Prince Consort mansion, practice room!

“Knowing that the Life and Death soul soul possessed by the ethereal rat can greatly restore the damage of your Divine Soul body, giving you more advantages to deal with the void, but you give up because of a momentary impulse, indicating that you Obscurity. “

The more severe the criticism, the more intense the anger inside, and finally Yu Haoran couldn’t help screaming and questioning.

Sun Qiuke was attacked by the enemy

“Tower Spirit, the Artifact Spirit of the Void Realm not only met me, but also knew my identity as a rebirth. If you don’t want to involve me alone to face the Void Realm, the Sky-Crafting Pot, and the Yellow Sword, and you cannot be 100% sure of your identity Hao Tianyin. “

“But have you really thought about it for me, in case your plan to intercept the void has failed, their four innate Supreme Treasure’s Artifact Spirit will let me, who knows their secrets!”

“Yu Haoran, sorry!”

Yu Haoran’s criticism and questioning made Tower Spirit more soberly aware of how serious the mistakes she had made, and a solemn apology filled with self-blame and guilt.

With a hissing question, Tower Spirit’s solemn apology let Yu Haoran’s inner anger gradually dissipate a lot, and after a sigh, he warned repeatedly.

“Tower Spirit, the energy and vitality of the self-destruction of the Demon God Tomb, has been reborn. It has tightly linked your destiny with one another. It can be said that one Prospers all Prospers, everything is damaged, hope you and me To be truly candid. “

one Prospers all Prospers

When I heard Yu Haoran mentioning this time-honored famous saying, Tower Spirit suddenly thought of the clock and chaos that bears countless pressures on his own, but refused to reveal his thoughts to the brothers and sisters. Eventually, the brothers centrifuged, and the sisters turned their heads and had to drag. When the ontology that is devastating is far from endless void, the heart has nodded identification and makes its own commitment.

“Yu Haoran, rest assured! I will never hide any secrets now or in the future.”

The commitment given by Tower Spirit completely eliminated Yu Haoran’s only trace of fire, and at the same time showed his sincerity.

“Tower Spirit, as long as I can gather 36 Chaos Marks, I will take the initiative to release the Recognizing Master of Ruyi Bell, so that the Artifact Spirit of Chaos Bell can be reborn in this way.”

The wishful clock willing to come out to defend Supreme Treasure, in addition to satisfying the wish of Tower Spirit, also lies in the improvement of strength and the ancient ancestor of Wudijiang’s Paragon corpse. The subtle improvement of physique makes him more defensive against Magical Artifact demand is getting weaker.

By the time the 36 Chaos Marks are gathered, it is presumed that his cultivation base has been promoted to Valkyrie Realm, the essence contained in Dijiang Paragon’s corpse has been fully absorbed, and the defense of Ruyi Bell has become dispensable.

“Yu Haoran, thank you on behalf of the chaotic big brother!” After receiving Yu Haoran’s willingness to take out Ruyi Zhong’s promise, the Tower Spirit sitting on the knees of the sea stood up and bowed sixty degrees of gratitude.

“Tower Spirit, I still have Yu Haoran, you don’t need to be so kind between you and me.”

After waving the Tower Spirit no need to be so polite, Yu Haoran took out the slightly damaged jade slip from the storage ring, two jade boxes containing psychedelic stones and turquoise leaves, and a pill bottle that stored extremely cold. In front of Tower Spirit.

“Tower Spirit, these four treasures were obtained by me in the Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce. Please help me check them.”

nodded, Tower Spirit reached out and sucked the slightly damaged jade slip. After glancing at it with powerful divine thoughts, he immediately put nine fingers into the jade slip and then sent the jade slip to Yu Haoran outside the sea space. Before that, said.

“The hidden seal Formation in jade slip has been lifted by me, and there is no danger in jade slip. You can now view the information of jade slip.”

Holding the jade slip floating in front of you, the idea directly enters the jade slip space, and then Yu Haoran’s body suddenly shakes, and a surprised expression emerges on his face.

“Yu Haoran, what exactly is recorded in jade slip?”

I wanted to check the treasures stored in the pill bottle, but Yu Haoran’s mood suddenly began to rise and fall suddenly, which immediately aroused the strong interest of Tower Spirit.

“Hu, huh, huh!”

After taking three deep breaths, barely suppressing the ecstasy, Yu Haoran still said with some excitement.

“Tower Spirit, this jade slip records the powerhouse of a spiritual master reaching the peak of Peak Realm, a spiritual practice cultivation of a lifetime.”

The left hand holding the pill bottle clenched suddenly, Tower Spirit immediately asked nervously.

“Yu Haoran, in jade slip, which technique is used by the Emperor Peak powerhouse?”

“The combination of Fuxi gossip and Zhou Yi,” Yu Haoran replied truthfully.

“It turned out to be the jade slip left by Qiu Chuji True Master!” After hearing the truthful response from Yu Haoran, Tower Spirit flashed a sigh of clear comprehension.

“Tower Spirit, who is Qiu Chuji Qiu True Master!” Thinking carefully about the past experiences, Yu Haoran found that he had never been in contact with it, nor had he heard of Qiu Chuji’s prestige. He couldn’t help asking.

“Qiu Chuji, the first powerhouse of Shudao in ancient times, is the only one who can fuse Fuxi gossip and Zhouyi Shudao cultivation techniques, and is also the most promising sword repair of the real god of martial arts.”

Tower Spirit thought back a bit, and then introduced the origin and strength of Qiu Chuji.

Although ancient times is the closest period to the present, the information and inheritance are the least.

Therefore, even with Tower Spirit’s introduction, Yu Haoran didn’t think about any heaven shaking earth shattering about Qiu Chuji, nor did he continue to learn about it.

What neither Yu Haoran nor Tower Spirit noticed, or ignored, was a key issue, which was the cultivation base of the famous powerhouse in ancient times.

Cautiously put the jade slip into the storage ring, Yu Haoran saw the pill bottle held tightly by Tower Spirit, and reminded him that the treasure formidable power might be stored in the pill bottle.

“Tower Spirit, watch out for the extreme chill in that treasure inside the pill bottle.”

Tower Spirit, who has full confidence in her cultivation base and strength, not at all took Yu Haoran’s reminder to heart and reached out to open the bottle cap of pill bottle.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely cold air erupted from the pill bottle, which not only sealed the Tower Spirit in an instant, but also completely frozen the entire sea-conscious space.

Fortunately, Tower Spirit, relying on its own powerful strength, forcibly broke away the extreme cold frost, and then mobilized the original energy of the tower of the ontology domain to completely reseal the exploding cold back to the pill bottle.

“This is the Nine Nether Fire between the different fires and the living beings!” After all the cold air was sealed back to the pill bottle, Tower Spirit carefully recalled the origin of the cold air, and then shouted in shock and expression.

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