Blue Moon Secret Realm!

The red borer that doesn’t have much affection for the red red wooden pig itself, so not at all sent it too far away from Secret Realm. Product W ()

With the quality and strength of the red Akagi pig at that time, he did not have the ability to leave the southern region independently, but in the past three years, he had never heard of any news about the red Akagi pig.

However, considering that the red Akagi pig is only a slightly better creature, and he just passed by, there is not much value to be concerned about.

So, after forcibly dispelling the idea of ​​the red Akagi pig, Yu Haoran planned to fly up to the red rock group.

But at this time, Secret Realm, which was originally ten thousand li, was empty, and suddenly there was a dark cloud, and a horrifying atmosphere gradually formed from the dark cloud.

Along with the condensing of terror, a one-eyed eye without a sense of fluctuation slowly emerged from the dark clouds.

“Who, who broke into Secret Realm?”

When the one-eyed eye condensed by the secret rules of Secret Realm just emerged, there was a scream of reprimand from the depths of Secret Realm.

“Brother, it’s me, Yu Haoran!” He Had no attention to the rules of Secret Realm, and Yu Haoran shouted excitedly into the depths of Secret Realm.

“Brother Yu, how did you get into Blue Moon Secret Realm?” After hearing Yu Haoran’s loud response, a tall and strong silhouette appeared in front of him at a speed exceeding lightning, his eyes questioned with confusion.

However, when he saw the ethereal mouse standing on Yu Haoran’s shoulder, the red beast sighed suddenly.

“Brother Yu, I didn’t expect you to have such an opportunistic opportunity, and you could be born with Heaven and Earth, and you could find the ethereal rats of Supreme Treasure everywhere.”

Reaching out to signal Yu Haoran not to speak for the time being, the red hated beast raised his head and looked at Secret Realm’s void rules.

“This is my good friend, not the existence you can provoke, now you can continue to sleep.”

After hearing the orders from the red hated beast, the one-eyed eye flashed a little anger and finally dispersed slowly, and then the Secret Realm void covered by dark clouds returned to the clear sky ten thousand li.

“Brother Chi, I haven’t seen you in three years, you are more and more domineering!” It seems that he ordered the Secret Realm rules, but the Secret Realm rules did not dare to obey. This shocked Yu Haoran and he couldn’t help praise .

“Following the realm of the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak and the strength of Wudi supreme expert, my progress in the past three years is equivalent to regressing!” Facing Yu Haoran ’s praise, the red hated beast could not bear it. Sighed bitterly.

Yu Haoran expression asked in shock after a terrified gaze flashed.

“Brother, what kind of cultivation base are you?”

Due to the sudden emergence of the one-eyed eye condensed by Secret Realm’s rules, he eventually did not rise up, nor did he use the slightest Origin Force and Soul Power.

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So, how does the red hated beast see through the cultivation base of its top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak, and at the same time how it can see through the strength of the Emperor Wu realm!

“The grade of the eighth-grade Grade 9 Peak is the strength of entering the realm of the emperor!” Facing Yu Haoran’s shocking questioning, Chiyanju did not reply in the slightest concealment.

“Zi …!”

After hearing the red hated beast without any concealed response, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Because in his cognition, he has never seen it, and never heard of it. Who can use the cultivation base of the martial arts Grade 9 Peak to possess the terrifying power of the real emperor who entered the emperor.

“The reason why I can see through my brother’s cultivation base and strength at one glance is because I have successfully opened the third eye and have the ability to see through reality.” I didn’t care about Yu Haoran’s reaction of taking a cool breath. Explained.

“Brother Brother, in the three years since I left Secret Realm, I have always considered my innate talent and potential, and the cultivation base and the speed of strength improvement have topped the entire Heavenly Profound Continent. Ordinary martial artist. “

Not only did the improvement in strength exceed his cognition, but it also opened a third eye with the ability to resist the sky.

The performances of the red hated beasts can be said to be against the sky, which made Yu Haoran convinced and sighed.

“Brother Yu, how about going to Poison Lake?”

For three years, whether it is Yu Haoran or himself, the cultivation base and strength have changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. If I continue to introduce and sigh, I am afraid that it will not be over for a while.

Moreover, the situation of the poison source in the recent period is not quite right. He needs to keep an eye on his only brother.

Enchou Yuanke receives the cold feather ghost star

Therefore, he took the initiative to end each other’s sigh, and actively invited.

“Brother, please!” Nodded agreed, and Yu Haoran signaled directly into the air.

Then, Yu Haoran and the Red-Beasted Beast each used extreme speeds, and in the blink of an eye, they returned to the poison mist in the poison mist lake.

“Yi! ”

The result is not far away

Just after landing on the edge of the poisonous lake, Yu Haoran suddenly saw the color of the poisonous lake water, instead of the previous multicolored six colors, but turned into a lacquer black that makes people feel scalp tingling.

“Brother Yu, don’t!” Seeing that Yu Haoran directly extended the hand to contaminate the poisonous lake water, it was very clear how violent the poisonous beast of the poisonous lake water was, and his face suddenly stopped.

“Brother, don’t you forget that Yu Haoran is also a master of poison?”

After turning his head and reminding him, Yu Haoran’s finger was inserted directly into the poisonous lake.

Immediately afterwards, the black water of the poisonous lake suddenly turned up, and then turned into black snakes, desperately rushing to the fingers inserted into the water.

“Brother Red, what about Poison Brother?” As countless black snakes were about to touch their fingers, Yu Haoran immediately withdrew his fingers and turned his head to ask the Red Dog.

“Brother Duanyuan, brother Yu has followed you three years ago to see you!” After hearing Ha Yuan’s mention of Duanyuan, Red Eyed Beast’s eyes flashed a little anxiety, and he shouted loudly into the lake.

But waiting almost 30% of the time, the calm lake surface did not show any waves, and the source of poison did not heed the call of the red-nosed beast to give any response.

“Brother Red, is Brother Du Yuan very hot and temperamental, and his strength has increased very fast?” Yu Haoran expression grave asked, looking back at the poison lake.


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While nodded confirmed, the red-faced beast’s face was gloomy and watery, explaining.

“Brother Yu, since a month ago, Brother Duanyuan suddenly entered the state of epiphany with unfathomable mystery. After that, not only was his strength advanced by leaps and bounds far beyond your imagination, but his character became addictive.”

Having said that, the Red-Beasted Beast looked up at the Secret Realm space outside the poison mist, and continued with a flash of anxiety.

“In this short month, the number of aliens killed in its hands has exceeded XNUMX, which has caused panic among the countless aliens in Secret Realm.”

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