At the bottom of Qinghu Lake, the lair of mysterious sea turtles!

“That’s because being able to reincarnate and reinvigorate Six Paths of Samsara and Hell has never been truly refined.”

I also know how shocking the information I just revealed, so in the face of Yu Haoran’s incredible questioning, Tower Spirit repeats it again.

“Tower Spirit, Hell rules the sins of living beings. Six Paths of Samsara decides the future of living beings. So existence against the sky, can it really be artificially refined?”

Tower Spirit recounted in more detail, not at all allowed Yu Haoran to accept this shocking message, so he still asked incredibly.

“Yes, but very difficult!”

While nodded confirmed, Tower Spirit began to explain in detail the entire process of refining Six Paths of Samsara and Hell.

There are three basic prerequisites to successfully craft Six Paths of Samsara and Hell.

The first basic prerequisite is to be able to successfully refining the souls of the double-strength strength of law and the law of reincarnation, the willingness of incarnation to reincarnate hell, and the strength-law double-strength strength of law to identify the sins of the souls before birth. Strength of Law determines the future of beings.

In fact, the first basic prerequisites have basically blocked the hope of refining Six Paths of Samsara and Hell.

Whether it is the strength of Law of the double-strength fruit line or the strength of Law of the reincarnation line, it is the inferior strength of Law that is not lost to Space Law.

It is a kind of dual-strength strength of law that possesses the world’s top innate talent and understanding. It is very difficult to feel and refining the dual-strength strength of law at the same time. Basic It’s tantamount to delusion.

It can be considered that there are such anti-natural creatures, very fortunate to feel and refining the two dual-strength strengths of law, but with the formidable power possessed by the two dual-strength strengths of law, I am afraid that it is not lost to the existence of Paragon Peak Realm .

So, he will willingly abandon fleshy body and Divine Soul, and give up practicing Dao Foundation for countless years, and incarnation becomes Six Paths of Samsara and Hell without freedom.

The second basic congenital condition is the need to use 108 types of Innate Spirit Treasure to create an 18th-layer hell that punishes the sins of the living beings. At the same time, it also requires the void to cooperate with the strength of the double-strength double-strength strength of Law, which can evolve into the birth spirit Sin Mirror of all past experiences.

Although the second prerequisite may sound simple, the actual difficulty is about the same as the first.

Both the innate Supreme Treasure and the Innate Spirit Treasure have successfully bred Artifact Spirit with their own wisdom when Heaven and Earth first opened.

Whether it is the Innate Spirit Treasure used to create the 18th-layer hell, or the Nether Mirror used to evolve the Sin Mirror, they only need their body.

As for the Artifact Spirit bred by the ontology, it will either wait for the complete refining of Six Paths of Samsara and Hell, reincarnation, or become a self-sustaining solitary ghost.

In the face of this inevitable end, I am afraid that not many Innate Spirit Treasure is willing to make such a sacrifice.

The first disaster that Heaven and Earth started was caused by the hell of Chaos Bell trying to refine Six Paths of Samsara and 18th-layer.

The prerequisite for the third foundation is the successful promotion of Roots, Grass, Flowers, Fruits, Trees, and Souls. Finally, the Poria Flower with the foundation of Six Paths of Samsara will give Six Paths of Samsara and Hell a real start. Source of energy.

Poria cocos is a unique and unmatched existence in the world. Only one flower appears in each period.

At the same time, Poria flower is the top spirit flower without any attack power and defense power, which is very easy to cause the peep of the soul.

Therefore, the Poria cocos which appeared in the three periods of ancient, ancient, and modern times, let alone mature after six promotion, and even the fourth promotion process, which was condensed and fruited, did not survive, and was unexpectedly found by the soul Swallow it directly.

It is based on three fundamental prerequisites that are impossible to complete, leading to the three periods of ancient, ancient and modern times, Six Paths of Samsara and Hell have not been successfully refined.

After hearing Tower Spirit’s recount of Six Paths of Samsara and Hell’s refining, the first Avatar in closed-door cultivation in the domain tower looked down at his hands, his eyes revealing a hint of confused expression.

Because after Yu Haoran entered the lair of the mystic sea turtle, an unfathomable mystery breath made him suddenly enter the state of epiphany, and within a short period of time, he successfully realized the law of the chakra.

Looking through the barriers of the domain tower and the sea-conscious space, looking at the pretty Poria cocos flowers, the confusion of the first Avatar’s eyes was gradually replaced by decisiveness.

Later, he applied the law of the chakra he had just realized, and in the case that neither Yu Haoran nor Tower Spirit could detect it, he directly took the Poria cocos to dantian.

And just as the Poria flower just floated on the dantian’s side, countless pure and rich world’s spiritual energy appeared in the room of the domain tower where the first Avatar was located. Even the Tower Spirit, which is the artifact Spirit of the domain tower, could not find this within the body. The change.

“Yi! What about Poria?”

The three basic prerequisites just described by Tower Spirit have made Yu Haoran 100% certain that no one in this world can successfully craft Six Paths of Samsara and Hell.

Then, as a Poria flower that can greatly improve the cultivation base and strength, you don’t need to wait for its next three promotion.

Therefore, when Yu Haoran reached out to pick the Poria flower, the Poria flower in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Also seeing the tower spirit of the Poria flower disappeared, immediately mobilized the original energy of the domain tower to enhance the formidable power, instantly covering the area of ​​ten thousand li, and traced the cause of the disappearance of the Poria flower.

The cooked duck flew in its own eyelids!

Yu Haoran, who had never encountered such a situation before, instantly ignited the majestic anger that made him secretly decide, no matter who steals the Poria flower, even if he has been promoted to the Spirit God of Valkyrie Realm, he Also make the other party pay an unbearable price.

Unfortunately, in the face of Tower Spirit’s inability to track and lock the result of the theft of the Poria cocos, Yu Haoran, who could not vent her anger, directly placed her vent in the lair where there was no longer any treasure.


With the strong roar, the lair capable of withstanding the top Martial Venerable powerhouse, under the constant strikes of Yu Haoran’s punches, finally turned into a pile of broken walls.

After getting a part of vented Yu Haoran, she took a deep breath and turned straight to the lair of Tyrant Leech.

At this time, the red beast on the surface of Qinghu Lake, after withstanding the pressure of Bloodline restraint, has fallen from the downturn in an all-round way, and gradually has an advantage.

As the overlord of Qinghu, not only does Tyrant Water Margin occupy the best defense position at the bottom of the lake, but also the world’s spiritual energy of the lair.

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