Huaiyu mountain range edge!


The jade fingers, which were quickly showing their seals, paused. Dongfang Huaiyun turned to glance at the Formation Powerhouse of the Black Tortoise family, and the expression of mild nodded confirmed.

“Junior’s method of lifting the ban just now is exactly the nine reversal styles originally created by the ancestor Dongfang!”

After being confirmed by Dongfang Huaiyun in person, the Formation powerhouse face of the Black Tortoise family flashed an expression of surprise immediately, and then he quickly turned his head to the other three most powerhouse nodded standing in the void.

Subsequently, the three most powerful powerhouses from the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird clan appeared beside the white rock.

After a brief divine exchange with the three most powerful powerhouses of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Vermilion Bird families, the Formation powerhouse from the Black Tortoise family arched his hands and proposed to the Eastern Huaiyun.

Jie Di Yuan Ke Qing Sun Shu You Yang

“Huaiyun Young Lady, if you don’t want to abandon it, after you lift the five-element Five Elements Formation method of Huaiyu mountain range, you can choose to cooperate with our four guardian families to jointly dig the secret of Huaiyu mountain range.”

After hearing the proposal of the Black Tortoise family’s Formation powerhouse, the eyes of many powerhouses on the scene immediately showed envy and envy expressions, and even Dongfang Zhixiang’s eyes also showed a touch of expression.

After all, the four guardian families are so powerful that everyone at the scene can say that no one knows or knows that they can be protected by the guardian’s personal promise, and the anticipation of Huaiyu mountain range can be said to be at your fingertips.

Turning his head and glancing at Yu Haoran, Dongfang Huaiyun flashed a proud expression, then faced the Formation Powerhouse nodded to the Black Tortoise family, and then said his condition.

“August two!”

“All the gains of Huaiyu mountain range, your four guardian families occupy 80%, and my Dongfang Family clan accounts for 20%.”

After hearing Dongfang Huaiyun’s request, the Black Tortoise family’s Formation powerhouse agreed directly with nodded.

“Okay, according to the 20-XNUMX% yield rate proposed by Huaiyun Young Lady.”

After hearing the cooperation agreement reached between the Black Tortoise family’s Formation powerhouse and Oriental Huaiyun, Yu Haoran felt extremely upset in his heart, forcibly suppressing the shock of the Bloodline inheritance between the Dongfang Family and Unreal Paragon, and immediately asked Tower Spirit who knew the sea. , Whether the method of reversing the nine-type lifting of ban created by Unreal Yuanshi Paragon can break the five-element Five Elements Formation laid out by Zhenyuan Great God.

“Yu Haoran, rest assured!”

Facing Yu Haoran’s worries, Tower Spirit immediately smiled and relieved.

“Unless it was Unreal Yuanshi Paragon’s own shot, otherwise, with Dongfang Huaiyun’s current Formation Dao realm, it would be giving her ten years and eight years, and she would never expect to break through the nine-type method of lifting the ban and be broken by Zhen Yuanzi gave the transformed five-element Five Elements Formation method. “

After hearing Tower Spirit’s relief, Yu Haoran secretly relieved, while staring at Huaiyun Dongfang, showing a scornful mockery.

At the same time, Dongfang Huaiyun, who was able to reach a cooperation agreement with the four guardian families, had eyes full of pride, matching Yu Haoran’s eyes.

After seeing a hint of ridicule in Yu Haoran’s eyes, the Eastern Huaiyun, which was instantly irritated, immediately accelerated the speed of the ten-finger print, intending to use the results of the five-element Five Elements Formation method to crack the red fruit in a short time. Guo’s slap Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran, no one knows exactly how many traps Zhen Yuanzi incorporated into the Five Elements Five Elements Formation method, or whether the reversal of the Nine Forms performed by Oriental Huaiyun will touch those traps.”

After the relief, Tower Spirit suddenly thought about Zhen Yuanzi’s sinister and treacherous nature, and quickly proposed to Yu Haoran.

“So, for security reasons, I think you’d better take Siqi and Red Tired Beast away from the edge of the mountain range for a while.”

“Brother, can you temporarily stop your inner calling now?”

At the same time as Tower Spirit’s suggestion, a warning came from Yu Haoran’s sixth sense, which made him unable to bear his face to change slightly, and immediately used the divine thoughts to interrupt the process of red hated beast’s inner call.


No matter how hard you try to sense, you can’t increase the connection with the Supreme Treasure in the mountain range, so even without Yu Haoran’s interruption, he also decided to give up the action of continuing to sense.

“Red brother, the next five-element Five Elements Formation method may be changed. We’d better stay away from the edge of the mountain range immediately to avoid suffering from delusion.” Yu Haoran immediately reminded with a happy heart after receiving a reply from Red Beast. .

“Okay!” While nodded responded, Chiyanju straightened up.

Hou Ke far away hated by Yang Xianyang

Ignoring the doubtful gaze of the crowd at the scene, Yu Haoran took the red beast and Yu Siqi directly away from the location of ten thousand meters on the edge of Huaiyu mountain range, and then quietly observed the change of Huaiyu mountain range.

As the Eastern Huaiyun accelerated the speed of the ten-finger prints, the original calm mountain range of Huaiyu gradually appeared numerous white mists.

With the white mist emerging from the mountain range, the 36 connected peaks gradually began to move. This made the four powerhouses of the four guardian families and the powerhouse eyes close to XNUMX on the scene. Expression of surprise.

After all, the powerhouses of the four guardian families have not yet officially begun to drive out the crowd.

As long as the moment when the Formula is lifted, directly rush into the Huaiyu mountain range, no matter what kind of inferior opportunities are obtained afterwards, presumably the powerhouses of the four guardian families will not say much.

“Ao …!”

At the scene, everyone was expecting that Dongfang Huaiyun could successfully lift the five-element Five Elements Formation method. From the thick white mist of Huaiyu’s mountain range, five deafening sounds of pure loneliness suddenly came.

After hearing the sound of pure dragonine, the eyes of the vast majority of powerhouses on the scene directly turned to the most powerhouse from the Qing Long Family.

“The five elements of the five elements, the giant dragon, have reached the realm of Demi-God.” Listen carefully to the pure dragon sound from the mountain range fog. The expression from the powerhouse of the Qing Long Family is slightly dignified. Said.

“Huaiyun Young Lady, what’s going on?”

The five-headed grade giant dragon, which reaches the Demi-God realm of three calamities, does not pose any threat to the four guardian families, but it is obviously different from the normal case of cracking the Formula.

Therefore, the Formation powerhouse from the Black Tortoise family couldn’t help but frowned and questioned.

“The five-element Five Elements Formation method intercepts the mysteries of five directions in the southeast, northwest, and northwest, and then blends into the essence of the Five Elements element, which can finally completely block an independent space.”

Facing the interrogation of the Black Tortoise family’s Formation powerhouse, expression Huaiyun, who hasn’t changed at all, according to Yu Haoran’s introduction to the five yuan and five places Formation, combined with the gains from her cracking process, she replied with confidence.

“If you want to crack the Five Elements Five Elements Formation method, you must eliminate the essence of Five Elements elements that are integrated into the five elements. So the sound of the dragon’s ear just now is the symptom of the Formation crack.”

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