Qinling mountain range periphery!

“Pingcun, what’s wrong!”

A supreme expert from Zhuli Wudi, also from Shi Family of Baili, expressed a little doubt after the divine thought swept over half of the Leng Family mansion.

“I remember that there should be several ancestors of the Emperor Wu of the Grade 7 and Grade 8 realm in the forbidden area of ​​the Leng Family. Why haven’t they come out to pull those strange beasts against the crazy strong against a crazy tide?”

“Perhaps several ancestors of the Leng Family have been eliminated in advance by Pill Emperor, which eventually led to the countless strange beasts in the mountain range of the Qinling Mountains who dared to escape the Leng family.”

It has long been discovered that the Leng Family is unusually alive, and according to Yu Haoran’s means in the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle, and his bold character, he has made a shocking speculation.

This also caused dozens of top Martial Venerable and Supreme Emperor Supreme experts who came later, could not help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although the number of strange beasts in the Qinling mountain range exceeds 200,000, in the face of more than XNUMX participating Leng Family clansman, not only did not have any upper hand, but was used by the Leng Family clansman to use the combined form of formation to continuously hit and kill. .

Emperor middle grade sword weapon exuding a strong strength of Star, in the hands of seven peerless powerhouses with the ultimate Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak limit, in conjunction with the formation of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper formation, successfully resisted the five strengths that are not completely Recovered monarch-level beast.

At the same time, the white haired old man lurking in the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper Formation used the imperial high grade swords from time to time, sneak attacks and harassed the imperial beasts who wanted to break out of the Formation and let the five emperors Level beasts are also dangerous.

“It’s a bit troublesome!” Yu Haoran couldn’t help frowning and said to Tower Spirit, watching the Qinling mountain range beast that was completely falling.

Originally, he thought it was not with no difficulty that he wanted to slaughter the Leng clan with five-headed beasts and more than XNUMX king realm beasts.

Therefore, he has been suppressing the anger burning in anger without slaughtering the Leng Family clansman.

But now it seems that he not only underestimates the heritage of the Leng clan, but also overestimates the power of the Qinling mountain range alien beast.

“Yu Haoran, you also underestimate the ability of the five emperor-level beasts!” Tower Spirit reminded with a smile after hearing Yu Haoran’s concerns.

After hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, calmed down the slightly impetuous emotions, and then carefully observed the five-headed emperor beasts trapped by the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper Formation, and gradually discovered that there was something wrong. local.

Because of the five-headed monstrous beasts, the strongest green pheasant and silver moon wolf not only took the least number of active strikes, but also the rich strength of Star gathered by Seven Stars of the Big Dipper Formation was quickly absorbed by them.

This also made him finally understand why the five-headed emperor-level beast that obviously had the absolute advantage fell into the downturn.

After successfully using the sneak attack method to cut off one of the black legs of the eight-footed black spider, the white haired old man had not yet arrived and was excited, and the silver moon wolf protected by the iron-backed goshawk suddenly made a wolf howling.

Accompanied by the deafening wolf howling, a terror that erupted from the silver moon wolf almost broke the Seven Elder-designed Seven Stars of the Big Dipper Formation.

“You first protect the law for the Qingying big brother, the old man who likes sneak attack is entrusted to me!” The Beast instructed.

Subsequently, the silver moon wolf regained 30% of the imperial power and forcibly withstood the dozen attacks of the imperial low grade sword, successfully overtook the white haired old man hidden in the Formation, and one wolf and one man were killed directly. .

Although he has the aid of the imperial high grade sword, in the face of the silver moon wolf recovering to 30% of his strength, the white haired old man soon fell into the wind.

After fighting three moves, the Silver Moon wolf merged into the sharp claw of the Strength of Law and almost pulled out the heart of the white haired old man, which also made the white haired old man know that he must use special means.

After bursting out all strengths and performing a stroke of Bloodline inheritance, Sword Art, after temporarily driving back the Silver Moon Timber Wolf, the white haired old man rushed directly to the cold cloud on the mansion square.

Because he needs to use the blood essence in Leng Yun’s hands to help him restore the strength of Wu Di Grade 2 Early-Stage in the shortest time.

As long as the strength can be fully restored, let alone a five-headed beast, even Yu Haoran can easily kill it.

However, just when the white haired old man was 30 meters away from Leng Yun, a blue clothed young man who suddenly appeared next to Leng Yun forced him to forcibly stop the shocked body.

“I said that Leng Yun is mine, and no one is allowed to move him!” Yu Haoran expression reminded indifferently, looking up at the white haired old man in the air.


Looking at Yu Haoran standing beside Leng Yun, an angry white haired old man, although he really wanted to use the high-level sword in his hand to split him in half, but knowing the current situation, it is best not to provoke him easily Yu Haoran, otherwise, the cold-blooded family will have no chance of turning over.

After secretly cursing, the white haired old man glanced down at the dead clansman. After a fierce glance flashed in his eyes, he directly scratched his fingers and forced a drop of blood, and then his fingers quickly printed.

Whenever a mark from the white haired old man melts into the blood, the blood flowing out of the hundreds of dead Leng Family clansman corpses inside the square empties into the drop of blood.

After the nine seals that have been formed have all gone into the blood, more than three thousand drops of blood from the Leng Family clansman have gathered, and it has become a reduced version of the lake.

“The phoenix is ​​coagulated, Divine Beast is here!”

Watching the Leng Family die the blood lake where clansman converge, the white haired old man could n’t care for a trace of sadness, and after taking a deep breath, he threw the imperial high grade sword in his hand directly into the blood lake, and his fingers continued to knot. The imprint of the secret technique.


Along with the constant tumbling of the Blood Lake, a beautiful Divine Phoenix with a height of nearly 1000 meters flew out of the Blood Lake, and then made a cry in the sky.

Along with the cries that rang through the clouds, the Leng Family clansman in battle was suddenly feeling that the Bloodline belonging to the ancestors within the body began to burn.

The burning Bloodline brought them endless power, which not only increased the fighting spirit of the Leng Family clansman to kill other beasts, the speed of the slaughter accelerated, but also caused the seven Elders who were facing the silver wolf to fall in the wind to instantly regain their disadvantage.

The imperial high grade swords and countless blood-gathered Divine Phoenix fanned the beautiful wings and instantly came to the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper Formation arranged by seven Elders.

Subsequently, she opened her mouth and spit out a transparent flame, which directly burned the eight-footed black spider of Emperor’s Grade 1 Early-Stage and seriously injured her, temporarily losing her ability to continue fighting.

Immediately afterwards, Divine Phoenix raised his crest and spewed a transparent flame, which directly burned the blue-stained blue tiger into a serious injury, and also lost the ability to continue fighting.

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