Dongfang Family House, Yang Plaza!

Sun Yuanke hated the fight after the hatred

“No wonder Huaiyun Eldest Young Lady has been suppressing the Realm of the Formation Dao and refuses to break through. It was originally equal to Pill Emperor!”

When Yu Haoran appeared in the square of the mansion, he immediately caught everyone’s attention. !

Almost every piece of detailed information on the hand made everyone at the scene immediately recognize the origin of the blue clothed young people. The Baili Pingping from Shili Shi Family even greeted with a gentle smile on their faces.

“Junior Yu Haoran has seen Senior Baili!”

Speeding up and walking to the eastern edge of the square, Yu Haoran quickly arched his hands and saluted back to Bailiping.

Subsequently, he continued to apologize to the crowd at the scene.

“I’m really sorry, Junior suddenly felt something, and forgotten the time to watch the ceremony, which caused everyone to wait for a long time. Junior Yu Haoran said to Seniors, I’m sorry.”

After all, the medicine pill, fingering martial skill, map of Bone City, and location teleporters just harvested are all treasures from the Dongfang Family.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who knew that she had some problems, did not want to cause unnecessary disputes because she was late, and caused unnecessary trouble to the Dongfang Family.

Although the idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Because the guests who came to observe the ceremony did not all have the ability to pill concocting like Baili Pingcun, so when his voice of apology had just dropped, he was next to Dongfang Zhixiang’s one-year powerhouse with a look of expression. There is a hint of contempt taunted.

“A junior not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, what qualifications are there for the many elders on the scene to wait for you, and what capital do you have now to apologize in front of me and everyone?”

The active apology is not because of fear of trouble, but simply does not want to cause trouble.

Therefore, Yu Haoran expression asked indifferently when he heard someone scornfully mocking himself at the scene.

“Inheritance patriarch Ying Haotian of the Ying family in the ancient times!” The young man who just said ironically replied proudly.

“Okay, I remember!”

Yu Haoran not at all got angry on the spot, but nodded to signal that he knew the origin of the other party, turned to the east Huaiyun, sitting on the knees of the square.

An Enemy of Enemy and Enemy Chayu Yougu Love Ball

“Boy, what do you mean?” Yu Haoran’s disregard instantly aroused Ying Haotian’s anger, and he yelled loudly as he patted the armrest of the chair.

After the enemies of the enemies and enemies of the enemies and the Yanggu love ball dropped the pocket chessboard to Dongfang Zhixiang, Yu Haoran sat down directly on the kneepad and began to study the map of Bone City carefully.

“Yes, patriarch, you look down on Junior, and Junior will not take you too, but you and I can get together today to watch the breakthrough of Junior Sister Yun Formation Dao realm.”

Stopping towards the east, Huaiyun, Yu Haoran expression turned indifferently to remind him.

“So, whether you want to teach Junior or Junior to get your head, you have to wait until Realm Sister Yun successfully promotes to Realm of the Formation Dao.”

“Kid, don’t be crazy!”

Not only don’t look at himself, but also take his own head, Yu Haoran despises the indifferent attitude, and when Ying Haotian is completely enraged, he immediately takes out his own sword, a stance that is about to start.

Seeing Ying Haotian dare to start at the critical moment of his daughter’s breakthrough formation Dao realm, Dongfang Zhixiang with a somber face suddenly stood up to stop, Yu Haoran suddenly thrown out seven colorful formation flags.

Seven seven-color formation flags erupted in an instant. The seven-color clouds directly trapped Ying Haotian. This made everyone on the scene only hear the insults from Ying Haotian and the roar of attacks on Formation, but could n’t see it. To what he is now.

Ignoring Ying Haotian who was trapped by the Formula, Yu Haoran turned and continued to the east Huaiyun in the center of the square.

“Senior brother Yu!”

Looking at Yu Haoran who came forward in front of himself, Dongfang Huaiyun immediately planned to stand up for pay respect, but was forcibly stopped by him.

“sit down!”

After sitting obediently with bent knees, Dongfang Huaiyun looked up at Yu Haoran, his eyes revealing a hint of doubtful expression.

“Whether it is the breakthrough of the Formation Dao realm, the breakthrough of the Pill Dao realm, and the breakthrough of the Martial Dao realm, each person’s breakthrough methods and means are different.”

Looking at the Eastern Huaiyun with doubts, Yu Haoran expression reminded him seriously.

“So, forget all my memories when I was in the Realm Breakthrough of the Formation Dao of Qianlong Fortress in Yangyu, everything is based on your own perception and accumulation of the Formation Dao, and you will get your own Road to the Formation Dao Formation.”

expression After a serious reminder, Yu Haoran reached for the pocket chessboard on the side of Oriental Huaiyun, took out the other party ’s means to seize every opportunity, and turned back to the guests on the east side of the square.

After throwing the pocket chessboard to Dongfang Zhixiang, Yu Haoran sat down directly on the curved knee board and began to study the map of Bone City carefully.

As for Dongfang Huaiyun’s Formation Dao realm breakthrough, with 20% of the body knowing the sea, he no longer needs his continued attention.

Looking at the pocket chess board that Yu Haoran had thrown away, and thinking about his daughter’s call to daughter just now, Dongfang Zhixiang’s eyes gradually appeared a little excited expression.

If the Eastern Huaiyun really went out of her own Road of Formation Dao Formation as Yu Haoran told him, then the Dongfang Family would have great hope to restore the glory of ancient times.

He looked up at Yu Haoran, who was sitting on his knees. His expression of excitement was gradually replaced by hesitation, and his face even showed a trace of struggling expression.

“Get out of your own formation Dao Formation!”

After savouring Yu Haoran’s instructions just now, Dongfang Huaiyun’s eye doubts became stronger and stronger, but when she remembered Yu Haoran reminding herself to forget the other party’s picture of Breakthrough Formation Dao, the eye doubts were gradually replaced by Qingming.

“Senior brother Yu, thank you, Yuner got it!”

Turning his head to look at the eyes closed, Yu Haoran in a closed-door cultivation state, Dongfang Huaiyun thanked him for not covering his eyes and tenderness, and then started the breakthrough of the Realm of the Dao formation.

Opening his eyes to look at the Eastern Huaiyun, where the Dao Zhen Realm breakthrough has begun, Yu Haoran frowned slightly, then shook the head with a bitter smile.

Then he closed his eyes again and asked the 20th percentile of Shi Hai.

“Ran, do you still have the means to improve the realm of the emperor?”


nodded, the 20th percentile took out a blank jade slip, and then entered a form of the exquisite chessboard into the jade slip and said.

“As long as she can feel the essence of jade slip Formation, her Formation Dao realm can be successfully promoted to the rank of Peak.”


After hearing the explanation of the 20th percentile, Yu Haoran secretly relieved, and then continued to study the map of Bone City.

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