Turning his head and glancing at the city farther and farther away, Shenjie’s eyes gradually revealed a hint of hesitation.

Feeling that the concentration of world’s spiritual energy is getting thinner and hesitant, expression of hesitation is finally replaced.

Afterwards, Shenjie reached out to the void in front of his eyes, and then took out a fan and a fan made of dozens of white feathers from the cut void.

At the moment Shenjie took out the fan, not only was he attacking more than a thousand Divine Race powerhouses in the Mansion Formation, immediately stopped the attack and pulled back, but Yu Haoran at the mansion couldn’t help but a sudden change in his face.

Because he took out the feather fan from Shenjie, he felt a strong and fatal crisis, just like he felt when facing the Immortal Beheading Four Swords.

“Ling Fei, Wuhen, elder sister, Zhengjun, and Water Girl, immediately inspired me to give you the top note, I will now send you out of the house.”

Without hesitation, Yu Haoran turned his head to Qin Lingfei and the others loudly, while controlling the Formation hub to weaken the defense of the mansion, so that the top rune could take Qin Lingfei and the others away.

What to do if the Defense Formula of Prince Consort’s mansion is breached, he already explained it when answering the third question of Zhong Lishuiqin!

Therefore, after hearing Yu Haoran’s urgent instructions, Qin Lingfei and the others also directly took out the top rune without any hesitation.

But when they had just mobilized Origin Force to inspire the rune, a deafening roar suddenly came from outside the mansion.

Accompanied by the deafening roar, horrific momentum came from the south side of the mansion.

After feeling the horror momentum from outside the mansion, Yu Haoran immediately turned his head and made a sound to Qin Lingfei and the others, and then the Tongli Formation hub sensed the source of the horror, and his face suddenly sighed with a happy smile.

Local Enemy

“heaven helps me !”

“This is the breath of the ancient Demon Race!” Using a special secret technique to forcibly extract a trace of breath from the defensive formation of the mansion. After careful discrimination, Zhong Lishuiqin shouted without shock.


Looking at the white feather of the hand, Shen Jie’s eyes flashed a little tenderness, and immediately moved the dive force within the body into the fan, intending to use the Divine Fire formed by the feather to completely burn the defense of the mansion.

But when he just wanted to fan the fan, the roar suddenly heard from 50 li, and the dark and horrible momentum that erupted constantly, he couldn’t resist the complexion changed.

“Blazing general, the group of demon spawn was born, and immediately led the army to kill them.”

The unforgettable hatred made Shenjie know the origin of the other party at the moment when he felt the dark and horrific momentum. Without any hesitation, he immediately used his powerful divine thoughts, and the summon was suppressing the fierce and the others of Xianyang City people.

After taking back the notice of the fiery god thoughts, he immediately took out the deities of the destiny sword weapon, and sharply instructed more than one thousand Divine Race elite powerhouse on the scene.

After being in love with the enemy, Mo Yuzhan was closed

“Ignore the mansion for the time being, and immediately follow the deity to kill the demon spawn.”

The blood and hatred accumulated in ancient times has made Divine Race’s hatred of Demon Race so high that it cannot be washed by Star River for nine days.

Therefore, after hearing the orders of the nine gods, more than a thousand Divine Race powerhouse immediately broke out without a murderous aura, howling towards the sealed magic Secret Realm 50 li away.


“Ling Fei, immediately controlled the mansion to rush back to Xianyang City, and asked the Saint to arrange some military officials to appease the people in Xianyang City.” After forcibly suppressing the ecstasy that came out of her heart, Yu Haoran signaled that the 20% of the body’s consciousness should withdraw from the formation. The hub is then instructed against Qin Lingfei.

“Prince Consort, be careful!”

Knowing what Yu Haoran was going to do next, he also knew how dangerous his work was, but Qin Lingfei, who knew the big picture, not at all vehemently opposed it, but only gently told him to pay attention to safety.

“Brother Yu, let me go with you!”

When Qin Lingfei was going to regain control of the Mansion’s Formation hub, the red beast that had woke up in time rushed over with two swords with scabbards.

After seeing the two scabbard swords of the red hated beast, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a little expression of surprise.

It seems that the heavy price paid by the red hated beast in sneak attack Zhou Youze was not without great gains.

However, thinking that the red hated beast had been tortured by inhuman by the ancient Demon Race for more than ten years, from the the ins bones, there was an instinctive fear of the ancient Demon Race, and the expression of surprise was gradually replaced by hesitation.

“Brother Chi, why don’t you stay in the mansion with you!”

When Yu Haoran escaped from the Secret Realm and returned to the Prince Consort mansion, Qin Lingfei and the others had already seen the true appearance of the red beast, so when they saw the ugly monster for the second time, their reaction seemed very calm, which also made the red The beastly beast immediately felt good about Qin Lingfei and the others.

“Since you will meet them sooner or later, it’s better to face your inner magic barrier ahead of time!” Passing the Trapping Immortal Sword in front of Yu Haoran, he replied with a bitter smile.

While reaching out to take the Trapping Immortal Sword, Yu Haoran took out more than a dozen top-notch medicine pills used to restore his strength and sent them directly to the Red-Beasted Beast.

In this regard, the red hated beast received without any delay, and directly swallowed a top-level medicine pill.

Later, Yu Haoran motioned to Qin Lingfei to open a defensive gap in the mansion, and then led the red beast to the battlefield where the ancient Fiendgod tore up.

Looking at the restored Recovery Formation gap, Zhong Lishuiqin’s eyes flashed a complex expression.

“Trapping Immortal Sword, Slaying Immortal Sword, Extinguishing Immortal Sword, and now Yu Haoran has made up the three swords of Immortal Beheading Four Swords. If he gets the four swords with the highest grade, the strongest formable power is Executive Immortal Sword.”

“Then, with his Formation cultivation base of the Formation Dao, he should barely be able to arrange the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation created by Tongtian Paragon.”

“Executing Immortal Array is completed, and the Spiritual God is gone! If the facts are as I guessed, I am afraid the family should change the assisting partner as soon as possible!”

The distance of 50 li, for Yu Haoran and the Red-Beasted Beast with the strength of the Emperor Wu, has just arrived in the blink of an eye, and then hid in a cloud in the void, cautiously watching the bloody battle that is taking place below.

“Brother, how did the ancient Demon Race’s men and women look polarized?”

From a physical point of view, the ancient Demon Race is very similar to the ancient Divine Race, except that it is stronger, but the male of the ancient Demon Race is ugly, and can almost be compared with the red beast around him.

But the women of the ancient Demon Race not only have beautiful and attractive looks, but also have an unusually hot figure, which gives a very strong visual impact.

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