Azure Sun City, Osmanthus Forest!


In the face of Tower Spirit’s harsh drinking, the white clothed youth just smiled a little proudly, not at all to give any answer.

“The Will of Heavens, controlled by the three extinct spirits, still has the ability to limit the Spiritual God’s coming to Heavenly Profound Continent. Then, only the innate Supreme Treasure level can be used to break the defense of Azure Lotus with the strength of the three Demi-God realm. , And be familiar with my Sky Spirit pot of weakness in Tower Spirit. “

Seeing the Void Artifact Spirit refused to reveal who the dark sneak attacker was, Tower Spirit began to speculate on the origin of the sneak attacker by means of drawing silk.

Hou Yuanke alone hated the old grandson

“Lian Tian, ​​I have guessed that the sneak attacker is you. Don’t keep hiding and show up!” Feeling that his guess was correct, Tower Spirit immediately raised his head and shouted loudly into the void.

“Purple, you guessed wrong!”

As Tower Spirit shouted loudly, the void behind white clothed youth suddenly cracked.

Later, a young man wearing a purple golden robe, with a majestic appearance and noble temperament, was holding a stone seal from the void crack.

“This is impossible, how could you be alive!” Seeing the Purple Robe man coming out of the void crack, Tower Spirit stepped back nine steps suddenly, his eyes shouting with incredible incredulity.

“Even your purple spirit and ethereal spirit are still alive, why can’t I be alive.” Faced with the towering cry of Tower Spirit, the man in the purple robe sneered and asked.

Not Cool, Not Cool

“Aren’t you the ancient god illusory shadow condensed by the ancient twelve ancestors and witches completely shattered the body!” Tower Spirit, who continued to take a nine-step step backward, asked with a trembling voice.

“The group of simple-headed, well-developed reckless men, how could it be possible to see the secret technique I performed?” The man in purple robes dismissed ironically.

Later, the man in the purple robe turned his head to look at his own stone seal, proudly replacing the disdainful display.

“Zi Ling, if I didn’t pretend to be dead in the ancient gods of ancient ancestor, how could Chaos be born without fear for hundreds of millions of people and forcibly withstand the destruction of ancient times, causing his own chaotic clock to suffer? An unimaginable blow. “

After the enemy’s local enemy ball Mo Lengcha ship closure

“For countless years, if it were not for my cautiously hidden traces, the Chaos Bell would dare to fail the Self-destruction ontology, and intends to rebirth with the help of 36 Primal Chaos Seals.”


Ignoring the ostentation of the man in Zipao Nian, Tower Spirit was completely stunned by the news just revealed by the other party!

As a magic weapon of the innate Supreme Treasure level, whether it is the strongest chaotic clock or the most low-grade yellow sword, it has the imprint of the origin of chaos.

The difference lies in the number of Primal Chaos Seals owned by the seven innate Supreme Treasures.

Primal Chaos Seal is not only a manifestation of their innate Supreme Treasure grade and strength, but also a guarantee that they can be reborn, or the ultimate card for life.

But using the rebirth of the Primal Chaos Seal is different from re-incubating the Artifact Spirit and restoring the fallen grade. It is a restart from the loss of all memory and strength.

At the same time, the rebirth of the Primal Chaos Seal is accompanied by a very large risk. It is very likely that the Primal Chaos Seal will not be able to reunite, such as a Primal Chaos Seal that was captured by the void.

After being shocked, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but start to speculate, wondering why the chaotic clock chose to use the rebirth of Primal Chaos Seal at this time, and what kind of change happened, finally driving him to take this kind of adventure. Decide.

“Hao Ling, when did Chaos big brother choose to break the army and separate Primal Chaos Seal?”

Sun Yuan Ke Yuan’s ghost behind the ball is cold

Wanting to know why Chaos Bell made the adventurous decision was to know the time he had chosen to dissolve the Primal Chaos Seal, so Tower Spirit looked up and asked the man in the purple robe.

“Two years ago, when Osmanthus was opened!”

Don’t say that Tower Spirit wants to know why the Chaos Clock chose to dissolve the Primal Chaos Seal, and the man in the purple robe who has always been frightened of the Chaos Clock also wants to know.

Therefore, in the face of Tower Spirit’s questioning, Zi Pao Nian Powerhouse did not conceal the reply.

Ruyi Bell!

After hearing the time when the Chaos Bell chose to dissolve the Primal Chaos Seal, Tower Spirit immediately thought of the defense treasure Ruyi Bell he had crafted for Yu Haoran.

At that time, when he decided to make Ruyi Bell, he made it completely by imitating the body of Chaos Clock, so the shape and color of Ruyi Clock, and the formation structure of the Clock within the Body are exactly the same as those of Chaos Clock.

The only difference is that there is no Primal Chaos Seal in Ruyi Bell.

However, if 36 Primal Chaos Seals can be gathered and separated by Chaos Bell soldiers, then Ruyi Bell is not only the most suitable carrier for rebirth, but also it is possible for Chaos Bell to regain the quality and strength of the ancient Number One Divine Artifact.

Thinking of this, Tower Spirit immediately thought of looking for Yu Haoran.

Although when they were suddenly separated, they said gracious words to each other, but as long as they made clear all the causes and consequences, they would be able to return to each other by virtue of the deep love accumulated over the years.

What’s more, after the Ontology Tower left Yu Haoran’s sea-conscious space, the speed of injury recovery became slower and slower, which gradually affected his strength as an Artifact Spirit.

Therefore, even without the Primal Chaos Seal, Tower Spirit decided to find a chance to reconcile with Yu Haoran after dealing with the Void Artifact Spirit.

“Purple, why did Chaos choose to dissolve the Primal Chaos Seal?”

After seeing that the doubts of purple spiritual eyes were gradually replaced by shock, the man in the purple robe knew that Zi Ling, who had deep affection with Chaos Bell, had already guessed the reason why the other party chose to be born again, and quickly asked.

“Because of Heavenly Profound Continent, there is a magic weapon that can perfectly integrate 36 Primal Chaos Seals, allowing the big brother of Chaos to return to the ancient Peak state through rebirth.”

Seeing that the other party was willing to disclose that the Chaos Bell soldiers had separated the Primal Chaos Seal and recorded the specific time, Tower Spirit also faithfully explained to the other party.

Of course, his confusion is not entirely good intentions, but rather heavy pressure on the other side, so that the other side will not notice Yu Haoran’s body for the time being.

After all, according to their innate Supreme Treasure Artifact Spirit mindset, the magic weapon capable of withstanding 36 Primal Chaos Seals must be the Spiritual Treasure born from Heaven and Earth. For the time being, they will not doubt their ability to refine.

After hearing Tower Spirit’s reply, the complexion changed that the man in the purple robe and the white clothed youth couldn’t help but looked at each other and found the expression of horror in their eyes.

After seeing the Zipao Niannian and the white clothed youth in extreme shock, they were briefly in a state of loss, and quickly returned to the Tower Spirit of the body. They immediately broke the void in front of them and disappeared in the osmanthus forest instantly.

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