Fengrun City is bordered by the Qinghu mountain range in the west, nine Divine Beast mountains in the south, and the Hongyang River, which leads directly to the tributary of the Eastern Sea in the north, and a vast open plain in the east. , Yi Shou difficult to attack the dangerous.

Looking at the majestic ancient city built on the nine Divine Beast mountains, Yu Haoran was thinking about how he could win Fengrun City in the final time, while waiting for a reply from Tower Spirit to see if the geographical environment of Fengrun City is suitable Place Sun, Moon and Stars’s Seal Defense Formation.

“Yu Haoran, according to the terrain of this rich city, not only can I perfectly arrange the Sun, Moon and Stars defense formation, but also use the special terrain of the nine Divine Beast mountains, and I can also arrange a grade to reach the peak Peak Attack Formation. “

Taking advantage of Demi-God realm’s powerful thoughts, and carefully observing the whole vein of Fengrun City, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but remind him.

“If you let Lan Rong wait for nine cultivation bases to reach the Martial Saint Grade 7 to Grade 9 powerhouse manipulation attack formation, not only will you be able to easily kill the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak Realm’s peerless powerhouse, but you will also be able to rebuild Wu Emperor’s Grade 3 Peak Realm. supreme expert. “

The Sun, Moon and Stars Formation with the fourth-order spirit vein as the source of formation energy can defend against the attack of Emperor Wu’s Grade 9 Peak powerhouse.

The Heaven-level Peak attack formation based on the nine Divine Beast mountains can kill the top-level Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak’s peerless powerhouse and rebuild the Supreme Expert of Wudi Grade 3 Peak Realm.

It is considered that the strength of the Great Han Empire is far better than that of the Great Qin Empire, but the number of powerhouses like Wudi and Martial Venerable realm should not be much.

In this way, they would not dare to send many Emperors of Wudi and Martial Venerable realm to attack the city, nor could they tolerate the loss of such realm powerhouse.

Therefore, after hearing the response from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran’s face flashed a little surprise, knowing that the successful acquisition of Fengrun City indicates that the first step of the Eastern Campaign was successful.

The next Dongzheng and site expansion are Lan Rong’s Great General.

After forcibly suppressing the surprise that came out of her heart, Yu Haoran began to consider how to successfully win Fengrun City.

Although Fengrun City is an easy-to-guard and difficult-to-defend military dungeon, the Great Qin Empire, the only southern region that can pose a threat, is blocked by the Qing Lake mountain range, which has been described as a natural danger. This has caused the Great Han Empire to attach great importance to Fengrun City. not enough.

Not only does he not have an army stationed in Fengrun City, but just now he has used the Emperor Wu’s Grade 5 Peak Realm to take a risk to check the number of masters in the city, and finally found that the powerhouse with the highest cultivation base in the city is just a top Martial Venerable Grade 3 Peak Peerless powerhouse.

In other words, it is not difficult to get Fengrun City.

But the only thing that is more troublesome, or need to be avoided, is how to ensure that while occupying Fengrun City smoothly, some people in the city will not use special means to secretly notify the Ministry of Defense and the Imperial Family of the Great Han Empire.

After all, the placement of Sun, Moon and Stars Formation and attack formation not only takes a certain amount of time, but the process of setting up the formation of the seal cannot be disturbed in any way.

After thinking about it, Yu Haoran finally decided to wait until the night came. After he and the red hated beast used the sneak attack to kill all suspected targets in the city that had a dark connection with the Great Qin Empire, he led the army to formally occupy Fengrun City. .

Of course, with the strength of the Tower Spirit Demi-God realm and the secret technique of attacking the secret technique under control, it can wipe out all suspected targets in an instant.

But he didn’t want Tower Spirit to do that.

In the future, he hopes to increase his ability to adapt to changes through the process of occupying Fengrun City.

Secondly, it is also hoped that through the sneak attack method, they can improve their position in thehundred thousand elites and enhance their sense of worship and belonging.

After telling Tower Spirit about his ideas and plans, and further supplemented by him, Yu Haoran negotiated with the Red Beast to allocate targets and areas for sneak attacks.

With the shadow coming, Yu Haoran instructed Lan Rong and the others to pay attention to hiding the traces and breath of the army, and to prepare to send troops to occupy Fengrun City, and quietly approached Fengrun City with the red hated beast.

Perhaps because Fengrun City is too remote, or because City Lord is a person who is not very good at operation and management, there are very few entertainment projects in the city, except for the two brothel and three casinos, which are still brightly lit. Already plunged into boundless darkness.

“Brother, do it quickly!”

Like most cities in Heavenly Profound Continent, the City Lord Mansion of Fengrun City monopolizes the entire Beicheng District. The noble officials live in Dongcheng District, the powerful and gentlemen live in Xicheng District, and Nancheng is home to the poor.

According to the initial distribution plan, Yu Haoran went straight to Daguanguan while living in Dongcheng District, while he was warned repeatedly in a whisper to the red hated beast.

“Got it!” After nodded back to complied, the red beast disappeared the city wall instantly.

According to the results of later re-examinations using Divine Mind, Yu Haoran knew that there were not many people in Dongcheng District who had contact with the Imperial Imperial Corps and the Imperial Family. Only the Commander of the city guards, the inspector of the supervisory army, and the Fengrun City Five Yuan Clan patriarch, one of the Great Families.

Silently sneaked into Commander’s Mansion and locked the cultivation base with divine thoughts. After just being promoted to the City Guard Commander of Martial Venerable realm, Yu Haoran, using the assistance of the flash dual system strength of Law, appeared instantly behind him, and after he found out Divine Soul stuns him before danger strikes.

Then, pressing his left hand directly on his head, he began to use the Soul Searching Technique of demonic path secret technique to forcibly check the memory of the City Guard Commander.

“It seems to have the same result as I guessed. It really is the dozen or so people locked in the gods’ mind. They have the ability and means to have a dark connection with the Great Han Empire’s Ministry and the Imperial Family.” By looking at the memory of City Guard Commander, Yu Haoran A soft voice murmured to his face.

Subsequently, he directly crushed the head of the City Guard Commander and Divine Soul. After taking up the storage ring of his fingers, not at all the horse left the room, but instead walked to a bookshelf on the east side of the room and waved his hand. The entire bookshelf was moved aside.

Yu Haoran’s unfathomable mystery ’s move immediately aroused Tower Spirit ’s promise that she would never help, and noticed that when she saw the removed bookshelf, there was still a common white wall, and she used the divine mind to check the entire white wall. .

But the result was that the divine thought penetrated the white wall directly, and not at all found what channels and institutions were hidden behind the white wall, which made Tower Spirit unable to bear to ask.

“Yu Haoran, what exactly do you want to do?”

Ignoring Tower Spirit’s questioning, Yu Haoran recalled the memory of Commander Commander’s memory, and extended the hand to start hitting the wall.

When I hit the position where the color is too white, my eyes showed a hint of expression, and then the five fingers were bent and directly inserted into the wall.

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