Yangyu, Qianlong Fort, West Stand!

After quickly calming the inner panic that emerged from the heart, Leng Yun expressed indifferent affirmed.

“of course!”

“Lengyun Senior, Junior and Junior Sister Lin are both disciples of Hundred Chi Sect. They are the top three in the retest. The innate talent, potential, perception, and perseverance are very different, so the relationship between them is very good. “

“During the period of sect practice, Junior heard more than once about Junior Sister Lin’s mention of her life. Knowing that she is an immediate child of the Leng family, she knows more about her special relationship with you.”

Seeing Leng Yun’s attitude of refusing to admit life or death, Yu Haoran’s mind suddenly flashed a bad idea, but he forcibly suppressed the violent gradually emerging from his heart, and kept his voice as gentle as possible.

“So Junior hopes that Lengyun Senior can think about it. Do you know Lin Mengyao?”

Sun Ke fears no enemy

“Yu Haoran, you are over and over!”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s questioning again and again, Leng Yun, who had successfully opened the power of the amulet transmission, suddenly shouted impatiently.

“I have made it clear to you that I don’t know who Lin Mengyao is, and she has nothing to do with her.”

“Leng Yun, at the moment you just took out the rune, I already knew that with my current speed and strength, I wanted to destroy the rune with no difficulty in your hand.”

“But do you know why I didn’t shoot?”

Leng Yun’s sudden irritability made Yu Haoran’s bad thoughts more real, but considering the special relationship between the other party and Lin Mengyao, he continued to suppress the violent emotion that was constantly in his heart, expressing the threat of indifference.

“Because you are the father of Dream Sister Yao’s birth, she is the most respected person in her heart, and she is also the goal of hard work and pursuit in Sect.”

“So, I don’t want you, like Zhou Youze, to do evil actions that hurt your loved ones for your own selfish desires, otherwise, you and the entire Leng family will pay the price of blood for them.”

“Yu Haoran, what do you think you are and what are your qualifications to threaten this patriarch and the entire Leng family!” After hearing the threat of Yu Haoran murderous-looking, Leng Yunyan’s taunted eyes were full of contempt.

When he felt that the power of the charms began to teleport, he provoked with a sneer.

“Yu Haoran, you believing or not, as long as you dare to step into the Leng family half a step, I Lengyun will let you die without a burial site.”

Looking at the cold clouds that disappeared in front of the stone chair, the indifference of Yu Haoran’s eyes was gradually replaced by the sharp murderous aura.

At this point, not only was he 100% certain that Lin Mengyao was in danger, but it was also likely to be fatal, so he had to temporarily change his plan of action.

With the consent and support of Tower Spirit, Yu Haoran turned around and returned to the stand on the south side. After telling Qin Lingfei and the others, he immediately went to the Qinling mountain range, which is about 100,000 Li away from Qianlong Fort, to track down Lin Mengyao. whereabouts.

But when he hadn’t come and opened his mouth to speak, the disappearing list reappeared on the side of Yang Square.

Subsequently, the colorful dragons with the potential of Dragon Dragon Qi slowly extended from the list.

“I was born when Heaven and Earth first opened, and brought together the infinite potential of billions of souls to grow. After hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, now it has reached the merit perfection boundary.”

The huge longan looks down at the numerous powerhouses in the surrounding stands, and the colorful dragon head expression is complicated.

After the place of hatred

“From now on, the 99 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Hidden Dragon List battle has officially ended, and the Five Dragons’ Qianlong Fortress will disappear in Heavenly Profound Continent three days later.”

After hearing the news from the potential Dragon Qi Yun, the numerous powerhouses on the scene were as if stagnant and there. It was Yu Haoran who knew that the Dragon Dragon Qi was about to be upgraded in advance, and his heart was also shocked like a stormy sea.

Because the Hidden Dragon List battle is not only the best stage for the younger generation of peerless and evil geniuses to show themselves, but also whether they can achieve the rapid transformation of the cultivation base and strength, and become the heavenly Profound Continent’s top powerhouse.

Such an important event and invincible opportunity, Qian Qian Qi has to be cancelled permanently. How can this be accepted by everyone at the scene in a short time!

However, it is really unacceptable to cancel the Hidden Dragon List battle, and to take back the five-domain Qianlongbao, is the XNUMX lords of Qianlongbao.

“Master Qianlong, don’t!”

His Holiness the blue robe from Yangyu quickly flew to the colorful dragon head, and then bowed with his knees in the air, expressing his horror.

“Master Qianlong, his subordinate Zheng Bin has never left Qianlong Fortress in his life since joining the Jingshi organization 70 years ago and fortunate to become a respected one of Yanglong’s Qianlong Fortress.”

“If you have cancelled the battle for the Hidden Dragon List, what will your subordinates do in the future?”

“If you take back Qianlong Fortress in the Central Region, what will your subordinates do next?”

The begging of the blue robe of Qianlong Fortress in Yangyu is exactly where the other XNUMX lords feel confused.

Therefore, the thirty-one Lord kneeling side by side behind His Holiness the Blue robe, begging hard together.

Only Peng Yanfei is different!

At this moment, he not only did not bow down and begged, but expressed his excitement and left the Qianlong Fortress directly, heading directly to the base camp of the Jingshi organization.

Looking at Peng Yanfei excitedly leaving Qianlong Fort, the huge giant dragon eyes flashed a chill.

When it saw the thirty-two lords kneeling and praying in front of themselves, the coldness of their eyes was instantly replaced by comfort, and the tone was gentle.

“If you want to continue to be loyal and serve my submerged Dragon Qi luck, then you will stay in your respective Qianlong Fortress. I will not only take you to an Immortal Realm blessing, but I will also give it to you as a Spiritual God in the future. Opportunity. “

“Many thanks Lord Qianlong, many thanks Lord Qianlong!”

After hearing the reply and guarantee given by Qian Dragon Qi Yun, the thirty-two lords immediately thanked them with ecstasy, stood up and respectfully stood behind the list.

Seeing Qian Qian’s eyes turned to himself, Yu Haoran motioned to Qin Lingfei and the others nodded, and then flew to the front of the colorful giant dragon.

The enemy’s hatred for the sun ball by the hatred mainsail

“How long does it take?” Yu Haoran expression asked complexly, looking at the colorful giant dragon’s giant longan, sometimes flashing indifference to all things, and sometimes humane Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

Shook the head, colorful giant dragon signaled that he was unclear.

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