In the Qinling mountain range, in the Leng family mansion!

Looking at the blood mist scattered on the square, more than XNUMX Leng Family clansman’s faces were pale, and some clansman with poor mental quality just emptied and planned to escape the Leng Family mansion.

But just when they rushed to the edge of the mansion, all the powerful sword energy that contained a sense of destruction directly hanged the Leng Family clansman who wanted to escape into a powder.

“A sleepy array of formidable power!”

Looking at the hundreds of clansman who were slain by countless sharp sword energy, his face was instantly gloomy white haired old man, and he looked up at Yu Haoran with a look of horror and asked.

“Last name, do you intend to destroy my Leng Family today?”

“Just five minutes ago, Meng Yao and I just finished their wedding ceremony on a peak tower deep in the Qinling mountain range.”

After sorting out the Lin Mengyao behind, Yu Haoran said peacefully-looking while stepping into the mansion of the Leng Family.

“Although Meng Yao left one step ahead of time, as her Husband, I also had Yu Haoran vowed that she would be buried with the life of the Leng family’s XNUMX clansman. She can leave safely. “

“Yu Haoran, except for the powerhouse of more than XNUMX Martial Saint realm in front of you, most of the remaining clansman of the Leng Family are old, weak, sick, orphans and widows. Do you really have the heart to shoot at them?”

A cultivation base is only Martial Saint Grade 7 Peak, with thin white hair, and the old man whose life has reached the age of the rod, shivered and asked.


Yu Haoran expression acknowledged nodded without change.

“Whether it is men, women, young or old, regardless of disability, weakness, sickness, all will be killed without leaving.”

“Yu Haoran, you are not a human, you are the executioner from the dynasty, the devil from the Northern Territory, the devil from the hell.”

After receiving the indifferent and affirmative reply from Yu Haoran, the white haired old man in the old age of the staff roded and cursed sadly.

“You die sooner or later without a burial site!”

“Old fellow, now you see that your relatives and friends are about to be killed, you feel heartbroken!”

Facing the reprimand and curse of the old man in the year of the rod, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed his anger and asked.

“So, Lin Mengyao, who is also the clansman of your Leng clan, did you think about how Yu Haoran felt when I was suffering from the pain of being torn by the soul-pumping blood?”

“Yu Haoran, Lin Mengyao’s death has nothing to do with our Leng clan. Why did you let us have more than XNUMX people from the Leng Family?” The old man in Zhang Chao’s year asked with a very sad look.

“Old fellow, how did you know that this matter has nothing to do with your Leng family!” Yu Haoran asked sneerly.

“Yu Haoran, as long as Leng Yun burns their own phoenix, they wake up the three sleeping emperor supreme experts, and then under the influence of my secret technique, the three emperor realm guys will die in the burning of the ancestor Bloodline “After Yu Haoran had just queried the old man of the year of the staff, he quickly returned to Tower Spirit in the sea to remind him.

Tower Spirit’s timely return and reminders not only filled Yu Haoran with endless confidence in slaughtering the Leng family, but also had enough means to expose everything Leng Yun had done to Meng Yao.


In the face of Yu Haoran’s drinking, the old man in the old age of the rod said, shaking the extend of the hand.

“Yu Haoran, come up with the evidence that Meng Yao’s murder was related to my Leng clan, old man believes you.”

“Old fellow, if I can bring out the evidence, what can you do for me?” Yu Haoran, who not immediately took out the evidence, continued to sneer and asked.

“Yu Haoran, as long as you can come up with an iron certificate, no matter who killed the Mengyao Young Lady, the old man will order to punish several Elders in the church, and let him pay for the life of the Mengyao Young Lady.” Old man, patted his chest gently.

“Just because you have a cultivation base with only Martial Saint Grade 7 Peak, the old man who is about to enter the earth!” After looking up and down, Yu Haoran doubted the tone of the other person.

“The three Elders with real power in the Leng Family are my sons, and the two Supreme Elders in the Realm of the Three Emperors are my younger brothers. The seven masters who control one third of the family are my grandsons.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s suspicion, the old man of Zhang Chao’s years asked with arrogance after introducing himself.

“Yu Haoran, you said I was not qualified to determine the fate of the Leng family.”

“Ah, ah, ah …!”

The old man’s questioning voice just dropped in the year of the Chao Dynasty. Deep in the Leng Family Mansion, three extremely miserable howls came suddenly.

After hearing the familiar screams, Wudi realm’s white haired old man couldn’t help but changed complexion, and immediately vacated to enter the depths of the mansion, expression Lengyun eight rushed out quickly.

“Patriarch, what happened? What happened to the three ancestors?” Shining body appeared in front of Leng Yun, and the white haired old man expression asked in a somber manner.

“唳, 唳, 唳 …!”

Just as Leng Yun opened her mouth to explain, the tragic screams deep inside the mansion stopped, and three phoenixes rang through the clouds.

Accompanied by the sound of phoenixes screaming through the sky, three giant Phoenixes, over 1000 meters in length, rose from the deepest part of the mansion.

“Blood soul refinement!” Shouted in horror from the white haired old man, watching the white flames of the three giant Divine Phoenix burning.

“Tower Spirit, thank you!”

Seeing Tower Spirit using the same method to allow the three strongest ancestors of the Leng family to endure exactly the same encounter with Meng Yao, Yu Haoran, grateful, thanked Tower Spirit in the sea.

“Yu Haoran, I have left a mark on the within of the three guys.”

Ignoring Yu Haoran’s thanks, Tower Spirit expression reminded excitedly.

“At that time, they will not only bear the same pain as Meng Yao, but they will also use their painful death to give you the hope of Divine Soul and Origin Force to advance to Emperor Wu Realm.”

“The blood essence of Divine Beast Phoenix!”

You don’t need much conjecture at all, and Yu Haoran knows what it is like to assist Origin Force and Soul Power to be promoted to Emperor Wu Realm.


While nodded confirmed, Tower Spirit explained with excitement further.

“Yu Haoran, the three guys are not only the supreme expert of Wudi’s high-end realm, but the Bloodline within the body Divine Phoenix has opened almost 70%.”

“Divine Phoenix blood essence refined by the soul burning blood refinement is enough to assist your Origin Force and Soul Power to reach the Emperor’s Grade 4 Peak, and it may even reach the Emperor’s Grade 5 Early-Stage.”

The benefits of Divine Phoenix blood essence make Yu Haoran’s sadness slightly relieved.

Then he looked up at Leng Yun, who was desperately explaining to the white haired old man, thinking of Tower Spirit’s prepared revenge, and there was a terrible cold in his eyes.

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