Azure Sun City, Chamber of Commerce Mansion!

Seeing Yun Xiang, who may be beheaded at any time, not only did not obey his instructions to escape, but also deliberately rescued himself, which made Bian Shengrui, who knew how dangerous the situation was, could not help but anger.

“Xiang, at this moment not only the meridian within the body is completely broken, but also dantian and Shihai are about to collapse. It can be said to be a waste of horses, what are you doing to save a waste!”

After hearing Bian Shengrui’s outrage, Yun Xiang’s eye circles could not help but a little red, but her resentment towards family and the resentment of the Chamber of Commerce made her not only escape from the top rune alone, but instead Take out a third-order Grade 1 bloodthirsty explosive Dan obtained accidentally some time ago.

Bloodthirsty explosive Dan, demonic path’s well-known medicine pill, according to the level of medicine pill, can get a corresponding increase in strength.

The bloodthirsty explosive body of Grade 1 Grade 1 allows Martial Sovereign Grade 1 Early-Stage’s Yunxiang to instantly gain the powerful strength of Martial Saint Grade XNUMX Early-Stage.

However, after the medicine efficacy of the bloodthirsty explosive body Dan, the side effects of medicine pill will completely break the meridian of Yunxiang within the body, dantian and Shihai completely collapse, and become a waste that can never be cultivated.

“Yunxiang, although the courage of the bloodthirsty body Dan is commendable, but there is a Master to support you, you should not need to work so hard!”

When Yun Xiang was going to swallow the bloodthirsty explosive Dan in exchange for a more cultivation base and strength, while Bian Shengrui closed his eyes desperately and sadly, Yu Haoran’s ridiculous voice suddenly sounded in the living room.

Unforgettable Affections for the Moon and the Moon

“Master!” After hearing Yu Haoran’s teasing voice, he immediately put away Yun Xiang, the bloodthirsty explosive Dan, and shouted in surprise.

Bian Shengrui, who had closed his eyes, was refreshed, and his eyes opened quickly, showing an incredible ecstasy.

Gathering the Earth is not a ghost


Along with Yu Haoran’s teasing voice, the hall’s special purple-blue iron gate was directly smashed by a violent force.


Nine Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak powerhouses under siege of Yunxiang fell to the ground without any breath.

Along with the sound of peng peng falling, the five white haired old men sitting on the knees in the hall suddenly stood up and watched the man who appeared in the hall. He was tall and powerful, and looked shabby, holding a sword with a scabbard. A strange beast with an expression of fear in his eyes.

However, when a young man in a dark blue gown, looks delicate and pretty, walked into the hall with a slight sneer on his face, the faces of the five white haired old men turned pale instantly.


Seeing Yu Haoran appearing in the lobby, Yun Xiang, who was full of complex emotions such as grievances, sadness, surprises, immediately burst into his arms in tears.

Jie Yuan, Qiu Yuanqing, Hate Mo Leng Tai Leng Yu

Seeing the disciple crying out of control and feeling the Origin Force that she had completely dried up within the body, Yu Haoran patted her shoulder lightly, giving her silent comfort.

Jie Yuan Qiu Yuan Qing Ship Hate Mo Leng Tai Leng Yu “bang!”

At the same time, she quietly shattered a medicine pill that was used to restore strength, and used medicine pill to help her recover the consumed Origin Force and Soul Power.

“Who dares to mess around, I will take his life immediately!”

When using medicine pill to help Yunxiang recover the consumed Origin Force and Soul Power, Yu Haoran was keenly aware of a wave of Soul Power, his eyes were filled with frost and looked indifferently in the lobby, watching the siege of Yunxiang and Bian Shengrui. More than thirty powerhouses threatened.

Yu Haoran’s threatening voice made Yun Xiang quickly recover from the uncontrollable mood, and immediately thought of his life-threatening uncle, and quickly detached from the embrace and asked.

“Master, save Uncle Bian, he will die soon!”

