Qinghu mountain range!


Facing the blue robe white haired old man’s gentle command, the elegant young man expressed indifferent nodded.

Later, he directly appeared on the ground where Lan Family patriarch and gray robed old man were beheaded. After sitting directly on the knees, the same ten fingers began to print quickly.

But unlike the seal of Dihua, the mark not at all made by Tianteng blends into the surrounding void, but just floats in front of him.

By the time the ten-finger mark reached nine, Tianteng’s hands were suddenly lightly shouted.


With the light drinking of the sky, the nine seals quickly merged together, and then gradually became a smooth mirror surface. The mirror surface slowly appeared the pictures of the blue family patriarch and gray robed old man, which also made the volley float. The eyes of the eight powerhouses revealed a hint of surprise expression.

But everyone’s surprise expression not at all persisted for too long, and was interrupted by a special energy that appeared on the mirror in a vacuum.

The special energy that appears in the realm out of thin air, at a speed that is not as fast as cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell, directly erases the two silhouettes that appear on the mirror.

Facing the two silhouettes that disappeared in the mirror, the eight powerhouse eyes floating in the air in the volley immediately revealed an angry expression.

But Tianteng’s complexion didn’t change at all. His hands that had just been folded were quickly separated, and then the ten fingers continued to mark as fast as lightning, and the mark formed into the mirror.

After condensing the imprint of Eighteen’s integration into the mirror, Tian Tianchangsong breathed a sigh of relief, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

After a short time, I love Sun Xue to pick up the cold house

“Teng Teng, who is the murderer?” Seeing Tian Teng’s smile appearing on his face, he turned to appear in front of him in a blue clothed robe white haired old man, expressing anxious questioning.

“Great Elder, wait a minute!”

Looking up at the old man in the blue clothed robe, Tian Teng stretched out his slender white hand, and patted it against the mirror in front of him.

Later, a rippled surface appeared, and a silhouette showing a slightly illusory shadow slowly emerged.

Although the silhouette appearing on the mirror is too bleak to truly see his appearance, the four pairs of clean Bai Yu wings spread behind him make the blue robe white haired old man unable to resist the curse of gnashing teeth.

“Damn Divine Race is a mess, the old man must give you a million pieces!”

Sun Ke Qiu Ke Ghost Ship Hate by Leng Qiu Yu Fang

Looking at the Divine Race powerhouse illusory shadow appearing on the mirror, a young man wearing an azure gown in the air, flashed a hint of doubtful expression.

After the Sun Ke Qiu Ke ghost ship hated Leng Qiu Yu Fang ignored Lan Guanghui’s explanation of reparations, after standing up to the heavens coldly snorted, expression said indifferently to the blue robe white haired old man.

Then he appeared directly beside the blue robe white haired old man, slightly reminding the frowns.

“Great Elder, Tianteng Elder, and the ancient Fiendgod family have been resealed by the Four Guardian Clan and Yu Haoran some time ago.”

“So, how did this Divine Race powerhouse break through the seal and leave the ancient god trial ground, and how it suddenly appeared in the Qing Lake mountain range, and it did not have any consequences for the sneak attack patriarch.”

After hearing the reminder from the man in azure clothes, the blue robe white haired old man couldn’t help but fall into thought, but the elegant temperament of his eyes showed a trace of unpleasant rhetoric.

“Lan Longhui, are you questioning the result of my methodological calculations?”

After hearing Tianteng’s unpleasant questioning, Lan Longhui’s eyes flashed a moment of confusion immediately, and he immediately knelt down on one knee to make atonement.

“Tengteng Elder, don’t get me wrong, Longhui has absolutely no meaning.”

“hmph! ”

Ignoring the explanation of Lan Guanghui’s atonement, after standing up and standing coldly snorted, expression said indifferently to the blue robe white haired old man.

“Great Elder, since you don’t believe in the results of my Ascension calculations, it doesn’t make any sense for me to stay here.”

“So Tianteng is leaving!”

After arching his hand to the blue robed old man, Tianteng directly reached out and tore the void in front of him, then stepped into the void and disappeared into the Qinghu mountain range.


When Tianteng’s torn void regained its calmness, the quiet scene suddenly sounded a crisp slap in the ear.

“Great Elder, Long Hui knows wrong, and also hopes that Great Elder can show mercy and forgive Long Hui’s sin.”

Hou Yuan’s hatred Sun Xuemo’s secret tricks

Ignoring the red and swollen cheeks, Lan Longhui, who immediately knelt down on both knees, begged hard while begging hard.

“You immediately use the interweaving of God’s thoughts to give me a thorough inventory of the entire Qinghu mountain range, and I will definitely find out the killer who killed patriarch.” Blue robe white haired old man who didn’t bother to cry out, The other six were instructed.

“As you bid!”

No one came forward to ask for it, and no one looked at Lan Longhui more. Six powerhouses floating in mid-air slammed their hands and immediately dispersed, and then mobilized the thoughts of the limit to begin to check the entire youth. Lake mountain range.

“Glory, you are now returning to the family to accept the punishment of the snake snake bacteriophage. I hope that this will gain Tianteng’s understanding and not hold you to question his sin.” After the six subordinates left, the blue robe white haired old man was light After sighing, expression complexly warned repeatedly to Lan Longhui.

“Many thanks for the care of Great Elder.”

After hearing the punishment from the snake serpent, his face was pale as blue as a paper dragon, and his head was grateful, while his expression of despair was revealed in his eyes.

Seal the cultivation base, remove the defense of Magical Artifact, and then let XNUMX snake beasts of different levels to bite a piece of flesh from the body, which is the punishment of the snake snake phage.

Sun Didi Science Ends School War, Enemies Are Cold

Although his realm robbing Demi-God Peak will not kill him even if he loses all fleshhy bodies, but this punishment will completely lose his hope of impacting Valkyrie realm in the future.


Rich City, Prince Consort House!

Pointing at a water mirror condensed by water mist in front of my eyes, the corner of Tower Spirit’s mouth slightly taunted.

“Yu Haoran, after seeing the style and humanity of the Lan family, now I know why I have to kill the patriarch of the Lan family!”

Yu Haoran couldn’t help sighing nodded when looking at the water mirror’s pale face like paper, and his blue eyes showed blue expression of despair expression.

Then he looked up at the expression of the indifferent blue robe white haired old man, and asked with a chill in his eyes.

“Tower Spirit, like this family that has lost its humanity, how did it survive the ruins of ancient and modern times, inheritance to this day?”

“The truth is simple: strength, snobbery, and vicious.”

After waving the water mirror in front of him, Tower Spirit replied with a sneer.

“The special Bloodline inheritance keeps the strength of the Blue family in the Peak state.”

“Bullying and stubborn snobbery will allow them to seek luck and avoid calamity to escape the danger of extermination.”

“The vicious style of cutting grass and roots will ensure that they eliminate all potential dangers.”

“Tower Spirit, a family like this should not continue to survive in the world.”

Enemy far away distant ship Shu Mo Leng Zhi Ji Suo

Although strength, snobbery, and viciousness are factors that every family inheritance has, but a family like the Lan family who has made this sleepy element to the limit, Yu Haoran somehow hates it, and his mind gradually emerges to destroy the Lan family. idea.

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