Inside the cave house, in the hut!

However, when it comes to the combination of flesh and skeleton, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of the bone bed under his feet, and an astonishing speculation flashed in his mind. See δδ Shu Ge. “→→.

“Senior, do you want to integrate the bone bed into Junior’s within the body and replace Junior’s own skeleton with your bones?”

“Younger generation, your understanding and observation are very high!”

Although there was no direct nodded consent, Yu Haoran’s speculation was indirectly proved by the tone of praise from Emperor Yiyi.

“Senior, when he received the transformation of the ancestral tree in Witch God space, Junior lost a cultivation base, so I don’t know what side effects the transformation of skeleton will have?”

Utilizing the remains of Dijiang to make up for the flaws on the ancestral witch’s fleshy body, Yu Haoran is not unacceptable, but when thinking of the frustration and confusion after the disappearance of dantian, he was once bitten by a snake. He couldn’t help hesitating again.

“If you use the bones of another eleven ancestors, you will lose the cultivation base on Martial Dao exactly as the result of the ancestral tree transformation.”

Calm character, act with caution!

Through the brief communication just now, Dijiang Cannian is becoming more and more satisfied with the young man who accepted their memory inheritance, and can’t help revealing the benefits of changing the skeleton in advance.

“But as the same person who successfully developed the dantian, not only does it have no side effects, but the back-bone energy of the Paragon Realm world will give you the fastest time for the fleshhy body to break through the Valkyrie realm.”

The bones of the Paragon Realm!

Because he was bitten by a snake, he was afraid of jealousy for ten years, so he always ignored the bone bed under his feet, not only the remains of the strongest ancient ancestor witches in the ancient times, but also Dijiang was a Supreme powerhouse in the Paragon Realm world.

How powerful is the corpse of the powerhouse in the Paragon Realm, from the ethereal corpse of the Paragon Realm, it can easily withstand the attacks of the Will of Heavens and Heavenly Dao rules, and offset the ability to reverse the formation time of the Demon God tomb. Come out.

As a result, Yu Haoran appeared endlessly ecstatic, and immediately demanded.

“Senior is required to cast a defect on Junior’s fleshy body for Junior.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s request, Dijiang Cannian neither immediately carried out the transformation nor gave a rejection opinion, but suddenly fell into silence.

“Seniors, do you know how our ancient ancestor witch was exterminated?” After being silent for almost 30% of the time, Dijiang Cannian suddenly asked.

“According to the battlefield relics preserved in the ancestral space, combined with Junior’s understanding of the ancestors during this time, it seems to be together with the ancient Divine Beast perish!” According to Tower Spirit’s introduction to the demise of the ancient ancient ancestor witch, Yu Haoran passed Reply after language processing.

After all, he didn’t know the character of Dijiang Cannian, and he didn’t know whether he would be in a bad mood after learning about the existence of Tower Spirit.

“Descendants, the ancient Divine Beast had only nine other Paragon Level kings, but our ancestors had Twelve Paragons powerhouses.”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s reply, Di Jiang Cannian sneered and asked.

“Also, I am still the supreme existence of Paragon Peak Realm, so what do you say the ancient animals are qualified to perish with us.”


In the space of the witch god, limited by the influence of his cultivation base and experience, he did not know that there are Paragon and immortal realm above the Valkyrie realm.

I don’t know the difference in the number of Paragon powerhouses between Zuzu and Divine Beast, so I believe in the choice of Tower Spirit at the time, as it should be by rights.

Now, facing Dijiang Cannian’s cross-examination, he suddenly didn’t know what to say.

After all, if you want to defeat and kill other supreme existence of Paragon Level, even the Spiritual God of thousands of Valkyrie realm join forces, it is impossible to hurt Paragon powerhouse by a penny.

“The descendants, in fact, the twelve ancestors of Witch God Space, all of them are only one Avatar we have refined, and possess the strength of one third of the body.”

Perhaps because of Yu Haoran’s superiority, they could achieve the long-awaited goal of their ancestors. The original angered Dijiang remnant took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the anger that emerged from the remnant, and kept his tone as much as possible tranquil voice.

“And the body of our twelve ancestors is following the four innate Supreme Treasures of Haotianyin, Xuanhuangdao, Netherworld, and the Heavenly Pot, as well as the thirteen ancient Demon Gods of Paragon Realm in the endless void. Torn. “

“Although our twelve ancestors are all Paragon Level cultivation bases, and they are also proficient in the secret technique of incarnation, the four innate Supreme Treasures are too powerful. The ancient Divine Race and Demon Race’s Paragon powerhouse are too powerful. Insidious, in the end …! “

Speaking of this, Dijiang Cannian couldn’t help sighing, but didn’t continue to say it.

“Senior, what is the end result?” Yu Haoran couldn’t help asking after seeing the sudden silence of Di Jiang Cannian.

Of the seven innate Supreme Treasures, he knows the whereabouts of five of them, and he has also seen a remnant of the Chaos Bell in the previous life, but he does not know the origin and whereabouts of the last innate Supreme Treasure.

At the same time, the conflict between Qianlong Immortal Realm and the ancient Divine Race let him know that in the near future, he will definitely have the most intense conflict with the ancient Divine Race.

At this point, he would like to know the final end of the ancient Divine Race Paragon powerhouse so that he can prepare in advance.

“In the four innate Supreme Treasures, the Xuanhuangdao, the void, the body of the Heavenly Pot, and the Artifact Spirit all suffered irreparable wounds. As the most powerful Haotian Yin, I was directly killed by Artifact. Spirit, the body is blasted in half by me. “

The thought of transplanting the bones of his own Paragon Realm world, so that the young man in front of him has the fleshhy body of the perfect chaos ancient god, needs to let him agree to his three requirements.

Of the three requirements, two were related to the innate Supreme Treasure and the ancient Fiendgod, and the readjusted mentality of the Emperor Dijiang was introduced.

“Seven of the XNUMX ancient Fiendgods are the ancient Divine Race and six are the ancient Demon Race.”

“Among them, five ancient Divine Races and five ancient Demon Races were directly beheaded by us, and the remaining two ancient Divine Race Paragons and one ancient Demon Race Paragon were hit hard by hundreds of millions of years. “

After hearing Dijiang Cannian’s introduction, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

With the guardianship of the Tower Spirit and Xuanyuan Sword, he is not so afraid of the Xuanhuangdao, the Nether Realm, and the Heavenly Pot.

But fiendgod, who is proficient at crafty plots and machinations, is very apprehensive.

Fortunately, the ancient Fiendgod in the Paragon Realm world was close to the annihilation of the entire army, which finally gave him a little bit of confidence to face the ancient Divine Race that was about to return.

“Second generation, if you want to get the corpse of Dijiang Paragon Realm, if you want to make up for the flaw of the ancestral witch fleshhy body through the corpse of Paragon Realm, you must agree to my three conditions, otherwise, I would rather destroy the Paragon Level Bones. “

The introduction has been finished, and all the reminders have been reminded. At the same time, the Tower Spirit of Yuta is about to wake up from the memories.

Therefore, Dijiang Cannian did not continue to delay, and asked in a serious tone.

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