Huaiyu mountain range, Taoist Temple!

“Fellow Daoist can rest assured that Yu knows how important he is, and he will not do his own thing.”

With the example of Earth Book Artifact Spirit’s powerful beheading of the White Tiger family’s most powerful house, Yu Haoran dare not easily risk it.


After receiving the assurance from Yu Haoran, Qingfeng resumed his special technique of smiling, opened the door to the Scriptures Pavilion, and waved his hand to indicate that he could enter the Scriptures Pavilion.

“Fellow Daoist, I don’t know how long I can stay at the Scriptures Pavilion?”

Walking to the door of the Scriptures Pavilion, Yu Haoran stopped suddenly when he stepped across the threshold, expression asked indifferently.

“Or to be precise, how long can I stay in Taoism?”

“The daoist brother, the teacher, has a bright temperament, and loves the world’s heroes, such as the daoist brother who is rarely seen in the world. He can freely enter and leave the Taoist temple and stay freely.” As if guessing Yu Haoran’s mind, Qingfeng replied with a smile.

“Many thanks for the notification from Fellow Daoist!”

After saying thank you, Yu Haoran stepped into the Scriptures Pavilion, and then the door of the Scriptures Pavilion closed tightly.

Looking at the slowly closing scriptures pavilion door, breeze revealed a look of expression.

But when he saw the grey book flashing under the Scriptures Pavilion, his eyes immediately returned to the expression of indifference, and then he turned away from the Scriptures Pavilion.


Inside the mountain range where the White Tiger family is located!

At this moment, the patriarchs of the four guardian families, the patriarchs of the five hermit inheritance families, and the sects of the seven top sects sit on rosewood chairs on either side of the hall.

At the center of the hall, a white tiger with white hair was crawling on Dragon Throne with a body of about two meters.

The sharp tiger’s eyes glanced at the crowd in the hall, and the White Tiger opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

“Before three hours, nine generations of clansman of the White Tiger family Bailu lineage, whether it was the Old Ancestor of Valkyrie Grade 4 Peak Realm, or a baby just born three days ago, a total of seven people were accidentally killed. “

Except for the patriarch of the White Tiger family and the Lord of the Void Jade Palace Heavenly Palace, the eight other patriarchs and the gate Sect Masters were all expression mutations after hearing White Tiger’s heavy introduction.

The patriarch from the other three guardian families, in particular, stood up abruptly, his eyes showing a strong murderous aura.

“Master Tiger God, who is the murderer?” Qi, a patriarch from the Qing Long Family tribe, asked Roar in a low voice.

“Artifact Spirit of Earth Book!” Staring Ao Cangsheng with an angry expression, White Tiger replied word by word.

After hearing the White Tiger’s word-by-word reply, except for the White Tiger family patriarch and the closed-eyed Void Jade Palace Heavenly Palace, the patriarch of the inheritance family and the top-level Sect Master all All stood up.

Among them, the patriarch from the Lan family is also the patriarch brother Lan Jingrong who was beheaded by Tower Spirit, slightly questioning frowns.

“Master Tiger God, according to the clansman report from my Lan Family responsible for exploring the Zhen Yuanzi cemetery, it seems that the cemetery defense formation damaged by the Dongfang Family tribe’s Eastern Huaiyun has been completely reopened and the possibility of continuing to open has been completely cut off.”

“How could the re-disappeared Earth Book Artifact Spirit appear? How could he possibly kill the clansman of your White Tiger family without a sneak attack?”

Lan Jingrong’s questioning was immediately attached to the majority of patriarch and Sect Master at the scene. Only Zhongli Family’s patriarch Zhong Li Qing Duan sat silently there.

“Blue patriarch is right!”

Faced with the skepticism of the crowd at the scene, White Tiger nodded without any anger.

“Under normal circumstances, if the five-element Five Elements Formation method cannot be cracked in a spurt of energy, it will cause the cemetery to completely disappear under the condition that the Formula is restored.”

Immediately after, White Tiger’s voice turned, and the voice continued with a touch of shock.

“But what the absolute god did not expect was that Yu Haoran, the Prince Consort from the Great Qin Empire in the Southern Territory, relied on the strength of the Formation Dao Zhendi Peak to re-break the five-element Five Elements Formation method to restore the state and let the town veterans Er’s graveyard is born again. “

Having said that, White Tiger’s eyes turned to sit on a rosewood chair, and Zhong Li Qingyang, who had been silent for a long time.

“At this moment, our three guardians, Demi-God Elder and the powerhouse of the Zhongli Family, have entered the cemetery.”

Facing the attention of the White Tiger and the crowd, Zhong Li Qingyang nodded.

“Master Tiger God is right, my son Mizusawa is at the graveyard of Zhen Yuanzi at this moment.”

After being confirmed by Zhong Li Qingyang, everyone at the scene couldn’t help but get excited.

Ginseng Fruit Tree, one of the three spirit roots in ancient times, Spirit Tree contains the most mysterious laws of life and death.

If you can cultivate under Spirit Tree, you will not only be able to easily understand the laws of life and death, but you will also be able to grasp the mysteries of the two strength of Law as soon as possible, and assist in the promotion of Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm.

Ginseng Fruit Tree The condensed ginseng fruit is still the top Spirit Fruit that condenses the essence of Heaven and Earth and brings endless air to the land.

Not only can ginseng fruit greatly improve the potential and understanding, but also can make the physique shedding body, exchanging bones, and it can also help promote Eternal Undying’s warrior realm.

The Earth Book, the earth’s membrane of ancient times, the topmost existence of Innate Spirit Treasure, has a very powerful defense, can resist the attacks of the powerhouse in the Paragon Realm, can be said to be Heavenly Profound Continent’s most perfect and without blemish’s defense Magical Artifact.

As long as the Ginseng Fruit Tree and Earth Book left by Zhen Yuanzi can be obtained, then there is great hope to survive the destruction of ancient, ancient and modern times, and the destruction caused by the accumulation of destruction forces to the limit.

At this time, if it was not the White Tiger of Dragon Throne in the lobby, all the inheritance families patriarch and sect Sect Masters at the scene would have returned to their respective forces, and then they would convene enough staff to fight the cemetery left by Zhen Yuanzi.

“Everyone, after the means and strength demonstrated by the Earth Book Artifact Spirit during the beheading of my White Tiger family clansman, my deities calculated that the Earth Book Artifact Spirit should not have suffered the effects of the ancient and modern era’s destruction, and still retain the same as Valkyrie. Grade 9 Peak. “

Ignoring the absentmindedness of the crowd, White Tiger continued.

“So, I gathered you all this time with only one purpose. It was to abolish the agreement of the gods to remain invisible in advance, and then battle Zhen Yuanzi’s cemetery in the Peak state to kill the Artifact Spirit of Earth Book.”

After hearing the White Tiger’s proposal, everyone at the scene immediately moved their hearts, and their eyes turned directly to the main trip of Heavenly Palace at Void Jade Palace.

Since entering the parliament hall, except when hearing White Tiger’s mention of Yu Haoran’s five-element Five Elements Formation, which was able to crack the restored state, Ji Xing’s hands on the armrests were clenched tightly. No opinions were expressed.

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