Xianyang City, Prince Consort House!

“No, we are going to Dongyu, which is the Fengrun City I just captured.”

After shaking his head to deny Qin Lingfei’s speculation, Yu Haoran continued his plan of lying.

“According to my discussions with the Imperial Father, world’s spiritual energy is abundant, and the central area of ​​the powerhouse is likely to be the target of the ancient Fiendgod and the Monster Race. Therefore, continuing to occupy and expand the eastern territory is also a well-prepared one. Means. “

Qin Lingfei, who did not hear Yu Haoran’s lies in the weak spot at all, couldn’t help asking when he left Xianyang City when nodded accepted the reason he just gave.

“At midnight today!”

Not wanting to cause too much attention and suspicion because of the departure of the Prince Consort mansion, Yu Haoran decided to leave silently while the night was quiet.

Nodded signaled that he knew the exact time to leave, Qin Lingfei got up and went to the Cining Palace of the Imperial Palace to go with the queen mother Zixuan to resign.

The advanced by leaps and bounds of Zi Xuan’s cultivation base and strength is likely to be the infinite magic skill taught by Emperor Qin.

Considering Zi Xuan’s state of mind and perseverance, Yu Haoran was worried that when she faced innate talent and potential reaching monstrous talent level, her cultivation base and Qin Lingfei, who had similar strength to her, would be unable to control the Heart Demon formed by Wuji magic. , And finally did something that hurt Qin Lingfei, so he stood up and smiled and proposed.

Ship far away from the enemy by Leng Jixian


Yu Haoran’s willingness to accompany her to resign from the queen mother, can prove his love for himself, but also shows that he is willing to take the initiative to further ease the relationship of the Imperial Family, which makes Qin Lingfei very happy.


At midnight, ten thousand meters on the side of Xianyang City was empty, and Yu Haoran alone came to the square where the Formation hub was located.

The dark night, like ink, did not affect his sight.

Looking at Xianyang City, who has lived under his feet for more than two years through the mansion, recalling every bit of Xianyang City, Yu Haoran flashed a sigh of perseverance in his heart.

“oh! ”

Because he was very clear in his heart, Xianyang City, who had lost himself and the Qin Emperor’s asylum, had basically no hope of remaining intact in the following ancient Fiendgod and Monster Race battles.

After sighing, Yu Haoran shook his head to dispel the thoughts of the mind, while sitting directly in front of the White Tiger statue with a bent knee, greeted the 20th percentile of the closed-door cultivation of the domain tower.

“Brother Yu rest assured that everything has me, you can rest assured cultivation.” After mobilizing Shennian to control the hub of the Formation, the 20% controlled the Prince Consort’s residence and quietly left Xianyang City while facing the body warned repeatedly.


After nodded responded to the command of the 20th percentile, Yu Haoran took out dozens of black Bai Yu wings of Martial Venerable and Emperor Realm, and planned to take advantage of the time when the mansion went to the Eastern Region to try to cultivate his state of mind as a base of fleshy body. , Origin Force, and Soul Power’s realm are promoted to Emperor Wu’s Grade 7 Early-Stage.

Only when the realm of the four indicators have been promoted to Emperor Wudi Grade 7 Early-Stage, he is confident that with the assistance of Extinguishing Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword, he can defeat and kill the real Emperor Grade 7 Peak powerhouse alone, and he can truly let go of his hands and feet. Continued to expand its own territory.

When the 20th percent controlled Prince Consort’s mansion quietly left Xianyang City, the courtyard of the imperial city Cining Palace was dressed in a purple clothed purple skirt, showing a complex expression.

“The queen queen will use the Nine Dragon City as the temporary Imperial Capital after the Nine Dragon City led by the army to attack the Bai family.”

When Zi Xuan expression watched complexly and quietly left the Prince Consort mansion in Xianyang City, a faint silhouette slowly gathered around her, then reminded softly.

“So, in addition to taking the time to improve your cultivation base and strength, you must also be prepared to leave Xianyang City at any time in advance.”

“Holy, do you really want to give up Xianyang City!” Turning his head to look at the dim silhouette, the complex expression was replaced by Zi Xuan, who asked reluctantly.

After all, she spent nearly four-fifths of her life living in Xianyang City, and she already had a very deep affection for the city’s bricks, bricks, and trees.

Ships far away from enemy positions

“My queen mother, in fact, I am also reluctant to give up this piece of mountains and rivers laid down by the ancestors, but according to the information provided by the Prince Consort, the birth of the ancient Demon God tribe and the Monster Race cannot be stopped or irresistible.

“At the same time, combined with the inspection and speculation of the use of the secret technique by the deities, the three distant ancient seed families have no existence in the Paragon Realm world.”

In the face of Zi Xuan’s reluctance to leave Xianyang City, Qin Emperor illusory shadow also persevered in persuasion.

“So, in order to keep the Bloodline inheritance of the Qin Imperial Family and also to regain the lost mountains and rivers in the future, I have to temporarily abandon Xianyang City and abandon the entire southern region.”

Revenge is far from ghost ship ball pointed by the cold spell

The enemies far away from the ghost ship are advanced by leaps and bounds, which refers to Zi Xuan’s cultivation base and strength, which is likely to be the infinite magic skill taught by Emperor Qin.

“oh! ”

After hearing Qin’s persuasion, Zi Xuan sighed a little, and nodded agreed to leave Xianyang City.

Hou Yuan Qiu Ke Ghost Ship Suppose Yang Sun Early Learning


Five days!

Even if it was the 20% of the Emperor Peak Realm who personally controlled the Mansion Formation hub, it took five days and five nights to reach the Fengrun City in the Eastern Region from Xianyang City.

Although it takes a lot of time to drive, Yu Haoran’s gains are just as amazing.

Sixty-six black Bai Yu wings with Martial Venerable and Emperor Realm let his mentality of cultivation base, fleshy body grade, Origin Force and Soul Power all be promoted to Emperor Emperor Grade 7 Peak.

What’s more, he didn’t feel the limit of improving his strength.

This shows that he can still use the ancient Fiendgod’s black Bai Yu wings to continue to accelerate his realm and strength.

At the same time, with the help of five four-colored and two five-colored void fruits and space spar containing pure space energy, he successfully realized the law of the West and the law of nothing.

This also allowed him to successfully master eight auxiliary strengths of law, and there are four more ways to feel and practice Space Law.

After being reminded by the 20th percentile, Yu Haoran slowly spit out one mouthful of impure air in the chest, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Subsequently, he directly mobilized Divine Thought to notify Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuhen and the others to gather in the square.

At the same time, Tower Spirit and the 20% of the body also quietly left the space of knowledge, and then used the formation flag just refined by Tower Spirit to fully integrate the Prince Consort mansion with the rich city’s Formula.

This will not only enhance the defense of the Prince Consort mansion, but also increase the formidable power of Fengrun City’s attack formation.

After Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin, Yu Siqi, Xiang Muling, and Chiyanbei arrived at the square, Yu Haoran opened a gap in the palace’s defense formation and led everyone to land in the City Lord Mansion’s courtyard.

“Master, I want to go …!”

Back to the familiar environment, especially after seeing the traces of barbecue left at the beginning, Xiang Muling, who was hungry, immediately missed the delicious beasts outside Fengrun City, which made her want to question, But I’m sorry to say.

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