Inside the mountain range where the White Tiger family is located!

“White Tiger, asking for four ginseng fruits is a request made by three adults, so I just look at the results and don’t ask the process.!”

Before White Tiger explained the words, he was directly interrupted by discipline and warned sternly.

“If you don’t complete the task that the three adults gave you, then the four of you Divine Beast will explain it to the adults.”

After leaving a stern warning, Ji Xing took out a simple color charm, then crushed it in front of White Tiger and Bai Moyuan, and quickly disappeared into the hall.

“Tiger, surname Ji …!”

At the moment when Ji Xing disappeared, his face was instantly white and silent, expression was quite unwilling to say something, but was stopped by White Tiger’s sharp eyes.


Then, White Tiger stepped out of the hall and growled at the depths of the mountain range.

“Woo …! Woo …!”

With the deafening roar of White Tiger, the same mountain-wide roar immediately echoed from the depths of the mountain range.

“Since, while we were in town Yuanyuan Cemetery, you and the patriarch of the Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise family did one thing …!”

Taking advantage of the roaring sounds that rang through the sky from the depths of the mountain range, White Tiger quietly instructed to Bai Moyuan with his divine thoughts.

“As long as you can successfully complete this matter, then in the future we will not only be able to capture the luck of the son of Jixing’s destiny, but also be able to completely kill the consciousness of the sky and get rid of the suppressed fate.”

“Tiger, Mo Yuan promises to complete the task!” Bai Mo Yuan, who clenched his fists, promised emotionally.


Graveyard XNUMX, Scriptures Pavilion!

After dropping an azure jade slip in his hand, Yu Haoran sighed with expression of clear comprehension.

“No wonder I haven’t been able to sense the bottleneck of Pill Dao Pill God realm. Originally, my training direction deviated, and some opportunities were turned upside down.”

“Yu Haoran, is there any way to break through Pill Dao Pill God’s realm now?” I was also reading the Tower Spirit that Zhen Yuanzi left behind, and when I heard Yu Haoran’s sigh, I asked with anticipation.

“Not yet!”

shook the head, Yu Haoran expression explained calmly.

“Tower Spirit, after reading the Pill Dao cultivation insight left by Zhen Yuanzi just now, I found that all the auxiliary path of cultivation are actually inextricably linked to Martial Dao.”

“Breakthrough of the auxiliary path of cultivation can increase the speed of Martial Dao cultivation.”

“Conversely, the promotion of Martial Dao realm will also affect the speed of auxiliary path of cultivation.”

“So, if I want to be successfully promoted to Pill Dao Pill God realm, I must break through the Emperor Wu Realm as soon as possible, otherwise, I would be practicing for ten years and XNUMX years, and I would never mind the bottleneck of Pill Dao Pill God realm.”

“Yu Haoran, anyway, your own accumulation has reached the limit, and you have the strength of direct real Emperor Shipin perfect realm.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, and then combining with the actual situation, Tower Spirit suddenly realized that.

“At the same time, the Qi of Earth Vein gathered by the Earth Book Artifact Spirit to help improve the effect of realm breakthrough is not lost in the Qi of Black and Yellow of the Prince Consort Mansion. You might as well take the opportunity to choose the Emperor Realm’s breakthrough . “

“Tower Spirit, I will choose to perform the breakthrough of Wudi Realm in Taoist Temple, but the time for breakthrough has not yet arrived.”

Yu Haoran shook his head to reject Tower Spirit’s proposal, and also spoke out his own ideas.

“Why?” Tower Spirit asked, puzzled.

“must not be reveled !”

After mysterious and secretive response, Yu Haoran stepped to the position of the Scriptures Pavilion 2nd Layer hall, sitting on a futon placed in front of her knees, and then closed her eyes carefully to consolidate in the realm of the Grand Grandmaster who was unconsciously promoted.

“Yu Haoran, your martial arts promotion to the Great Grandmaster realm!”

Tower Spirit, who has not been aware of the changes in Yu Haoran’s breath, discovered the difference in the breath of the other side when he began to consolidate the realm after the breakthrough, and asked with a hint of doubt.

“What do you mean by breakthrough? What kind of opportunity made you break through?”


While consolidating the breakthrough realm, Yu Haoran said gratefully.

“When I looked at the third cultivation left by Zhenyuan Senior and realized the jade slip, I accidentally triggered the fuxi gossip chart of the sea. This made me better understand the fuxi gossip chart, and also directly led to the realm Promotion and breakthrough. “

“Yu Haoran, do you postpone the breakthrough of the Emperor Wu realm, is it directly related to the breakthrough of the realm?”

Yu Haoran’s detailed introduction to the realm breakthrough of Taoism made Tower Spirit immediately aware of the idea of ​​delaying realm breakthrough he just mentioned.


While responding, Yu Haoran looked up at the roof of the Scriptures Pavilion 2nd Layer and said with anticipation.

“If the picture I saw during the realm breakthrough was correct, then this time I will get unimaginable benefits.”

Afterwards, Yu Haoran closed her eyes and began to grasp the realm after the breakthrough.


“Zla …!”

With the void in Huaiyu mountain range, a torn sound came, and five powerhouses exuding horror came out from the cracks in the void.

“This is the graveyard that Zhen Yuanzi built for himself before the ancient ruins!”

Looking at the 36 identical tombs in the mountain range, five powerhouses emitting terror, one in a white robe and holding a duster, like an old man with white hair and white beard like Divine Immortal, said with a hint of complex expression.

“Senior Brother, do we act now, or are we waiting for the arrival of the guardian family Valkyrie powerhouse?” Asked a man in a black clothed robe standing beside him, ignoring the sigh of the white-haired white old man.

“Chengzhi Junior Brother, you and I are both Spiritual Gods of Valkyrie Realm. You don’t have to jealous of a grave left by a dead person, and immediately start working.” A wave of dust, instantly replaced the complex expression of instructed.

“How do we do Senior Brother?” Cheng Zhi asked slowly raising his left palm.

“Destroy the first grave on the western edge of the mountain range directly. Poor Daoist wants to take a look and see what kind of treasure left behind by Zhen Yuanzi.” The whistle of my hand was instructed by the grave group below .

“Look at me!”

After being instructed by our bank, Cheng Zhi, who had already raised his palm, suddenly shot himself against the grave on the edge of the mountain range.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible palm force shattering the surrounding void, blasted heavily towards the edge of the mountain range grave.


After the invisible palm force was retaken in the first grave, a deafening roar sounded.

However, imagine that the tomb was not broken at all, and Cheng Zhi’s method was blocked by a gray mask on the surface of the tomb.

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