Prince Consort House, Wind Pavilion!

“Jingjun, I’m fine!”

In front of Wu Zhengjun shook the head, Yu Haoran glanced at a few people in Fengting Pavilion, with a touch of tenderness.

After entering the pavilion, his eyes have been closed and Yu Siqi immersed in cultivation, he didn’t care at all.

Then, he took out five Martial Venerable high-order realm soul fires from the storage ring, and used the Origin Force package to deliver them to the five people, and then reminded with a smile.

“Directly absorb and refining and see how it works!”

For Yu Haoran, Qin Lingfei, Jian Wuhen, and Wu Zhengjun, who have instinctual trust and worship, faced the soul fire sent to themselves without any hesitation in directly absorbing and refining.

Yu Siqi shook his head slightly frowning.

“The grade is too low to use me!”

Sun Ke loves Sun Qi from the cold alone

Zhongli Shuiqin looked at the soul fire floating in front of her, and her eyes showed an expression of no shock.

Sun Keyuan loves Sun Qiu from the cold alone, “Water Girl, the adventure of Bone City, I lost a very important elder, so I don’t want to recall too much about Bone City, I hope you can forgive me. “

Withdrawing Yu Siqi’s unseen fire, Yu Haoran reminded Zhongli Shuiqin with a smile.

“Girl hydrophone, have something to say for a while, first try how effective this soul fire is.”

Nodded, Zhong Li Shuiqin uses the special secret technique to directly integrate the soul fire of Martial Venerable realm into her brows to see the sea, and to check the origin of the soul fire, to further confirm her inner conjecture.

Ghost Ship Can’t Get Back

“Sister, what grade do you have now?” Yu Haoran expression asked solemnly, smiling.

“The state of mind cultivation base, Origin Force and Soul Power have all reached the Emperor Grade 3 Peak. Only the level of fleshhy body is still at the limit of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak.”

Although she has been successfully promoted to forget her realm, she has not experienced the process of slaughtering her blood relatives, so her break through her unreal realm is not complete, and sometimes it is affected by the affection of her family.

Therefore, in the face of Yu Haoran’s summon, she did not hesitate to rush to the pavilion, and in the face of Yu Haoran’s interrogation, she did not introduce anything concealed.

After hearing Yu Siqi’s introduction to her own realm, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but look at her sucked in a breath of cold air, and her expression was shocked.

After endless adventures in Thunder Tribulation’s baptism, Thousand Butterfly Valley, Azure Lotus Cave, and Bone City, his fleshhy body grade, state of mind cultivation base, Origin Force and Soul Power were successfully promoted to the realm of Emperor Grade 1 of the Emperor.

Sun Qiuqiu Cool Kindergarten Monthly Solitary Owner

And Yu Siqi!

However, when I was reminded by Tower Spirit, the faster the cultivation base and strength of the elder sister, the more I used her breakthrough and forgetful realm, and she was promoted to the real realm smoothly.

He has been staying in the closed-door cultivation of Prince Consort’s mansion, but his cultivation base and strength have surpassed himself comprehensively. How can this not shock him?

However, thinking of Tower Spirit’s reminder, the faster the cultivation base and strength of the elder sister, the more she uses her breakthrough and forgetful realm to smoothly advance to the realm.

So, forcibly suppressing the shock, Yu Haoran considered it carefully, then said with a smile.

“Sister, in the next period of time, I will make a large number of second-level Grade 1 to Grade 9 medicine pill, which has a star dandan suitable for assisting your flawy body grade breakthrough through Emperor Realm.”

“many thanks !”

nodded and said After Yu Xie said, Yu Siqi closed his eyes and continued to realize that he was too forgetful.

“So pure Soul Power!” Soul Power’s sword, the first to refining Soul Fire, has no traces. While opening his eyes, he couldn’t help sighing.


Wu Zhengjun, who followed closely from behind, said with a look of expectation while nodded.

“If there is a lot of Soul Power support like the flame just now, I am confident that within three months, I will raise my cultivation base to the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak.”

