Rich City, City Lord Mansion!

In addition to the XNUMX female creatures being held in the seventh stone chamber, there is also a young man who fainted in front of the iron cage.

This person is the first powerhouse of Fengrun City and Liu Jizhi, the city lord of Fengrun City.

However, just now he was stunned by the secret technique of Tower Spirit’s attack with the mind.

“who are you?”

As Yu Haoran stepped up to Liu Jizhi’s side, and planned to take him out of the stone chamber, so that he could use the soul-searching secret technique to check his memory, a tall beauty in Iron Cage suddenly asked.

Turning his head and glancing at each other, Yu Haoran found that the woman who asked her question was not only a stunning woman with a bright moonlight, but also a temperament with a soft spring breeze, giving a feeling of wanting to be close, and the heart felt instantly good Replied.

“My surname is Yu, and my name is Haoran, and I have an irreconcilable until death anger with City Lord Liu Jizhi of Fengrun City.”

Having said that, he looked up and pointed at his face, which was slightly pale, and looked at the poor mermaid, and continued with a gentle attitude.

Hou Di Qiu Yuan is the only one behind the ball

Jie Yuanke’s sentimental situation

“At the same time, it was also the girl who Qingrou invited to save her younger sister Qingsi.”

“Xiao Junior Sister, there are 1 fourth-order Grade XNUMX unblocking dans in two pill bottles, which can eliminate your seal within the body in half an hour, let You have completely restored the state of Peak. “

After hearing Yu Haoran’s reply, whether it was a mermaid blue silk, a peerless woman who had just taken the initiative to interrogate, and ten beautiful women in iron cages, her eyes showed surprise and excitement.

“Please wait a moment, everyone, after I deal with Liu Jizhi, I will open the iron cage and let you out.”

Reaching out to grab Liu Jizhi’s collar, Yu Haoran stepped out of the stone chamber, turning his head and facing the twelve beauties of the iron cage warned repeatedly.

Looking at Yu Haoran who left the stone chamber, the three mermaids and green mermaids in the iron cage, the eyes only have the joy of being reborn after the disaster, but for the other eight human beauties, the eyes have a hint of joy in addition to the expression of joy and excitement. Fanaticism and admiration.

After taking Liu Jizhi out of the stone chamber, Yu Haoran reached out his hand and pressed it on his head, and then used the soul-searching secret technique to start checking his memory.

Five minutes later, after retracting the left hand pressed on Liu Jizhi’s head, Yu Haoran’s eyes revealed complex expressions such as surprise, rejoicing, anger, expectation, and thought.

Afterwards, he put away his complex expression and smashed Liu Jizhi’s head and Divine Soul directly, then stepped back to the seventh stone chamber.

Take the Trapping Immortal Sword from the storage ring, and use the scabbard to directly strike the iron lock made of black iron.


Geodetic Science and Love

With a frivolous sound, the iron lock made by black iron was directly broken by the scabbard.

The Physics of the Earth Science and the Science of Science and Technology “Yu Haoran, do you know what kind of character a person with the special physique of War God possesses?”

The girls in the iron cage were just sealed by the cultivation base, not at all to restrain their actions.

So, letting the girl who was just opened in the iron cage come out by herself, Yu Haoran wields the scabbard of the Trapping Immortal Sword, smashing all the iron locks of the remaining iron cages one after another.

“Xiao Jie many thanks senior brother Yu’s life-saving grace!”

The peerless girl who took the initiative to talk just now, after leaving the iron cage, came to Yu Haoran with a shy saluted face.

“Xiao Junior Sister, you’re welcome!”

After giving a mild greeting to Xiao Jie, Yu Haoran stepped into the corner of the stone chamber and watched that although he used the Trapping Immortal Sword sheath to break the iron lock, there was no black cloth in the iron cage.

“Senior brother Yu, I have been captured by Liu Jizhi in this stone chamber for more than three months.”

Seeing that Yu Haoran was concerned about the iron cage covered by the black cloth, Xiao Jie had a different feeling of enthusiasm, and quickly walked to his side to remind him.

“But in these three months, not only has the black cloth in the iron cage never been removed, but the people who have been trapped inside the iron cage have never eaten a meal or drank water once. “

“I know!”

Reading Liu Jizhi’s memory, Yu Haoran not only knows what Xiao Jie just introduced, but also the origin of the woman covered by the black cloth.

Opening the iron door of the iron cage, Yu Haoran stooped into the iron cage, reached out to grasp the corner of the black cloth, and then forcefully lifted the black cloth to reveal the person covered by the black cloth.

“Xiang Muling!”

Xiao Jie shouted without shock when she saw the girl who was nearly two meters tall, burly, and dignified and feminine in the iron cage.

Ignoring Xiao Jie’s shouting cry, Yu Haoran stooped into the iron cage, and then put his hand on the opponent’s brow.

“In addition to the seal of Divine Soul and Origin Force, there is a fragrance of incense and cartilage.” After careful inspection, Yu Haoran said to himself.

Later, he bent over and took the burly girl out of the iron cage, took out three pill bottles from the storage ring, and poured out a medicine pill from one of the pill bottles, then instructed Xiao Jie around him .

“Xiao Junior Sister, there are eighteen fourth-order Grade 1 unblocking dans in the two pill bottles, which can remove your seal within the body in half an hour and allow you to completely restore the state of Peak.”

“Many thanks senior brother Yu!”

Xiao Jie was very grateful after reaching out to take the two pill bottles that Yu Haoran handed to her.

Who is Yu Haoran!

The ship is far from uncomplicated

Pill Dao and Formation Dao ’s dual-material Emperor Powerhouse, South Domain and Five-domain Hidden Dragon List are competing for the dual title, once they singled out the eleven quasi-respectable beasts that traversed the mountain range, and once slaughtered in anger for the beauty Leng family.

Yu Haoran’s current fame and prestige can basically be said to be known to everyone. At the same time, he is a worshipped existence in Heavenly Profound Continent younger generation, and is the white horse Prince dreamed by thousands of girls.

Faced with such outstanding Yu Haoran, Xiao Jie, who was secretly in love, knew very well that if he wanted to successfully attract his attention and have the possibility of further development, he must show his evil talents.

So, how can you show the evil talent!

Only lifting the seal of Dan in front of him showed a cultivation base and strength far superior to Qin Lingfei.

Only by using the restored cultivation base and strength, he added a more outstanding temperament and made him feel like a powerhouse worthy of communication.

Yu Haoran, who didn’t know Xiao Jie’s inner thoughts, turned around and looked up at Xiang Muling, who was a head above him, with a pity in his eyes.

Later, when he sent Xie Fengdan and Detoxifying Pill to Xiang Muling’s mouth at the same time, and intended to help her take two medicine pill, Tower Spirit suddenly asked.

“Yu Haoran, do you know how this girl has an aptitude like heaven?”

“I know!”

Yu Haoran nodded replied after feeding her medicine pill’s left hand for a moment, and then put it into her mouth without any hesitation.

“Heavenly Profound Continent is ranked thirteenth among thousands of special physiques, and possesses the War God Body of Chengmou Realm.”

Seeing that Yu Haoran knew the origin of War God Body, Tower Spirit expression grave continued to ask.

“Yu Haoran, do you know what kind of character a person with the special God God physique has?”

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