Who is the source of the poison?

Hou Kediyuan’s Chamo is alone

When will Ghost Eater devour Heart Demon and impurities?

All of Yunxiang was ignorant of all this, so she quickly shook her head and waved her hand in the face of the solemn promise given by Chiyanju. !

“Xiang, you have everything to help and guide you, so you don’t need to worry too much.” Yu Haoran chuckled and walked in front of Yun Xiang.

took a deep breath, the red beast directly cut through the void in front of her eyes, and then cautiously took out a monster with an ugly appearance, and immediately looked up at Yun Xiang’s eyes to see if she would be exposed like other creatures Expression of disgust and fear.

But then he was completely confused by Yun Xiang’s performance!

Because Yunxiang did not show the expression of disgust and fear, nor was it as calm and watery as Yu Haoran, but there was a touch of excitement and closeness, like an old friend who had long reunited.

“Master, is he?” Pointing at the monster lying in front of him, Yun Xiang’s eyes showed a puzzled expression.

“Yunxiang, press your left hand on its forehead.” Without explaining the specific origin of the poison source, Yu Haoran expression calmly instructed.

“Yes, Master.” After a command, Yun Xiang stretched out his left hand and pressed the snake’s head on the poison source.

“The ghost that mobilizes within the body is poisonous, and blends into his own thoughts.” Yu Haoran continued to be instructed.

“Control the ghost to eat the soul into the sea of ​​poisonous sources.” When Yun Xiang’s thoughts fit into the ghost to eat, Yu Haoran’s tone continued to be instructed without any change.


The enemy ’s affair is far away

The sudden change encountered by the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth, let Yunxiang truly understand the horrible formidable power of Ghost Eater, and also the desire of Ghost Eater to poison Divine Soul.

So after hearing Yu Haoran’s orders, she seemed slightly hesitant.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any problems,” Yu Haoran promised with a chuckle.


The enemy is far away

nodded, Yunxiang takes a deep breath, and then controls the poisonous spirit of the ghost to eat the sea of ​​poison.

Immediately afterwards, Yunxiang could not help but changed the complexion.

Because the ghost that enters the sea-seeing space eats the soul, and immediately breaks away from the control of the divine mind, the group heading directly to the sea-seeing space exudes five colors and the shape looks like mud.

Sudden change, when she immediately mobilized her mind to control the poisonous power of Ghost Eater, she unexpectedly discovered that the poisonous Ghost Eater rushed to the five-colored Divine Soul, not only did not corrode the five-colored Divine Soul, but began to help Divine Soul reshape And, in the process of reshaping the body, began to devour the black mist that was separated from Divine Soul.

Sun Kedi is not cool

“Red brother, Heart Demon is eliminated, Divine Soul is reinvented, and within a short time, the poison source brother can directly impact the grade of the dignity.” Seeing the breath of the poison source gradually began to stabilize, knowing that the venom of the ghost eaten soul has begun to play a role Yu Haoran reminded with a smile.

“Brother Yu, thank you so much!”

I also felt that the red-growth beast was recovering rapidly, and when I was so excited, I immediately thought that I still owed the other person’s life-saving grace and did not pay back.

Now, because of the hidden danger of disappearing the poison source inside the body, he continues to owe each other’s gratitude, which makes the red sick beast even more grateful and pats his chest promise.

“Whether it is Blade Mountain or the fire sea in the future, as long as you say something, I will never frown.”

Regarding the guarantee given by the red hated beast, Yu Haoran just smiled and shook the head, not at all.

After the Divine Soul in the space of poison source consciousness completely recovered, Yunxiang regained the strength control, and the poison that controlled the ghost’s soul eater immediately retreated.

But when the ghost venomous poisonous poison that exited the space of knowledge just returned to Yunxiang within the body, a horrible pure poisonous energy burst out instantly, which made her complexion changed.

“Yunxiang, stick to my god, run the poisonous holy scripture mind method to absorb the energy of the poisonous outbreak, and use my own cultivation base to improve.” Seeing the sudden poisonous energy that broke out within the body, the mind fell into the panic of Yunxiang When Yu Haoran was very disappointed, he immediately reminded aloud.

Master’s reminder, let Yunxiang calm down quickly from the panic, then sit on the knees and run the poisonous scriptures to absorb the poisonous energy.

“Red big brother, where am I?” While Yunxiang used the poisonous energy to improve the cultivation base, he slowly opened his eyes to the source of poison, and a confused question appeared in his eyes.

“Brother Poison Source, we have left Secret Realm.” The red annoying beast that appeared next to Poison Source reminded with excitement.

After hearing the reminder from the Red-Beasted Beast, the poisonous source turned the snake head unbelievably and began to observe the surrounding environment.

When it saw Yu Haoran with a faint smile on her face, her eyes immediately greeted with a surprise expression.

“Brother Yu!”

“Brother Poison!”

After arching a greeting, Yu Haoran didn’t say much, but looked at it with a smile on his face, and watched his next reaction.

When Du Yuan looked at Yun Xiang sitting on her knees and felt the breath of the ghost soul eater drama qi emanating from her body, her cold eyes immediately revealed a non-excited expression.

“Holy Source, this is the Holy Source that can be poisonous to Paragon!”

Seeing that the poison source didn’t unexpectedly see Yunxiang’s special physique, Yu Haoran’s comforting nodded was just a look of guilt as he looked towards the red hated beast.

Because he will lose his brother as a companion, and he does not know if he will fall into anger.

Fearing that her judgment might be wrong, the poison source signaled the sorrowful beast to let go of her hands, walk slowly to the position about one meter from Yunxiang, and then run Bloodline inheritance ’s mental skill to begin to absorb her body. Unique breath.

“That’s right, it really is the holy source physique!” I felt the unique breath that increased the grade, and for the enhancement of physique, the poison source nodded to himself more excitedly.

Subsequently, it took a few steps back, and quietly began to defend her law.

The initiative of the poison source to protect the law made Yu Haoran satisfied nodded.

Then, he flew in the air to the position where the void crack had just been marked by the void rat, and sat down with his knees bent.

The enemy is not venomous, Ke Kusun hates fighting

Then, take one of the three-color, four-color, and five-color void fruits and one fist-sized space spar from the storage ring, and then instructed the ethereal rat.

“Little spirit, draw a void crack for me again.”

At the same time, taking out the vanity fruit of the auxiliary sense of law and the spar containing space energy, what Yu Haoran intends to do next, the ethereal rat can guess it without asking much.

So, while nodded agreed, it directly stretched out its small claws to draw a void crack about two meters high and about one meter wide.

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