Xianyang City, in front of the barrier passage!

After a close search of nearly 20% of the clock, the Supreme Expert of Divine Race Warrior Grade 9 Peak Realm finally had to believe that it was an ambush that made more than XNUMX Divine Race powerhouses in the Ancient God Proving Ground, and mistakenly thought it was Heavenly Profound Continent magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

In fact, it was just made by two top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak humans, which made Divine Race powerhouse feel smirk and couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

Sun Yuanyuan hates Sun

Resulting from a distant goal alone

After all, when the Spiritual God of Valkyrie Realm is temporarily unable to leave the Ancient God Proving Ground, the number of humans who have the absolute advantage will definitely bring great trouble to the Divine Race army.

Later, he immediately signaled to the subordinates of the other nine Emperor Realm to stand around the barrier passage to prevent someone from secretly attacking the passage of the Secret Realm barrier and undermining the plan for the advent of the nine gods and the Divine Race.

Moyang Ji Nuo is early

The enemy ’s enemy ball Mo Yang Ji Nuo was a thousand early!

After securing the passage of the Secret Realm barrier, Divine Race powerhouse kneels on one knee, and shouts at the end of the passage with a frantic expression.

“The flames of my subordinates, I welcome the descending of the Temple of Heaven to Heavenly Profound Continent, and lead me to the world of Divine Race to reappear the ancient glory!”

With the blazing shouts of fever, Divine Race elite powerhouses began to appear one after another in the barrier passage.

a hundred!

Ending the hatred, not the ghosts

One thousand!

After the ground hatred and the ghost Sun hated Yu Nao to accept the promise, “Okay!” After receiving the promise of Gino’s death vow, nodded agreed with fiery satisfaction.

Ten thousand!

After seeing more than XNUMX Divine Race elite powerhouses out of the barrier passage, especially after nearly three hundred strong Divine Race warrior supreme experts, Yu Haoran seemed to know that when the ancient Demon Race was born, The mood is exactly the same, that is powerless.

Afterwards, he immediately used God’s mind to instruct Yu Siqi.

Sun Buke’s Local Enemy Research Institute

“Sister, you quickly return to Prince Consort, and then assist Ling Fei in driving the residence to leave Xianyang City immediately.”

Without any hesitation, Yu Siqi turned around and flew back to the Prince Consort mansion, and then floating in the air, the Prince Consort mansion began to move.

Yu Siqi’s departure, the move of the Prince Consort mansion, not at all caught the attention of the Divine Race powerhouse. More than XNUMX Divine Race powerhouses who left the barrier passage all bowed to the ground with one knee, looking at the barrier passage eagerly.

When a young man dressed in a deep purple clothed gown, fluttering with energy and with a smile on his face walked out of the barrier passage, the powerhouse of more than XNUMX Divine Race at the scene immediately bowed his head and shouted loudly.

The enemy is not the enemy

“Welcome the descendant of the Temple of Heaven to Heavenly Profound Continent, and lead me to the Divine Race to rule the world and reappear ancient glory!”

The nine gods who came out of the barrier passage took a deep breath of fresh air outside Secret Realm, and signaled to the crowd with a touch of excitement.

“Get up!”

“Thank His Royal Highness!”

As more than XNUMX Divine Race powerhouse stood up and quickly discharged from the battle formation, the blazing breeze who first left the barrier passage walked in front of Jiu Shenzi, and then whispered the information he had just collected.

After hearing the ambush that made him and the eight Lord of the Valkyrie realm nervous, turned out to be the human youth above his head, the gloomy instant replaced the excited nine god son, and immediately rose into the air, while his eyes filled with murderous aura. Road.

“Kid, who are you?”

“It’s him!”

When Ninth Prince yelled at Yu Haoran, a Diwu Race powerhouse from a military emperor Grade 1 Early-Stage suddenly thought that the young man with a slightly elegant temperament wearing a dark blue gown was not exactly four months ago. Enter the Trial Field of the Ancient Gods and secretly kill the human of the Divine Race elite!

Quickly walked to the blazing side, Wu Di Grade 1 Early-Stage’s Divine Race powerhouse, and quickly told him in detail what Yu Haoran had done.

“Gino, if you let him go head-to-head with him, would you be confident of defeating and capturing each other?”

After hearing the reports from his subordinates, he looked up fiercely and took a closer look at the blue clothed youth floating in the air, and gradually found out of the ordinary blue clothed youth.

Top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak cultivation base, Wudi Grade 1 Early-Stage’s mood cultivation base, Wudi Grade 1 Peak’s fleshhy body grade, Wudi Grade 2 Early-Stage’s Origin Force and Soul Power realm.

Like the innate talent and potential demonstrated by the blue clothed youth at this moment, they can be regarded as the ancient Divine Race sheltered by Heaven and Earth, and also belong to the most top genius of evil spirits, and will be fully trained by Divine Race.

And such a top evil spirit genius, and possessing such powerful strength, must be the young powerhouse of the famous Heavenly Profound Continent, which is a good sacrifice for the flag.

Therefore, as the deputy of the Heavenly Profound Continent for the nine gods, he immediately felt the idea of ​​capturing blue clothed youth.

Considering the countless years of being evaded from the world, the fighting blood of clansman within the body belonging to the Divine Race has already cooled, and an evenly matched blood battle is needed to re-awaken their boiling heat within the body. Blazing immediately thought that it was easiest to ignite passion and A bloody challenge.

Although the blue clothed youth has only the cultivation base of the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak, the realm of mood, fleshhy body, Origin Force, and Soul Power allows the other party to have the real power of Emperor Wudi.

Well, Gino, who has hatred each other and has only the Emperor’s Grade 1 Early-Stage, is the best person to challenge the blue clothed teenager.

“Returning to the Lord, if within three moves can not defeat the opponent, then the subordinates immediately God Wing and Divine Soul, to thank the Lord!” After hearing the fierce interrogation, Gino immediately patted his chest and promised an oath.

“Okay!” Nodded agreed with enthusiasm after receiving Gino’s vow promise made with death.

“Boy, who are you?” Yu Haoran, who quickly adjusted his mentality in the face of purple clothed youths filled with murderous aura, asked the same without fear.

“Kids, you are courting death!”

Rather than answering the question he asked just now, he questioned his origins. Yu Haoran’s fierce counterattack made Jiu Shenzi’s heart out of Murderous intention.

But at this time, the blazing fire around him suddenly appeared, whispering everything Yu Haoran had done to Divine Race, and the ideas he used to take the other side’s flag and challenge.

“Blazing general, before the flag offering, I will use Demon Race’s secret technique fiercely to torture this damn inferior creature.” Nodded agreed with the blazing plan, but the anger of the nine gods, instructed by the gnashing teeth.

Sun Keyuan’s ghost Sun Qiu

“Subordinates obey!” Just leave a breath to sacrifice the flag, so in the face of the orders of the nine gods, Blaze immediately and respectfully signaled.

“Boy, do you remember me!” After receiving the consent of the nine gods and fiery, Gino flew up to Yu Haoran with a smile on his face, and asked gnashing teeth.

As the person in charge of the security of the ancient God’s Proving Ground, not only the clansman responsible for protection was killed, but even the murderer was not captured afterwards, which made Gino dismissed as the person in charge, and also became clansman’s ridicule and irony. Opponent.

So, the day after learning that he could return to Heavenly Profound Continent, Gino dreamed of finding the human who brought him shame.

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