Wolong Lake!

After receiving the consent of the other party, Yu Haoran took the initiative to put away the dragon and Trapping Immortal Sword to show his sincerity.

After seeing the sincerity of Yu Haoran’s initiative to quit, the divine powerhouse in the palace at the bottom of the lake instructed clansman to prepare the request just agreed, mentioning venom and flowers and weeds, and sisters such as marriage and sisters such as Yunyun, signaled the rest of the lake Thirty or so mermaids hurriedly returned to the lake palace.

The enemy is not distant, the enemy is hated, then the moon refers to the post

Watching the lake floating with the bodies of dozens of beautiful snakes, the Shenjing Powerhouse in the palace at the bottom of the lake couldn’t help sighing.

Because most of these corpses are powerhouses at the level of honor and emperor, they are carefully cultivated by clansman for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

Leading to loneliness

After sighing, Shenjing Powerhouse intends to bury them all into the ancestral land of the mermaid. When they can return their heroic soul to the arms of their ancestors, they quickly return to the Tower Spirit in the sea space and immediately mobilize the original energy of the tower in the ontology domain. Forcibly take away the bodies of all the snakes.

Even the Spiritual God, who possesses the power of the Divine Realm, cannot stop the power of taking away the body of clansman. The powerhouse of the palace at the bottom of the lake was shocked, and was immediately glad that he had just taken the initiative to give in.

After the hatred is not cool, you hate the moonboat

Yang Keshu

Otherwise, relying on the strength of the opponent not to lose to the Valkyrie realm, not only can Heaven and Earth turning upside down the entire ethnic group, but also they may find that they have secretly planned for countless years.

The preparation time is not very long. When Tower Spirit uses the ontology domain tower to take away the bodies of all the snakes, the three surname female surnames, escorted to the lake by sisters such as marriage and sister Yun.

Originally thought to be executed as marriage and as clouds, his eyes reveal the loneliness of despair.

But when they saw the blue clothed teenager floating in the air, when they saw the lightly confident smile on the blue clothed teenager’s face, their eyes immediately glowed with joy.

Appeared directly in front of Ruyue and Ruyun. After taking over the storage ring handed by one of the beautiful snakes, Yu Haoran stretched out her hands and wrapped her pretty sister-like waist, leaving Wulong Lake in the air.

“Third Uncle, you are about to wake up to your elderly. Why didn’t you just kill the demon evil of the human just now? Instead, you actively choose to give in and humiliate to answer the request of the responding party.”

After Yu Haoran took Ruyi Lake and Ruyun Sisters to leave Wolong Lake quickly, the lakebed palace had a long purple hair, and the cultivation base reached Sanjie Demi-God realm. The male surnamed snake was slightly bent and faced slightly. Asked deep in the palace.

“Xiaogan, as the ethnic Sovereign, your responsibility is to lead the development of the entire ethnic group, not to focus on your own cultivation.” Facing the interrogation of deep purple long-haired mermaids, the powerhouse in the depths of the palace, There was a hint of serious criticism in his tone.

“Third Uncle, Xuangan knew something wrong. I will pay attention to it later.”

Facing the criticism of Third Uncle’s ancestors, known as Xiaogan’s Mermaid, she immediately bowed her head to admit it.

But the slight flash of disdain showed that he didn’t take the other party’s criticism just now.

“Xiaogan, first of all, I did not at all truly fully recover. Now I can barely play the strength of Demi-God Peak Realm.”

Seeing the nodded who was aware of his mistake, the Third Uncle ancestor was satisfied, and then explained the reason why he chose to give in just now.

“Secondly, if I try to force a shot now, I will surely shock the Vermilion Bird family of the four guardian families, and the Crane family of the hermit family inheritance. With the strength we have accumulated now, I cannot yet afford the two family inheritance families at the same time. revenge.”

“At last!”

Having said that, the ancestor of Third Uncle looked through the water of Wolong Lake and looked at the direction that Yu Haoran had just disappeared. He said with a hint of fear.

“The young man’s knowledge of the sea hides a very horrifying power. I think it can be considered to restore the power of the Grade 3 Peak in Shenjing. It is not necessarily an opponent of that power.”

After hearing the explanation from Third Uncle, Xuan Qian lowered his head and flashed a little expression of surprise.


The peak of a mountain peak away from Ten thousand Li of Wolong Lake, relying on a cloud of azure rock, looks at Yu Haoran with complicated emotions such as excitement, rejoicing, remorse, helplessness, and inferiority.

However, after marriage, after experiencing the joy of avoiding a catastrophe, she fell into a state of despair again because of her bad situation.

“Such as Senior, such as Yun Senior, don’t worry too much, I have a way for you to return to the final Peak state.” Looking at the expression like Ru Yi, looking at the expression complex Ru Yun, knowing their mood at the moment Yu Haoran smiled comfortably.

Obtain cold and secret place after enrollment

“Thank you, Young Hero, for your life-saving grace!”

Yu Haoran’s relief, Ru Yun quickly calmed down from complex emotions, reached out and picked up a few green silk scattered in front of his forehead, first of all thank you solemnly, and then sad with a smile.

“But you really don’t need to worry about our sisters because we know more about yourself.”

The meridian within the body was completely broken, the dantian was completely abolished, the sea-conscious space was on the verge of collapse, and the Bloodline of the inheritance ancestors was forcibly removed.

Endlessly cool enemy ball Momo Cool Sun

This is the Pill God powerhouse, this time, I am afraid there is nothing I can do about this bad physical condition!

“Such as Yun Senior, you and I are the old ones. You should know the personality and character of Yu Haoran. Since I said earlier that you can get you back to Peak, there are naturally ways and means to recover.”

Enemy Yuanke Cool Enemy Ball by Naoji Tonji

After replying to Ru Yun’s persuasion with a smile, Yu Haoran sat down with her knees bent and took out the thirteen second-order Grade 9 medicine ingredients that she had just negotiated with the Beauty Serpent Powerhouse.

“The Jiuyang plastic spirit of the second-order Grade 1 can force the torn meridian and blood vessels to repair the dantian and the sea that have completely collapsed.”

While condensing a completely transparent dantian fire independent space by means of ten-finger prints, Yu Haoran introduced in detail the medicine pill that he intends to make and the effects of medicine pill.

Able to connect blood vessels and meridian, repair dantian and sea consciousness medicine pill, hear Yu Haoran’s introduction, such as the cloud’s expression slightly shaken.

As in marriage, he suddenly looked up at him, his eyes revealing incredible expression.

“Two seniors, I only heard about it occasionally, but I don’t know much about the specific process.”

The refining process of Jiuyang Plastic Lingtan in the second-order Grade 1 is not very complicated. With his current Pill Dao cultivation base at Pill Emperor Peak Realm, he can easily refine it with his eyes closed.

Therefore, while refining the medicine pill, Yu Haoran also wanted to know why Ruyi and Sister Ruyun had to kill the only son of patriarch, and the only heir of the Mermaid Snake community, which caused them to suffer from this tribulation.

After hearing Yu Haoran’s interrogation, Ru Yin and Ru Yun glanced at each other, and finally, they were told by the more hot-tempered Ru Yin.

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