In front of the barrier passage of the Secret Realm!

When Yu Haoran had just guessed why the four guardian families risked the sneak attack and the seal of the ancient Fiendgod family, the 20th percentile who knew the sea suddenly asked with a little excitement.

“Brother Yu, at the beginning of the Azure Lotus Dongfu in the mountain range of Qinling Mountain, I remember that you had collected part of the blood essence of the barley, didn’t you?”

“Yes!” Yu Haoran replied affirmatively.

When Tower Spirit used the prosperous ending principle of martial skills to cut off the green lifespan, considering that green is the cultivation base of Imperial 3’s Grade XNUMX Early-Stage, the Divine Dragon Bloodline contained in blood essence can help improve the quality and longevity of Long Aotian. Strength, he deliberately collected a part.

“Give me all!” The 20th percent asked immediately.

“no problem!”

While nodded agreed, Yu Haoran immediately questioned the 20th% of the reasons why he asked for blood essence.

“Brother Yu, the exquisite chessboard is recorded with a god-level seal Formation named Sun, Moon and Stars, based on the Four Elephants Array flag at the Divine Item level, and supplemented by Sun, Moon and Stars strength of Law, as a traction, can actively absorb a powerful defense and seal formation formed by the Sun and Moon strength of Star. “The 20% explained with excitement.

“Although with my current Formation cultivation base, Sun, Moon and Stars Formation cannot be completely arranged for the time being, but if I can pass the Divine Item-level formation flag and green essence, I can arrange a weakened version of Sun, Moon and Stars Formation, you can reseal Secret Realm. “

After hearing the detailed explanation of the 20th percentile body, Yu Haoran was also exhilarated in his heart, and immediately asked Sun, Moon and Stars Formation whether he could also seal the ancient god trial site where the ancient Divine Race was located.

“Brother Yu, the Secret Realm and the Ancient God Trial Ground are of the same level of existence, and of course they can also be sealed!” The 20th percentile gives the answer that makes him more to be wild with joy.

Although the ancient Fiendgod of the Seal Ancient God Trial and the Secret Realm can temporarily eliminate the crisis of Xianyang City and the Great Qin Empire, the benefits for the four guardian families who secretly rule Heavenly Profound Continent are even more significant.

Therefore, before deploying the Sun, Moon and Stars Formation that can seal the Secret Realm, he must get enough benefits from the four guardian families. At least some treasures that can assist the 20th percentile to improve the Formation Dao Formation cultivation base.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran turned around and walked in front of the old man in the gray robe, expression still speaking indifferently.

“If you use the Four Elephants Array flag at the Divine Item level of your four guardian families, I can find a way to seal the Secret Realm, the ancient demon race where the ancient Demon Race is located, and the ancient god trial field where the ancient Divine Race is located.”

“Really!” The old man in the gray robe asked in surprise.

The eyes of the three robe old men in Tsing Yi, white clothed, and red-clothed also showed a hint of unbelievable joy and looked at Yu Haoran.

“Inheritance Sun, Moon and Stars Formation created by Guiguzi Senior since ancient times, I wonder if you have heard of it?” After giving Sun, Moon and Stars Formation a strong mysterious history, Yu Haoran asked indifferently.

“Guiguzi Senior old man knows a little, but has never heard of the Sun, Moon and Stars he created.” After hearing the name and origin of the seal Formation, Yu Haoran mentioned that the gray robe old man was slightly frowns. Said.

“Since you haven’t heard of it, after I use the Formation Seal of Sun, Moon and Stars to seal the Secret Realm, you can stay and watch carefully.” Just as Senior taught Junior, Yu Haoran took an education Tone instructed.

In this regard, although the three robes old man in Tsing Yi, white clothed, and red-clothed showed strong dissatisfaction, the old man in the gray robe of Formation Dao was very grateful for the nodded consent.

After glancing over the three white haired old men in Tsing Yi, white clothed, and red-clothed, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at the direction of Xianyang City again, his eyes finally stayed on the gray robe body.

“I want to arrange the seal formation of Sun, Moon and Stars, both for my own strength and the cultivated resources of the reserve, it is an unimaginable consumption, so I need some compensation in advance.”

“Yu Haoran, to prevent the birth of fiendgod, who was cruel in ancient times, is to save billions of souls from water and fire. It is an opportunity to accumulate merits. Can’t you make a little sacrifice for this?”

Sun Ke, Qiu Ke, and Cool Faction

Sun Ke, Qiu Ke, and a solitary inspector, Feng Fang saw that Yu Haoran had dared to ask for benefits from their four guardian families by arranging the seal Formation. The old man in a red-clothed robe flashed a scorn of disdain. After sneer, he pretended to be a pitiful plea.

Seeing Yu Haoran taking advantage of the opportunity to lay down the Seal Formation, he dared to ask for the benefits from their four guardian families. The old man in a red-clothed robe flashed a disdainful sneer, pretending to be compassionate. Bitter request.

“Life and Death of billions of souls has nothing to do with my Yu Haoran, and I am not rare in the so-called merit opportunities.” Facing the request of the red-clothed robe old man for false mercy, Yu Haoran immediately spoke in a relentless and unmeaning tone. Strike back.


I don’t care about the lives and deaths of billions of souls, and I’m not rare in the ethereal merit!

Yu Haoran was ruthless and ruthless, or a rogue counterattack, and immediately made the red-clothed robe old man do not know how to fight back.

“Yu Haoran, your division and family are all in the Southern Region. If you do not want to seal the second birth of the ancient Fiendgod, I am afraid that your relatives and divisions will be destroyed in the hands of the ancient Demon God. Are you cold-blooded to ignore it? Is it close to family and friendship? “Stepped to the old man in front of the red-clothed robe, and asked with a sneer.

“You take a look at the Clearcloud Peak of Hundred Chi Sect, and you turn to look at the Imperial Palace in Xianyang City, and then think about whether you have the confidence to ask the question just now.”

Facing the old man in Tsing Yi robe to question himself with family and friendship, Yu Haoran replied with a sneer.

After the old man in Tsing Yi robe used God’s thoughts to see Clearcloud Peak and Imperial Palace in Xianyang City, he continued with a smug smile.

“As early as half a year ago, I already knew that the ancient Divine Race of the Ancient God Trial Ground would come to the Heavenly Profound Continent, and from then on I have started to arrange the retreat of relatives and friends.”

“So, whether the Seal of the Ancient God Trial and the Secret Realm, the ancient Fiendgod tribe will come to the Southly Profound Continent for the second time, it doesn’t matter to me Yu Haoran.”

“Yu Haoran, aren’t you afraid of death?” The white clothed robe old man who stepped over the red-clothed and Tsing Yi robe old man, stood directly in front of Yu Haoran, threatened by murderous-looking.

“Old fellow, although you are the pseudo-god of Demi-God realm, but you want to kill me Yu Haoran, you are not qualified.”

The Murderous Aura that emerged from the old age of the white clothed robe is very similar to the Murderous Aura that was emitted when the Tower Spirit robbed Demi-God realm.

Therefore, in the face of the threat of the old man in white clothed robes, Yu Haoran contacted the first Avatar in the practice room of the Prince Consort mansion by means of telepathy, and took out the Trapping Immortal Sword to give the opponent the strongest blow.

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