Qinling mountain range!

Watching the strong Murderous Aura exuding on her body completely materialized, listening to the voice of the self-talk just now, a terrible idea flashed in the minds of the five beasts at the level of the emperor.

And Qing Hao, who had just spoken with Yu Haoran, asked more actively.

“The powerhouse in humans, I wonder what are you going to do?”

“Kill, extermination!” Yu Haoran, who did not stop, replied frostily.

“Although the powerhouse of human beings is very strong, even five of us are not your opponents, there are three top-level supreme experts with terrible strength hidden in the Leng family.”

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran in person, the expression of five surprises immediately flashed in the eyes of the five imperial beasts.

But in front of this human being who was different to the strange beast, Qing Qing’s heart felt good. Suddenly he could not bear to watch him die in vain, and he actively reminded him.

“Facing the three top supreme experts with your current strength, I’m afraid it will be impossible to escape!”

“A Wudi Grade 7 Middle-Stage, a Wudi Grade 7 Peak, and a Supreme Expert of Wudi Grade 8 Peak. Since I dare to choose the slaughter, then there is a way to destroy them.”

Stopping in the footsteps, Yu Haoran expression still introduced indifferently, and actively invited to say.

“In order to thank you for witnessing my wife and Meng Yao’s wedding just now, you can rush to the Leng family in half an hour.”

“By then, the threat of losing Emperor Wu’s realm supreme expert, everything for the entire Leng family is yours.”

Without waiting for a response from the five beasts of the imperial realm, Yu Haoran continued his journey towards the Leng family outside the Qinling mountain range.

“Qing big brother, would you say that this human would deceive us?” A silver moon wolf in the Imperial Realm Grade 1 Early-Stage stared at Yu Haoran with fierce eyes, and asked in a questioning tone.

The other three beasts of the imperial realm also agreed with the nodded questioned by the Silvermoon Wolf.

“You guys! Those who are so asleep are almost silly!”

Looking at the skepticism of the four companions in front of the human powerhouse just now, Qing Ye explained with a smile.

“As an emperor-level existence, the range of our divine mind has been extended to about XNUMX kilometers. Even if we stay here, we can always know the actions of the Leng family.”

“Only after that human powerhouse beheading can threaten our three Emperor Supreme Experts, it is not too late for us to decide whether to attack the Leng family.”

After hearing the explanation from Qingye, the four-headed Emperor Realm of the Silver Moon wolf smirked immediately, then immediately mobilized the powerful realm of Emperor Realm and began to pay attention to the actions of the Leng family.


The Leng family, on the central square!

Looking at the powerhouse above the 9 Martial Saint realm on the central square of the mansion, the Great Elder of the Leng family, the cultivation base reached the top Martial Venerable Grade XNUMX Peak limit, and was ready to impact the cold emperor of the Emperor Realm, expression full of doubts Road.

“Patriarch, don’t know why you called all clansman above Martial Saint realm?”

“Great Elder, a strong enemy of my Leng family will come soon!” Gaze looked at the depths of the Qinling mountain range, Leng Yun said with a hint of worry.

“Who?” Leng Qingtao asked Murderous-looking immediately.

As the Leng family of inheritance since ancient times, although the Bloodline inheritance process encountered several crisis of extermination, but with the help of various anti-clinic methods of Divine Beast Phoenix in the ancestor Bloodline, they finally survived the crisis and have been through it. inheritance till now.

Moreover, as the Heavenly Dao rule fell into a deep sleep, the gradually perfecting Heaven and Earth environment also made the sleeping Emperor Old Ancestor awake continuously, and the Leng family gradually recovered to the state of Peak.

And the Leng family in the Peak state, even the four guardian families dare not easily offend, then whoever ate the bear heart panther dare to provoke and retaliate.

“Five-domain Qianlongbao battle for the championship, Pill Dao and Formation Dao are promoted to Yu Haoran in the imperial realm.”

According to Yu Haoran’s personality, after seeing Lin Mengyao’s self-ignition of Divine Soul, he will definitely come for bloody revenge. Sooner or later, he will encounter these clansman in front of him, so Leng Yun didn’t tell the truth.

“Patriarch, there doesn’t seem to be any grudges between my Leng clan and Yu Haoran, why did he retaliate against my Leng clan.” I heard that the enemies mentioned by Leng Yun turned out to be Yu Haoran, who also knew Yu Haoran’s Leng Qingtao , Could not help asking frowning.

“Blame me for this!”

Now that he wants to use the entire Leng clan to deal with Yu Haoran’s bloody revenge, Leng Yun already thought of a countermeasure when he used the rune to escape back to the clan.

Therefore, when he heard Great Elder’s question, Leng Yun immediately made a self-blame expression.

“Great Elder, you should know that my daughter, Meng Yao, was a disciple of Hundred Chi Sect before opening Bloodline, the ancestor within the body.”

“Old man knows!”

nodded, there was a hint of said with contempt in Leng Qingtao’s eyes.

“But didn’t that lowly maid leave the family secretly because she did not obey the family’s arrangements!”


Seeing how Great Elder cooperated with himself, Leng Yun, ecstatic in his heart, immediately put on an angry expression.

“But what I didn’t expect is that Yu Haoran is not only a disciple of Hundred Chi Sect, but also has a secret relationship with Meng Yao.”

“So, after the end of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle, he began to question Meng Yao’s condition and whereabouts.”

“Patriarch, how did you do that?” Leng Qingyuan hurriedly asked.

“Great Elder, what else can I do, I can only tell the truth.” Leng Yun gestured with an innocent expression.

Immediately, an angry expression continued on his face.

“But what I absolutely didn’t expect is that Yu Haoran, relying on his ability slightly better than me, began to persecute and humiliate me, and when I used the amulet to leave Qianlongbao in the central area, he said that he would go immediately The Leng clan in the Qinling mountain range, and then turned the entire Leng clan upside down, and also found Meng Yao. “

“If Meng Yao can’t be found, then he will let our entire Leng clan bury her in Meng Yao.”





After hearing Leng Yun’s eloquent speech, many of the top Martial Venerable realm’s Leng Family powerhouses at the scene couldn’t help anger and began to curse.

However, in the eyes of there is a person white haired old man, there was a hint of doubtful expression.

Thinking of Yu Haoran’s potential of Martial Dao on the Southern and Five Realms Hidden Dragon List, when thinking of Yu Haoran’s amazing achievements in Pill Dao and Formation Dao, the white haired old man was incomprehensible in the wrong. Thought, intending to question a few doubts in Leng Yun’s description, a roar sound containing endless anger suddenly came from outside the Leng Family mansion.

“Leng Yun, this animal that is not as good as a pig and dog, get out and die for me!”

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