Blue Moon Secret Realm!

The Earth is far away


After hearing the sound of the Secret Realm suddenly sounding the item passing quickly, Yu Haoran and the red beast looked up at the same time and found a fruit the size of a cherry with a red color, like a meteor spraying from the colorful clouds Out.

Immediately mobilized without losing the powerful divine thoughts that entered the Emperor Wu realm quickly, after chasing the falling red fruit quickly, Yu Haoran wrapped the red fruit with the divine thoughts and sent them to him in an instant.


Originally, I wanted to feel the effect of the red void fruit on the strength of Law, but the Secret Realm void sounded the sound of the item.

Although the divine thought was used for chasing quickly, the orange vanity fruit sprayed too fast and the fall point was too far away. In the end, the divine thought could only return.

Invincible enemies receive the lone party after the ship

The defeat of the orange void fruit made Yu Haoran immediately extinguish the idea of ​​checking the effect of the red void fruit, quickly put the red void fruit into the pill bottle prepared in advance, and then stared at the colorful clouds gathered in the void of Secret Realm.


When Secret Realm sounded the sound of the third item falling, Yu Haoran, already prepared, immediately used the divine thoughts to condense a palm, and quickly grasped the color to show the yellow void fruit.

But then his body shook slightly, his face paled for a moment.

Because of the impact force formed by the yellow void fruit jet, it is not lost in the full blow of Emperor Wu 1’s Grade XNUMX Peak supreme expert. It is impossible to intercept in advance simply by the god’s idea of ​​entering Emperor Wu real.

Quickly swallowed the medicine pill to treat the divine mind, Yu Haoran no longer blindly used the divine mind to intercept, but used the divine mind to determine the approximate location where the fruit of the void landed, in order to facilitate the next search.

“Brother Yu, the effect of Void Fruit on the perception of strength of Law is different. The more colors the Void Fruit presents, the stronger the effect of Strength of Law, and the higher the quality of Strength of Law that can be felt.”

When Secret Realm’s nine colorful clouds sprayed the void fruits of red, orange, and yellow, the red beast not at all took the fight, but looked at Yu Haoran with a smile.

Watching him successfully use the divine thought to get the first red void fruit, watching his divine thought and losing the second orange void fruit, watching his divine thought be broken by the third yellow void fruit.

However, when he saw Yu Haoran using divine thoughts to continue to track the falling void fruit, he couldn’t help reminding the frowns.

Hou Yuan Qiu is not cool

“Taking you and my top demon innate talents and perceptions, if you can perceive the ordinary strength of law through the monochromatic void fruit, it will waste time and delay your own cultivation.”

“Brother, I’m different from you.”

“You are only accompanied by poisonous brother, and there is a group of close friends and relatives behind me. They do not possess the potential of you and me as a top evildoer. It is difficult to successfully perceive the strength of law through your own understanding.”

Hearing the reminder from the red hated beast, Yu Haoran replied with a wry smile while using the divine mind to track the ninth brown void fruit dropped from the void by Secret Realm.

“So, I can only work a little harder and pay more, and try to find more treasures for them that can help improve the cultivation base and strength.”

Yu Haoran’s emphasis on family and friendship has made the red beast that cherishes friendship quite agreeable, and her eyes are an expression of appreciation.

When the ninth brown void fruit fell on a jungle in Secret Realm, the colorful clouds of Secret Realm’s void suddenly began to shrink.

Immediately afterwards, Jiu Caiyun mist sprayed out 72 empty fruits of nine colors in one breath.

“That being the case, then I can help my brother!” Watching Secret Realm’s Nine Colorful Clouds instantly ejected a large number of monochrome void fruits, the red hated heartily reminded.

Then he waved his wide sleeves and screamed.

“Universe in the Sleeves!”

Along with the drunken sound of the red hate beast, the sleeves that were swung immediately began to expand, directly covering the entire Secret Realm’s nine-colored clouds, and finally successfully all 72 monochrome void fruits were put into the sleeves.

The enemies of hatred and hatred are lonely

Yu Haoran’s eyes exuded a horrified expression as he saw that he could directly conquer all the monochromatic void fruits by the sleeves alone.

The enemies and enemies hate the war and be lonely. “Brother Yu, the impact power formed when the four-color void fruit fell, almost reached the strength of Emperor Wu’s Grade 4 Peak, which has exceeded the formidable power that I can withstand the secret technique. “

The impact force formed when the Void Fruit is dropped is almost equivalent to the strength of Emperor Wu 1’s Grade XNUMX Peak. With the cultivation base and strength he now has, although he can barely intercept a Void Fruit, his own speed cannot match the Void Fruit. Falling speed.

But red hate beast!

It seems that when he met just now, his introduction of his strength was not accurate, or that he could deal with those Emperors and Martial Venerable powerhouse in the entrance valley of Secret Realm.

“Brother Yu, then!” After using the power of the demon to enclose 72 monochromatic vanity fruits, all of them were delivered to Yu Haoran, and the red beast smiled and motioned.

“Brother, many thanks!”

Anyway, the red hated beast does not have any malice towards himself. The stronger his strength is, the more he will be able to compete for the emergence of the two-color, three-color, and four-color void fruits.

Therefore, without any delay, Yu Haoran waved the 72 Void Fruits floating in front of her eyes, all of which were collected into a pill bottle prepared in advance.

“Universe in the Sleeves!”

Immediately after Yu Haoran stowed 72 single-colored void fruits, the nine-colored clouds gathered in the void of Secret Realm ejected another 72 two-colored void fruits.

There is no slightest hesitation in the red hate beast, continue to perform the secret technique Universe in the Sleeves, which has just received the monochromatic void fruit, and successfully collect 72 two-color void fruits.

“Universe in the Sleeves!”

Gu Yue, the enemy of the only enemy

When Secret Realm’s nine-colored clouds gathered in the void began to spray out sixty-three tri-colored void fruits, the red hated beast continued to use the same method to successfully collect sixty-three tri-colored void fruits.

However, when Secret Realm’s nine-color clouds gathered in the void began to eject XNUMX four-colored void fruits, the red hated beast did not continue to perform the secret technique of Universe in the Sleeves to collect the void fruits, but only used the mind to follow The location where most of the four-colored void fruits fall.

At the same time, he turned to Yu Haoran and explained with a grin.

“Brother Yu, the impact force formed when the four-color void fruit fell, almost reaching the strength of Emperor Wu’s Grade 4 Peak, has exceeded the formidable power that I can withstand the secret technique.”

“Brother Red, being able to wipe out the monochromatic, two-color, and three-color void fruits, thanks to the help of Brother Red, but also far beyond my imagination.”

Facing the explanation of the sorrowful smile of Yuyan Beast, Yu Haoran quickly relieved and thanked him.

“Brother Chi, the grace of today, I have Yu Haoran in mind!”

“Brother Yu, you’re out of sight. I just did a little bit of effort just now to deal with the hidden dangers of the poisonous brother within the body. It’s not worth mentioning at all.” Facing Yu Haoran’s solemn thanks And promised, the red hated animal quickly waved to persuade.

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