Xianyang City, Prince Consort House!

Looking at the red tired beast whose breath gradually stabilized with the help of three top Healing Medicine Pills, Yu Haoran, who was slightly tired, could not help but sighed in relief. !

When he escaped from the Secret Realm, he was too hasty. He only used his breath to analyze the injuries suffered by the red beast, but when he returned to the Prince Consort mansion for a detailed inspection, he found that the situation was far worse than his analysis. Times.

The rupture of meridian and blood vessels, and the forced displacement of internal organs, are nothing compared to the two sharp sword energy remaining in the Red Tired Animal within the body.

If it were not for possessing the strongest ancient ancestral witch fleshhy body, he would not dare to touch the sharp sword energy full of violent slaughter breath.

If it hadn’t been for his previous exposure to the sword energy of Executing Immortal Sword and Extinguishing Immortal Sword, and then based on Tower Spirit’s interpretation of the interdependence between Immortal Beheading Four Swords, it would not be possible to successfully guide those two sword energy to leave the Red Beast the body.

Looking at the two jade pendants used to store Slaying Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword sword energy, Yu Haoran’s slightly tired face appeared a smile.

Although the powerful sword energy that guides the Red Tired Beast within the body is full of danger and hardship, the final harvest is also amazing.

The two jade pendants in the hands store the powerful sword energy of two Slaying Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword. As long as they are released instantly, the Supreme Expert of Wudi Grade 3 Peak Realm will undoubtedly die.

Hou Yuanqiu hates Mo Yangdu

After taking away the two jade pendants, Yu Haoran then took out eight void fruits from the storage ring, which were monochrome, two-color, three-color, and up to eight-color void fruits.

Hou Yuanqiu hates Mo Yang. The two jade pendants have two Slaying Immortal Sword and Trapping Immortal Sword’s powerful sword energy stored in their two hands. As long as they are released instantly, the Supreme Expert of Wudi Grade 3 Peak Realm will undoubtedly die.

After glancing at the red annoying beast lying in front of him again, and confirming that he would not wake up for a while and a half, Yu Haoran swallowed the red void fruit directly.

As the red void fruit burst into a special energy, he gradually felt his knowledge of the sea, and there appeared countless imaginary energy lines like long hair.

The two-line rule of Life and Death, the four-line rule of power, the four-line rule of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and the insights of the law of speed and the strength of law make him very clear that all the energy lines appearing in the sea space are all one. Article of strength of Law.

Go Yuan Ke Yuan Ghost Ship Ball Tested by Yang

It is just that the strength of the Law of Law that appears in the consciousness space is too illusory, making him unable to distinguish the quality of the Strength of Law, and unable to quickly find the strength of the Law that suits him.

As the energy from within the body of the red void burst began to weaken, the strength of consciousness began to fade away, and it was too late to choose carefully. Yu Haoran could only rely on his inner feelings, and his consciousness quickly stuck to a strength of disappearing. Law.

When the disappearing strength of Law was incorporated into the consciousness, and after a moment of enlightenment-like understanding, Yu Haoran’s face immediately appeared a smile of surprise.

Degree of Law!

Lonely Star

The strength of law that I chose to integrate with my inner feeling just now is the strength of law that can follow the law of speed to form a two-line law.

As his cultivation base gets higher and higher, and his opponents are getting stronger and stronger, Yu Haoran has gradually discovered his own shortcoming, which is speed.

Regardless of the speed of the attack, the speed of the flash, the speed of the burst, and the speed at which it bursts out, it is gradually falling behind the opponents of the same realm.

This backwardness is not only related to the ancestral witch’s fleshhy body and memory inheritance, but also to the strength of law that she perceives.

Nowadays, the successful realization of the strength of Law and the dual speed law can not only make up for his own shortcomings in speed, but also increase his strength several times or ten times.

took a deep breath, adjusting the mood of inner joy, Yu Haoran opened his eyes slowly, and looked at the two-colored void fruit in front of him, and swallowed directly without any hesitation.

With a slightly strong special energy erupting from the two-colored void fruit, countless strengths of law reappeared in Shihai.

Forming a small, illusory strength of Law with the red void fruit, the strength of Law formed by the two-color void fruit appears thicker and firmer.

Although the strength and solidity of the strength of law still can’t distinguish and choose the strength of law that suits him, but he has at least doubled his clear feelings so that he knew his choice shortly after the appearance of strength of law. .

The strength of Law now!

After merging the selected strength of Law and successfully using the demon-like perception to make Yu Haoran feel to be wild with joy, he felt that the strength of Law he felt with his inner feelings turned out to be able to follow the Law of Shem The formation of the dual system law also promotes the strength of Law of Shem.

More importantly, according to Tower Spirit’s introduction to Space Law.

If you want to successfully sense and control the spatial strength of law, you must first realize and control the twelve auxiliary strength of law.

The dual law of speed and the flash of dual strength of Law are just four of the twelve auxiliary strength of Law!

With the remaining eight auxiliary strengths of Law, relying on higher quality void fruits and space spar containing pure space energy, he has sufficient confidence to continue to perceive four to five strengths of Law.

As long as he feels that the auxiliary strength of Law is more than half, he can create a martial skill similar to the law of space strength of Law.

The powerful effects of the red void fruit and the two-colored void fruit delighted Yu Haoran, and they were full of confidence in comprehending Space Law.


But when he had just brought the three-colored Void Fruit to his mouth and hadn’t yet served it, a deafening roar suddenly heard throughout Xianyang City.

With the deafening roar, the Prince Consort mansion floating in the air began to shake violently.

Without any hesitation, he immediately put away the six void fruits in front of him, and after leaving the practice room, Yu Haoran quickly rushed to the side of the mansion and cast his gaze directly in the direction of the Imperial Palace restricted area.

Looking at the Secret Realm barrier channel that was forcibly blasted out by terrorist forces, watching the thick and pure Spiritual Qi emerging from the barrier channel, his face gloomed instantly.

Kyototsuki month

Also deafened by the deafening roar to Qin Lingfei and the others, he quickly left the Prince Consort mansion. Then rushed to his side.

Qin Lingfei expression eagerly asked after seeing the Nether Barrier passage that suddenly appeared in the Imperial Palace forbidden area.

“Ancient Divine Race is coming!” Yu Haoran gnashing teeth replied, feeling the increasing terror at the end of the barrier passage.

The enemy is not far away from the enemy

After revenge, hate the enemy

Although it was known that the ancient Divine Race hiding in Immortal Realm would come sooner or later, and the means of retreat and defense had been prepared in advance, when the moment it really happened, the anger and heavy stress that erupted in the heart instantly. Make him feel very annoyed.

“Prince Consort, do you say Xianyang City will be destroyed in the hands of those people?” After hearing the response from Yu Haoran gnashing teeth, Qin Lingfei suddenly felt nervous, and asked with worry.

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