In the Qinling mountain range, inside the Leng family mansion!

Shining body appeared in front of the old man of the Chao Dynasty, and the white haired old man of Wudi realm shook his head to stop the road.

“Wuyu, don’t talk about it, Yu Haoran with a narrow heart will never let our Leng Family go.”

Looking at the gloomy Old Ancestor in front of his eyes, and then looking up at Yu Haoran who was Murderous-looking. Although Leng Yuzheng was not willing to give up, but he also knew that Old Ancestor was right, and it was himself who broke the promise first. Eligibility for the other party to honour its promise.

But think of more than XNUMX clansman of the Leng family.

Think of the young people who have just started to learn about Martial Dao and are ready to make a big achievement and achieve their foundation.

Think of those old brothers who are about the same age as they are enjoying the last hundred years of happiness.

Thinking of those young boys and girls who had just married since they were in the mindfulness, Leng Yuzhen felt that he would never give up.

Even if you give up your dignity and give up the few remaining years, you have to get clansman a chance to live.

Therefore, Leng Yuzhen planned to plead with Yu Haoran on his knees, begging him to let the Leng Family innocent clansman after punishing the culprit.

However, the white haired old man who guessed his thoughts in advance, shot in time to stop him from kneeling, and said with strong self-confidence.

“Yu Yu, my Leng family has experienced nine crises since ancient times, and each one has become more dangerous than this time, but we have succeeded in each crisis. “

“This time is no exception!”

“Old Ancestor, Yu Haoran’s strength is too strong, the resentment against the Leng Family is too strong, I worry about the family this time…!” Far less confident than the white haired old man, Leng Yuxuan, expression worried to remind.

But what he reminded was not finished, and was interrupted again by the white haired old man.

“Yu Haoan, Yu Haoran is indeed very powerful, and we who have lost the protection of our three ancestors have no counterattack.”

“But don’t forget that there is only one surname Yu, even if we stand here one after another and let him be slaughtered, I am afraid that more than XNUMX clansman will be able to tired him a half-dead, not to mention we will not obediently surrender.”

Having said that, the white haired old man looked up at Yu Haoran exuding a brutal murderous aura, and a terrifying cold reminder flashed in his eyes.

“Moreover, too many slaughters will cause the Heart Demon to cluster, too much slaughter of the weak existence, and it is also contrary to the natural reincarnation, it is easy to attract the anger of the heavens and bring down the extinct Thunder Tribulation.”

“Old Ancestor, do you want to sacrifice the old, weak and sick in the family, use this move to destroy the advent of the Thunder Tribulation!” After a shocking thought flashed in his mind, Leng Yuquan’s face was pale and expression was incredible. Asked.


Heavy nodded, white haired old man expression said with a hint of sorrow.

“I have just secretly informed the children under the age of ten in the family, ordinary women whose cultivation base is below the martial realm, and veterans who have lost their cultivation base and disease.”

“At that time, I see if Yu Haoran dare to kill these old, weak, sick and sick.”

Watching Yu Haoran looking at himself, the white haired old man continued with a hint of pride.

“If Yu Haoran didn’t dare to do it, he could only leave with Leng Yun who had the cultivation base abolished.”

“If Yu Haoran dares to do it, more than XNUMX old, weak, and sick slaughters will definitely make God fall to the annihilated Thunder Tribulation. The annihilated Thunder Tribulation will revenge clansman for our cold-blooded family.”

Although Old Ancestor’s approach is too cruel and crazy, it is a way to help the family survive the crisis.

Therefore, even with a lot of intolerance in the heart, Leng Yuzheng finally chose to bow his head.

“Yu Haoran, fortunately, you think of ways to use alien beasts to destroy the clans, otherwise, today’s things are really a little troublesome.” Shennian noticed in advance the Tower Spirit of the Leng Family’s mansion, and said with a lingering fear.

“Tower Spirit, using the old, the weak, the disabled as a guide, the heavenly wrath as a taboo, and the annihilation of Divine Thunder as a punishment. I have seen this more than once in the previous life. How can I prevent the other’s this move in advance.” Sweeping past the Leng Family mansion, watching more than XNUMX old, weak and sick, led by some experts of Martial King and Martial Sovereign realm, hurried to the mansion’s square, Yu Haoran sneered.

In fact, in the previous life, he not only saw the means of using the old, the weak, and the sick to deal with the crisis of extermination, but also used the refined poison to kill a family that had deep hatred with him.

When more than a thousand ordinary persons without a cultivation base died of a poisonous invasion, the Heavenly Dao rule began to emerge.

When the poisoned ordinary person exceeded two thousand, Cangtian began to be angry, dark clouds began to converge, and thunder began to sound, and he had to stop his revenge immediately.

Therefore, Yu Haoran is not only very clear about how seriously he will regret the slaughter of the old, the weak, and the sick who have no resistance in the genocide operation. There are also solutions.

Either use the prolonged slaughter time to avoid the attention of the Will of Heavens, or use trouble trouble to others to disperse the attention of the Will of Heavens.

“Yu Haoran, if you don’t have a trace of humanity, then you will kill the men, women, and children of my Leng family!” When more than XNUMX old, sick and sick were brought into the palace square, it seemed as if they had white haired bracing. old man, immediately arrogant provocation.

“Old fellow, don’t you think that you can use this insane method, I Yu Haoran can’t take you any way!”

Seeing that under the leadership of the five-headed monstrous beast, the huge beast group that has exceeded 200,000, is less than a hundred miles away from the Leng family, and it can be reached in at least XNUMX seconds, Yu Yuoror gradually closed Rising murderous aura emanating from her body, asked sneerly.

“Yu Haoran, then you come!” I did not believe that Yu Haoran, who had an infinite future, dared to kill more than XNUMX old, weak, and sick white haired old men, and his attitude was even more arrogant and provocative.

“Ao …!”




Just as the arrogant and provocative voice of the white haired old man had just dropped, countless strange roars of excitement roared outside the Leng Family mansion.

“Indignant violent bear, iron armor, Cangyuan condor, Cangyue Silver Wolf, blue-blue tiger …”

Leng Jiexiong, who is proficient in animal control in the Leng family, can quickly determine the origin of different beasts with different roars through the continuous roar of alien beasts.

As Leng Jiexiong said the origin of a different kind of beast, the face of Leng Family clansman at the scene became pale.

Because Leng Jiexiong just mentioned the dozens of powerful alien beasts that are unique to the Qinling mountain range.

This also represents the strange beasts that are constantly close to the Leng Family mansion, which is the huge strange beast group gathered in the Qinling mountain range.

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