“Okay, do what you say!”

The Science and Technology Institute of Geosciences

After nodded agreed with the three-step plan made by Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran expressed solemnly warned repeatedly while selecting the cultivation resources that are useful to him from the domain tower. !

“Tower Spirit, the 20% is the closest to you, the cultivation base and strength are far better than the first Avatar who is proficient in Pill Dao, so your ontological domain tower will temporarily live in the sea-conscious space of the 20% first. ! “

“I know!”

While nodded signaled his understanding, Tower Spirit summoned the 20th percentile of closed-door cultivation directly, and after completing the shift of the ontology domain tower to understand the sea space, he expressed solemnly facing Yu Haoran warned repeatedly.

“Yu Haoran, stay safe!”

“Tower Spirit, you too!” Yu Haoran nodded responded, and warned repeatedly.

The enemy can’t catch the ball in the distance

Watching the 20th percent leave with the tower quickly, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, directly cut through his fingers, and squeezed out three drops of blood.

Later, he used his Soul Power and divine mind to transform the three drops of blood into his own form, and then, using Fuxi’s inferiority deduction technique, let the three drops of blood share the same breath and luck as himself.

Then, three drops of blood transfigured the body and body, tearing the void in four directions at the same time, and then quickly disappeared in place.

Five minutes later, the emptiness that had just calmed down was forcibly torn again, and the soft blood of temperament walked out of the void through the gap.

“Empty, something is wrong!” Carefully distinguished the remaining breath on the scene, and the chaotic breath made the blood Xiangyi frowns.

Quickly left the blood to know the empty space Artifact Spirit of the sea space, ten fingers continued to capture the breath remaining on the scene, and combined with his knowledge of the Tower Spirit of the domain tower, the white boy who finally calculated the results, with a hint of ridicule Road.

“I want to use the means of running away to avoid my pursuit in the void, dreaming!”

After taunting to himself, the white clothed youth reached out to the position of frowning against the blood, and a simple copper mirror flew out from the position of his brows, then quickly integrated into the teenager’s within the body.

Sun Qiu Takes Solitary Tongke

“Xiangyan, the Endless Domain Tower and that person are completely separated in this position, and they want to use the means of escape to escape you and me.

“So, for the next hunting process, you and I will also be separated temporarily.”


Hearing to be temporarily separated from the void, the blood showed a hesitant expression to Suddenly.

Because since the rebirth, he has never really been separated from the void, which has caused him to have a strong dependence on the void. As if without the arrangement and instructions of the void Artifact Spirit, he does not know himself What to do next.

What’s more, he is not outstanding in innate talent and potential, even if he has the air assist of Artifact Spirit and three Demon God tombs, and the cultivation base of Wudi Grade 3 Peak has almost occupied his entire time, there is no Effort and time to cultivate some tracking secret technique.

“Xiang Xiang, this is a Tracking Talisman who can lock the breath and luck of the opponent. That person can escape to the ends of the earth. You can also easily find him with this Tracking Talisman, and then devour him within the Luck of the body Demon God. “

It’s also more than three years of acquaintanceship. The Void Mirror’s Artifact Spirit is more familiar with Xue Xiangyao, knowing that losing his guidance and instructions, he is almost a waste.

But the time and Space Law energy contained in the Endless Domain Tower are the chaotic energy from when Heaven and Earth are not open. It is the key to his transformation of the ontology. He cannot give up what he is about to be a waste that will definitely be abandoned in the future. Opportunity to hand.

So, after quickly removing a spell that could lock Yu Haoran’s breath and luck, the white clothed youth explained it quickly while throwing it at the blood.

Subsequently, the white clothed youth simply did not give Xue Xiangyu any chance to save, and directly tore the vanishing pursuit.

The slightly opened mouth, as the white clothed youth disappeared into the torn void, had to be closed again, and the confused expression revealed by the eyes made the blood to be foolish enough to stay in place for almost half an hour before it could be eased. .

It ’s a long way from the distance

Post-procedure Cold War Enemy Early War

Later, he took a deep breath, and then used the space spar energy given to him by the Void Artifact Spirit to inspire his hand to track Tracking Talisman. When he was going to chase Yu Haoran alone, the spell that entered space energy suddenly turned into a circle. Come.

“This is how the same thing?”

Looking at the spell that the hand is turning faster and faster, the blood is squinting with expressions of doubt, because this is not the response that Tracking Talisman should have.


Hou Yuan Qiu Ruthless Enemy Shu Mo Mo Fingers Chayang

As the tracking Tracking Talisman spins faster and faster, eventually the chaotic Tracking Talisman spell spontaneously ignites because of the disturbance of the space energy contained in the spell.

As the supreme expert of Wudi Grade 3 Peak, the spontaneous combustion energy of the spell hurts Xiangxiang Xun, but the loss of tracking the spell of Yu Haoran and the departure of the Void Artifact Spirit made him completely confused. Know what to do next.

Sun Bu Ke Yuan hates Zhan Yang Cool after the cool


After being separated from Tower Spirit by tearing the void, Yu Haoran used his blood to condense the body one after another, and then used the numerology of Fuxi Bagua diagram to share the breath and luck, forming all around with his own luck and breath. Later, he finally used flying to reach a mountain peak at the border of Yang Yu and Nan Yu.

Looking up at a height of only about 1000 meters, Yu Haoran couldn’t help sinking into the memories.

In the previous life, he rushed into the mountain without any choice while avoiding the pursuit of his opponent, and then accidentally encountered a poisoned ethereal rat.

At that time, his cultivation base was not very high, but he happened to have Detoxifying Pill, which can eliminate the poisonous poison of the ethereal rat.

Since then, deep friendships have been established.

Later, by chatting with the ethereal rat, he knew that the mountain in front of him was exactly where it was born, so every few years, it would return to the mountain for a period of time.

In previous lives, he met and met through the opportunity to detoxify empty spirit rats.

In this life, how should he meet the ethereal rat!

Forget it, take it one step at a time!

Considering that Tower Spirit is desperately trying to get rid of Artifact Spirit’s pursuit of the void, it is urgent for the ethereal rat to look for Tianxiang Dingshunguo, and it is too late to consider how to create an opportunity to meet and meet the ethereal rat.

Because the ethereal rat is very sensitive to energy, fearing that its use of Origin Force and Soul Power would disturb the ethereal rat, Yu Haoran chose to walk to climb mountain peaks.

Fortunately, the ethereal rat likes to haunt, a fruit forest located halfway down the mountain. It took less than ten minutes for Yu Haoran to smell the fruity smell.

“Zi …!”


At this time, the sound of snakes and rattles suddenly sounded in the fruit forest ahead.

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