The enemy Yuan Ke hate the hate and hate the hate

The enemy Yuan Ke hates the hatred and hates the bloodthirsty explosive body of Grade 1 Grade 1, allowing Martial Sovereign Grade 1 Early-Stage’s Yunxiang to instantly gain the powerful strength of Martial Saint Grade XNUMX Early-Stage.

“do not worry!”

Reaching out for Yun Xiang to arrange the hair scattered in front of his forehead, Yu Haoran promised with a chuckle.

Can’t stop Ghost Sun Chazhan and Solitary Sun Fang

“Elder is now soul flies away and scatters. As long as his body is still there, you Master I can rescue him again.”

Despite the assurance of Yu Haoran solemnly vowed, Yun Xiang, who was not completely at ease, still took his arm directly to Bian Shengrui.

“Bian Elder, what the hell is going on?” Yu Haoran asked a little puzzled after taking out two top medicine pills for restoring dantian and Shihai.

Located in the prominent position of Great Elder and decades of painstaking business, Bian Shengrui has basically controlled almost half of the power and wealth of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth.

The two separate auctions held by Guangling City and Youniu City were enough to enter the annals of history, which not only allowed him to gain more support from the Chamber of Commerce, but also allowed him to surpass Wu Sicheng in popularity and power.

With such obvious advantages, it is no problem to use Bian Shengrui’s shrewdness and prudence to completely replace Wu Sicheng, how the end result will be so battered and exhausted. It was even a drag on his own danger.

With the outbreak of the medicinal power of the top medicine pill and the rapid consolidation of the dantian and the sea that are about to collapse, Bian Shengrui’s eyes showed strong hatred after he finally hoped that the future would rise again.

The seller seeking glory is the root cause of Bian Shengrui, who originally had a great advantage, and ultimately failed.

It turned out that since the end of the auction in Youniucheng, Bian Shengrui had been determined in his heart, which has accelerated the pace of controlling the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth.

Feeling the crisis, Wu Sicheng, after knowing that he couldn’t resist Bi Shengrui’s step-by-step pressure, even secretly contacted Tianxiang Pavilion, the enemy of Chamber of Commerce in Heaven, and then reached a return agreement with Void Jade Palace through Tianxiang Pavilion.

It is also because of the supreme expert of Void Jade Palace’s realm that Bian Shengrui was defeated so terribly.

“Bing Elder, as the richest Chamber of Commerce for Heavenly Profound Continent, the inheritance has also lasted for tens of thousands of years, haven’t you secretly cultivated the powerhouse of Martial Venerable and Emperor Realm?”

The four guardian families used to sneak attacks on the ancient Fiendgod two families, and they were able to extract more than five hundred emperor realm supreme experts in a short period of time. He did not believe in the Chamber of Commerce, which has amazing wealth, and could not cultivate a few Martial Venerable, Zhun Wudi and Wudi realm’s powerhouse.

“Seventeen top peerless powerhouses of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak, nine supreme experts of one to three martial arts realm, and one old Ancestor of martial arts realm.”

nodded, Bian Shengrui introduced the details of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven and Earth.

“That being the case, why do you end up in such a daunting end?” Yu Haoran asked, frowning.

The enemy is not far away, the enemy hates the party

As long as you have the Supreme Expert of Wudi Realm, you can’t deal with the stronger Void Jade Palace powerhouse, but at least you can take him and Yunxiang to escape Azure Sun City smoothly, and then go directly to yourself.

“Poison, sneak attack!”

A not-so-distant enemy who learns to take over the lonely Sun

The ship’s not-so-successful enemies learned the solitary Sun Ji from the already closed eyes of Bian Shengrui was refreshed, his eyes quickly opened, an incredible ecstasy emerged.

A look of sadness and helplessness shook the head, Bian Shengru explained with a bitter smile.

“As the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Wu Sicheng has the right to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Chamber of Commerce freely. He used the Tianxiang cartilage provided by Void Jade Palace to directly poison the old Emperor Ancestor who trusted me, and then let Void Jade Palace The emperor’s Supreme Expert shot. “

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