The edge of Huaiyu mountain range!

When the ethereal rat came quickly and revealed that it could not only restrain and devour the ghosts and ghosts, but also control their intellect, Yu Haoran already had the powerhouse in the heart to use the ghosts and ghosts to deter the guardian family and the inheritance powerhouse from the remaining powerhouse. Idea.

After all, the dozens of powerhouses remaining on the scene are not only mostly the cultivation base of the Demi-God realm, but everyone also has a special secret technique and Magical Artifact.

Otherwise, they would not be able to persist under the chase of the Wraith and the Beast.

Therefore, when seeing that Eastern Huaiyun with sudden temperament turned out to be controlled by his ancestor Remnant Soul, he not only used the ghost soul beast to rescue Eastern Huaiyun, but also planned to kill the chicken to warn the monkey , Completely shocked the crowd at the scene to facilitate his next treasure hunt.

When seeing the Wraith Beast under the command of the white mouse, he stood up tremblingly and rushed towards himself, expressing fear expression in Dongfang Yilan’s eyes.

As the top-level Formation powerhouse in ancient times, she has not only personally experienced the process of destruction in ancient times, but has also personally dealt with the Wraith Beast.

Regarding the cruelty and mightiness of the Wraith Beast, she doesn’t know as much as those powerhouses who died tragically in the Wraith Beast.

But as the powerhouse of Valkyrie Peak Realm in ancient times, she has experienced numerous trials between Life and Death, and her powerful mentality cultivation base calmed her down quickly, and her rich combat experience immediately made her think of a solution.

Raising his left hand quickly and pressing on his forehead, Dongfang Yilan expressed a severe threat.

“Boy, stop the Wraith and Beast immediately, otherwise, I’ll kill Divine Soul of Huaiyun in the East.”

Dongfang Yilan actually threatened Yu Haoran with her daughter and the life of her Bloodline junior, and Dongfang Zhixiang’s eyes flashed a terrible cold.

Then, taking advantage of Dongfang Yilan’s attention, he quietly took out a simple color charm while placing Yu Haoran and the Wraith Beast, and then slowly approached Dongfang Yilan.

Facing the threat of Dongfang Yilan, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but complexion changed, his eyes flashed a flustered expression.

Of course, with his rich combat experience, how could he not have thought of this beforehand!

The change of face and panic just now are just disguise, just a means to confuse Dongfang Yilan so that she can completely relax her vigilance.

After all, the speed of the Wraith Soul Beast is not as fast as the Remnant Soul who stays in the east to understand the sea.

Only if Dongfang Yilan’s Remnant Soul completely gives up his vigilance, then the second ghost of the ghost who hides in the dark ahead of time will have the opportunity of sneak attack.

Soon, Yu Haoran found that his well-planned plan would not work.

Because when Tower Spirit revealed that the spell that Dongfang Zhixiang had just taken out was still the top soul-seal amulet and was able to settle Divine Soul of the realm powerhouse of Valkyrie, he knew his intention.

“Boy, fight me Yun Fairy, you are still too tender …!”

When seeing the panic that Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed, Dongfang Yilan suddenly showed off in arrogance.

But at this time, Dongfang Zhixiang suddenly stretched out her left hand holding the charm, and Fengfengmu quickly affixed to her temple, making her show off words stop immediately.

“Start!” At the moment Dongfang Zhixiang used the Soul Seal to anchor Dongfang Yilan Remnant Soul, Yu Haoran was immediately instructed against the ethereal rat.

“zhi zhi !”

With the cry of the ethereal rat zhi zhi, the ghostly beast hidden under the white rock in advance appeared instantly at the feet of Dongfang Yiyun, and then directly integrated into her within the body.

In just two seconds, a ghostly beast with a terrifying spirit emerged from within the body of Huaiyun in the East.

“zhi zhi !”

While using Remnant Soul of Valkyrie Realm to achieve the advanced advanced by leaps and bounds of the Wraith Soul Beast, ready to show off one’s military strength, the squeak of the ethereal rat screamed, letting it immediately gather the terror, Climbing tremblingly on the white rock.

“Come on!” Thinking of myself being forcibly stepped back by terror, Yu Haoran, who appeared on the white rock, expressed an unpleasant yell at the ghostly beast crawling on the rock.

Perhaps it was because Yu Haoran was in the spirit of an ethereal rat. When facing his reprimand, the Wraith Beast immediately obediently rolled down the rock, which also made the four powerhouses guarding the family unable to resist complexion changed.

Take off the soul seal that is affixed to the temple of Huaiyun in the east, directly reach for her forehead, and then mobilize the mind to enter her space of understanding the sea.

“Senior brother Yu, sorry!”

When Yu Haoran ’s divine thought entered the space of understanding the sea, and the body was condensed, the voice of an apology from the Eastern Huaiyun immediately came to his ear.

“Stupid girl, when your mind is able to grasp the fleshhy body, you didn’t tell me about my own condition!” Looking at the Eastern Huaiyun who used the consciousness to transform her body, watching her with shame, Yu Haoran felt that Angry, and a little distressed reproach.

Facing Yu Haoran’s blame, Dongfang Huaiyun flashed a little self-blame while lowering his head and not knowing what to say.

This is how powerful the Eastern Relanant Soul is. As the Formation powerhouse of the Realm of Formation Dao, if it is not for her permission, it is impossible for the other party to enter her space of knowledge.

But the truth is!

The other party not only successfully entered the space of knowledge of the sea, but also caused the disaster of Xia Taotian, and even almost harmed her.

The reason was her selfishness.

Because she wanted to use Dongfang Yilan, the ancestor who had infinitely close to the Formation Dao Paragon Realm, to make her Formation realm and strength far better than Yu Haoran, and then retaliate in the eyes of her original breakthrough Formation Dao Realm He said goodbye.

Although Dongfang Huaiyun did not explain why he was under the control of his ancestor Remnant Soul, he had an experienced Tower Spirit around him, and he basically knew why the other party did it.

In this regard, Yu Haoran, who knows his faults, really does not know what to say, and can only be instructed with a sigh.

“Yuner, after consciousness returns to the ontology, you don’t say anything, you don’t have to do anything, and let me handle all the troubles.”

“Senior brother Yu, I …!”

Thinking of the madness of himself and his ancestor Remnant Soul, the four guardian families, the five hermit inheritance families and Void Jade Palace suffered heavy losses.

Thinking of the need for Yu Haoran to face the blame of more than a dozen top powerhouses at the same time, Dongfang Huaiyun felt guilty and blameless what he wanted to say, but was stopped by Yu Haoran shaking his head.

Afterwards, Shen Nian left Dongfang Huaiyun’s space of understanding the sea, and withdrew the palm resting on her forehead, Yu Haoran signaled to Dongfang Zhixiang nodded.

“Patriarch don’t worry, Yuner is fine!”

Immediately after, he jumped off the white rock and walked to the four powerhouses guarding the family.

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