“Senior brother Yu, have you been to Heavenly Profound Continent, one of the Ten Great Forbidden Lands, known as the White Bone City?” Qin Lingfei, who ended the soul fire refining at the same time as Qin Lingfei, asked with anticipation.

Interrogation by Zhong Li Shuiqin not only made Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin, and Wu Zhengjun immediately tense, but even Yu Siqi immediately opened his eyes and looked at him.


While nodded confirmed, Yu Haoran waved out 36 pill bottles. In addition to Yu Siqi, which does not require soul fire to upgrade Soul Power realm, there are nine pill bottles floating in front of everyone.

“Senior brother Yu, how did you get out of Bone City?” He waved away the nine pill bottles floating in front of him, Zhong Lishuiqin immediately asked.

“Bone Bone City suffered a sudden change and was able to leave unharmed!”

Azure Lotus Cave House was the beginning of his separation with Tower Spirit, while Bone City was the place where he and Tower Spirit formally decided, so Yu Haoran didn’t want to talk too much about Bone City, and he coped with it vaguely.

Obviously feeling the sudden depression of Senior Brother’s mood, Wu Zhengjun quickly pushed Zhongli Shuiqin who opened his mouth and planned to continue interrogating, and signaled that she should not continue to pursue.

In this regard, Zhong Lishuiqin ignored Wu Zhengjun’s reminder, and still said without emotion.

“Senior brother Yu, in the Scriptures Pavilion of my Zhongli Family clan, there are some records about White Bone City. It is said that there is a Paragon boneless spirit and a top-level Innate Spirit Treasure Soul buried under the ground of White Bone City. Absorbing Banner. “

Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed with horror when Zhong Lishuiqin mentioned the Paragon Bone spirit buried underground in Bone City.

Immediately afterwards, an endless fighting spirit ignited in my heart.

Because when he left Bone City, he once made an oath to himself, that is to fight the dignity of irreconcilable until death with the powerhouse who forcibly broke into the sea in the future.

The absence of Paragon Realm, although he is not 100% sure that he can successfully advance, but at least gives him the goal to fight for.

“Zhong Lishuiqin, you shut up!” Seeing Zhong Lishuiqin not bothering about the elder mood of Senior Brother and disregarding his reminder just now, Wu Zhengjun felt heartless in his heart, sulking like a watery face.

After hearing Wu Zhengjun’s harsh reprimand, Zhong Li Shuiqin’s eyes flashed a displeased expression, and when he was about to turn around to have a good theory with him, he unexpectedly saw Qin Lingfei, Jian Wujin, and Yu Siqi staring at him at the same time with dissatisfaction. And immediately realized that I seemed to be doing something wrong.

“Jingjun, don’t have to!”

Reluctantly squeezed a smile to Wu Zhengjun shook the head, Yu Haoran explained to Zhong Lishuiqin.

“Water Girl, the adventure of Bone City, I lost a very important elder, so I don’t want to recall too much about Bone City for the time being, I hope you can forgive me.”

“Senior brother Yu, sorry!”

Until then, Zhongli Shuiqin, who didn’t know what mistake she had made, quickly got up to apologize to Yu Haoran, and then turned to Wu Zhengjun, whose face was gloomy and watery, also apologized and begged.

“Xiaojun, I’m sorry, the water piano was confused for a while, and did not notice the emotion of Senior Brother. The water piano promised not to commit crimes in the future.”

Seeing Zhong Lishuiqin taking into account the feelings of Wu Zhengjun in time, and lowering his explanation and apology, Yu Haoran was satisfied with nodded, then took out a storage bag with a lot of low-level soul fire, handed it to Qin Lingfei, and explained with a smile Road.

“Ling Fei, a total of XNUMX soul fires of Martial Ancestor, Martial King, and Martial Sovereign realm are stored in the Storage Bag. You will be sent directly to the hands of Imperial Father and let him use them. Train some soldiers who are loyal to the Imperial Family and increase the overall strength of the Imperial Family. “

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