Qinling mountain range!

After years of acquaintance and mutual acquaintance, Yu Haoran is too familiar with the personality of Tower Spirit. Even if Lin Mengyao still has hope for treatment, he will never stand idly by. Product W ()

Looking at the tender girl lying in her arms, watching the happy smile on her face, the violent shock of sadness and self-blame, finally made him unable to control his emotions and shed tears.

“Senior brother Yu, you are a man who can to support both heaven and earth, don’t let tears ruin your image on my shore.”

The life that is about to end, let her cherish every minute and every second that she spends with her, so Lin Mengyao did not ask who was the powerhouse that just appeared, but she reached out and wiped Yu Haoran’s tears that made her feel sweet, tone Try to be naughty and relieved.

“And Meng Yao is really happy now, really happy.”

Since Lin Mengyao has only five minutes left, it is important to reciprocate each other’s thoughts, but Yu Haoran wants her to leave this World without any regrets.

Therefore, he reached out and held Lin Mengyao’s jade hand to wipe his tears, forcibly suppressing his inner sadness and self-blame, and then asked tenderly like water.

“Meng Yao, do you still have a wish?”

Thinking carefully, Lin Mengyao said with a touch of longing.

“Senior brother Yu, it is said that the most beautiful flower in this world is called the lotus flower, which symbolizes the best love in the world. I wonder if you can plant a lotus flower in front of my grave in the future.”

“The face is blooming under the moon, and now it’s Wei Wei!”

Hearing Lin Mengyao’s first wishful mention, Yu Haoran thought of a beautiful love story that his mother told him when he was a child, and instantly understood the affection she wanted to express.

“Meng Yao, a special mountain peak at the border between Central and Western Regions, has a flower that will never be forgotten by the world. Senior Brother will personally plant that flower in front of your grave.” Lin Mengyao clenched gradually The cold jade hand, Yu Haoran promised tenderness.

Lin Mengyao, with a happy smile on her face, looked at the few drops of tears left in the corner of Yu Haoran’s eyes, showing a trace of hesitant and hesitant expression.

But thinking about the period of her imprisonment, she can support her faith in living, and hopes to be with her lover forever in the future, she finally gritted her teeth and asked.

“Senior brother Yu, Meng Yao heard that in order to marry Ling Fei Princess, you have specially created a mansion that can float in the air forever, just like Immortal Realm, right?”


While nodded confirmed, Yu Haoran reluctantly said with a smile.

“Meng Yao, that permanent floating mansion will always have your room.”

Hearing Yu Haoran’s feelings, Lin Mengyao asked cautiously at the same time when his heart was suddenly surprised.

“Senior brother Yu, can Meng Yao be buried in a corner of the mansion after his death, so that Meng Yao can always accompany Senior Brother.”

“Meng Yao, soon after the mansion was built, my elder sister and I moved the parents’ graveyard to the mansion. At that time, you will be buried in the mansion of the mansion as my wife-in-law.” Yu Haoran expressed his commitment.

“Hao Ran!” Lin Mengyao shouted aloud in response to Yu Haoran’s hug.

Although greedy was sweetly embraced by her lover, there was not much time left to think of destiny, and one last wish was not fulfilled.

Hou Di Qiu Yuan alone after the ball Mo Yuecha cold ball

So, gently pushing away Yu Haoran’s hug, Lin Mengyao whispered with a hint of shame.

“Haoran, would you marry me?”

“Stupid girl, if it wasn’t for my Yu Haoran’s wife, what qualifications do you have to live in my ancestral grave?” Yu Haoran criticized with heartache as he reached out and stroked Lin Mengyao’s nose.

“Hao Ran, can you give Meng Yao a real wedding before Meng Yao’s death?” Lin Mengyao asked with infinite desire without any change in Yu Haoran’s heartbroken critical expression.

A wedding, a formal wedding, a wedding that can be co-hosted with her lover, is not only her dream, but also her mother’s regret in life!

“Tower Spirit, Aotian, Black Bear!”

The desire that Lin Mengyao’s eyes emerged, and the traces she had mentioned of her mother in previous lives, made Yu Haoran even more distressed, and immediately called out all her helpers.

“Tower Spirit, the fastest and most beautiful wedding dress in the world.”

“no problem!”

Tower Spirit solemnly responded with nodded response, returned to Shihai, and began to use the most common materials to make the most beautiful wedding dress in the world.

“Black bear, use Gravity Technique to make me a tower-shaped peak.”

“Yes, master!”

After the enemy Yuan Keqing love the ball game lonely

After the black bear, who had just been promoted to the state of honor, was called shortly afterwards, it looked like a cannonball, and directly blasted the mountain above his head into a spacious and bright channel.

Then, taking the peak as the base point and using the Gravity Technique more than a hundred times, the Black Bear built a tower-shaped mountain with a height of Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth in just three seconds.

“Aotian, immediately use the energy of the god dragon corpse bone to contain the Divine might, and then sum all the top ten beasts of the Qinling mountain range to the peak of the Black Bear Tower.”

“Yes, master!”

After being proud, Aotian entered the tower with the help of the beast pet contract. After extracting a trace of Divine Dragon energy remaining in the keel, he flew down the spacious passage of the black bear and flew to the Qinling mountain range.

“Ao …!”

The faraway post in Keyuan is far away

Knowing that the time is urgent, it is necessary to convene all the strange animals in the mountain range within one to 20% of the time, so Aotian can only issue a continuous pure rongering sound to the entire mountain range of the Qinling Mountains.

Accompanied by the pure sound of loneliness that contains a divine might, the whole Qinling mountain range, whether it is an imperial beast shortly after waking up, an beast captive by the Leng clan, or rising up into the air, maybe four feet are opened. , Desperately rushed to the depths of the mountain range, where Rain Dragon roared.

“The giant dragon roar with a little might, the gathering of countless strange beasts in the Qinling mountain range!”

A Leng Family Martial Saint powerhouse who is proficient in animal control, looks out into the depths of the Qinling mountain range, and expresses a speculation of expectation.

“It seems that deep in the Qinling mountain range, something amazing is happening at the moment.”

“Jie Xiong, don’t even think about it, it can be regarded as an honorable opportunity in the depths of the Qinling mountain range, and you and I don’t want to leave the family at this moment.”

The speculative voice at Martial Saint powerhouse had just fallen, and a white haired old man standing next to him, a hint of hesitant expression reminded.

“After all, patriarch can just issue an order just now to ban the family-owned Martial Saint realm from leaving the powerhouse.”

After the enemy’s hatred, the ball received the cold ghost farthest

“oh! ”

After hearing the reminder of the white haired old man behind him, the Martial Saint powerhouse known as Jiexiong couldn’t help sighing, but finally shook the head helplessly, then turned and went straight to the square where the family called clansman to meet.

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