribulation who caused the Thunder Tribulation to come, he can still clearly feel the existence of black dark clouds, black Dark clouds are about to accumulate Thunder Tribulation energy to the limit.

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