Qinghu Lake!

“Yu Haoran, one thousand seven hundred meters forward, is the octopus’s lair.!”

The powerful god of Demi-God realm can not only keep an eye on the red beasts and tyrant leeches that are being torn off by the lake, but also observe everything on the bottom of the lake.

Therefore, Tower Spirit locked the specific locations of the three Emperor’s Nest Beasts one step in advance and informed Yu Haoran in time.

After hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran swiftly moved forward while mobilizing his thoughts to check.

“This is the squiggly grass of the second-order Grade 1!”

Divine mind had just arrived in front of the octopus octopus’s lair, and Yu Haoran found a spiritual grass capable of refining the top bone-melting and soul-sweeping Dan in front of the nest hole.

Continue to speed up the swimming, and after five seconds smoothly reached the octopus octopus’s lair, then cautiously put away the ink grass.

But when he looked up towards the depths of the lair, he could not help frowning.

Because the octopus octopus’s lair not only emits a strong stench, but the entire nest space is filled with murky corpses and rotten corpses.

After taking out a Detoxifying Pill, Yu Haoran endured the strong stench and stepped into the octopus’s lair.

Dirty and dirty, stinky and stinky, there are many good things in the octopus octopus. There are only nine poisonous second-order spiritual medicines and spiritual grasses. It is up to Grade 9 Grade XNUMX.

At the same time, he also harvested nearly XNUMX second-order Spirit Stones with abundant Water Element energy, as well as a dozen sixth-order products and fifth-order low-grade spirit veins.

The sufficient Spirit Qi contained in these spirit veins is enough for the left thousand army’s hunted thousand elites to increase by one or two realm.

After retracting the spiritual grass, spiritual medicine, Spirit Stone, and spirit vein, Yu Haoran and Tower Spirit simultaneously used the mind to re-examine the entire lair from the inside out.

After making sure there are no omissions, turn around and leave the octopus octopus’s lair, then head straight for the lair of the mysterious sea turtle two ten thousand meters away.

Compared to the grungy and stinky nest of Octopus octopus, the nest of Xuanshui turtles is spotless, giving a pleasant and pleasant feeling.

“So ample world’s spiritual energy!”

After stepping into the lair of the mysterious sea turtle, in addition to the spotless and clean environment, Yu Haoran found that the concentration of Water Element Spiritual Qi in the lair was at least dozens of times that of the octopus octopus, which was no worse than some of the top Heavenly Paradise.

I was also surprised that Water Element Spiritual Qi’s too weird Tower Spirit immediately mobilized the powerful thoughts of Demi-God realm, and began to sweep the entire empty space of the nest, not even the deeper depths of the nest.

But the result of the final inspection was nothing!

“Tower Spirit, see what this is!”

Now that Tower Spirit has proactively searched for the reason Water Element Spiritual Qi is sufficient, Yu Haoran starts looking directly into the environment inside the nest.

At first glance, Yu Haoran was attracted to spiritual grass and haystacks.

Because in the turquoise grass and spiritual grass bedding pavement, there is a bead that shows a black ink color and exudes a sense of emperor.

“Zhenhaizhu!” Quickly retracted to see the full reason of Spiritual Qi in the lair, Tower Spirit suddenly shouted with excitement when he saw the spiritual grass and the haystack padded with the black bead.

The Paragon powerhouse, who had twenty-four Zhenhai pearls in ancient times, was not proficient in Refiner Dao himself, and he had few intentions to do anything with others.

This led to the twenty-four Zhenhai pearls giving the impression that the grade was only Peak level.

However, some time ago, when the Artifact Spirit of the Void Realm was intercepted, and the six Zhenhai pearls were re-refined using the self-made secret technique, Tower Spirit found no shock. The core of each Zhenhai Pearl’s Formation contained a Imprint of Chaos.

The record of Primal Chaos Seal, born of chaos, is the foundation of Innate Supreme Treasure.

That is to say, each Zhenhai Pearl is actually an innate Supreme Treasure-level Magical Artifact. The twenty-four Zhenhai Pearls combined together can exist like a mysterious sword.

After all, the seven congenital Supreme Treasures bred by chaos, and the Primal Chaos Seal contained in the yellow book within the body are exactly twenty-four.

The first calamity at the beginning of Heaven and Earth, although the innate Supreme Treasure led by Chaos Clock won, but the failed Haotian Yin side not at all suffered too much loss, because the number of innate Supreme Treasure dominated.

If Yu Haoran can gather XNUMX Zhenhai Pearls and use the Art of Refining taught by him to completely refining Zhenhai Pearls, then they will have the opportunity to destroy Haotian Yin’s side in the infallible Supreme Treasure disaster.

However, in addition to the need to gather 36 Zhenhai pearls, he and Yu Haoran also need to find XNUMX scattered Primal Chaos Seals, and then use Ruyi Bell to help Chaos Bell rebirth.

After all, Haotian Yin is an innate Supreme Treasure with thirty-five Primal Chaos Seals. Only when his grade and strength beat his Chaos Bell can he defeat and destroy him.

Looking at Yu Haoran who retrieved Zhenhai Zhu from spiritual grass and Lingzhi Dui, and sent Zhen Haizhu directly in front of himself, Tower Spirit’s eyes flashed a struggle expression.

Although solemnly vowed promised Yu Haoran, he would never hide any secrets from him, but to gather and refining the twenty-four town beads containing Primal Chaos Seal, involved the innate Supreme Treasure calamity.

Under the premise that Yu Haoran doesn’t know about the immense amount of robbery for the time being, if he reveals this secret in advance, in addition to adding more trouble to him, I am afraid it will not be of any benefit.

Thinking about it, Tower Spirit decided to wait until the calamity of countless calamities really came down, detailing the secret between the twenty-four Zhenhaizhu and the innate Supreme Treasure calamity.

After sending Zhenhai Zhu to the Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran wanted to continue to look at the environment of the nest, but the light of sight accidentally saw the spiritual grass and the haystack padded with spiritual branches, and there was a spiritual cold that exudes chill. grass.

“This is an octagonal ice grass that has reached the Grade 3 Grade XNUMX!” Immediately, he reached out and picked out the cold grass that exudes coldness and coldness. After careful observation, Yu Haoran whispered to himself with joy.

The octagonal ice grass can not only remove the magic barrier formed by the cultivation process by directly swallowing it, but also can be used to make the second-grade Condensing Spirit Pill, which is a very rare and rare spiritual grass.

After plucking the star anise, Yu Haoran continued to bend over and examine the haystack carefully, and found a bodhi branch that could be directly used to enhance sentiment.

Except for the broken branches of octagonal ice grass and Bodhi tree, although the grades of spiritual grass and spiritual branches are very high, most of them are just very ordinary varieties. Not at all is too useful for him, there is no Give any attention.

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