Yangyu, Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

Ke Yuanke went to school alone from cold to early

Since allowing himself to re-enter the space of the sea, it also means that Yu Haoran has released himself from the blockade, and Tower Spirit immediately used divine thought to observe his dantian. !

Immediately afterwards, he was also shocked strongly.

If the Dantian before Yu Haoran was a lake, it is a deep sea at the moment.

“God knows Lu, dantian becomes the sea, it will become Paragon!”

Looking at the continent-like knowledge of the sea, like the dantian of the ocean, Tower Spirit’s mind suddenly appeared the realm cultivation prerequisites that the chaotic clock had mentioned.

“If Yu Haoran can become a Paragon Realm in a short period of time, relying on the identity of the son of destiny, can compete for more opportunities for the Heaven and Earth terror, then it is more likely to impact the Immortal Divinity Realm of Eternal Inextinguishable.”

The hatred of the land relentless Sun hate the lone master

Thinking of the various advantages of Yu Haoran after becoming Paragon powerhouse, Tower Spirit looked towards Yu Haoran’s eyes, full of ardent expectations.

With more baptism of Thunder Tribulation, Martial Saint’s top ten successful realm soon reached its limit.

Once I have experience with Martial Venerable realm breakthrough, this time does not need to break through one by one.

Therefore, Yu Haoran directly raised his head and opened his mouth wide, relying on swallowing methods to increase the amount of Thunder Tribulation thunder and lightning, and then cooperated with the secret technique of Dragon Qi Yun and Shen Rong Qi Tai to launch a violent impact on the top Martial Venerable realm .


A dark thunder that far surpassed the Thunder Tribulation thunder sounded from Yu Haoran’s within the body, which also heralded his cultivation base to be re-promoted to the top Martial Venerable realm.

“OK, the endless Thunder Tribulation is no longer a threat to Pill Emperor!” As Yu Haoran’s cultivation base returned to the top Martial Venerable realm, Zhong Lishuiqin turned his head to Qin Lingfei and the others.

Looking at each other, Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuchang Changsong breathed a happy smile at the same time.

Eyes shifted from Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin to Wu Zhengjun’s body, Zhong Lishuiqin reminded tenderly.

“Xiaojun, don’t forget the promise you just gave me.”

Wu Zhengjun, who flushed instantly, bowed his head in shame, wondering how to respond to Zhongli Shuiqin’s reminder.

“Huiqin elder sister, rest assured, what you and Zhengjun do, I will be the master for you.”

Qin Lingfei, who was relaxed, just heard Zhong Lishuiqin’s reminding to Wu Zhengjun, and quickly turned around and patted his chest.

“If Zhengjun dares to live up to the sympathetic elder sister, I will let Prince Consort press him to admit you a hoe.”

Geosciences is not cool after the monthly inspection

“Xiaojun, did you hear me!”

Although Qin Lingfei’s strength is not strong, and the Great Qin Empire behind is average, the identity of the real wife can just influence Yu Haoran’s thinking.

Sun Guisuo Sun Guisuo

With Wu Zhengjun’s obedient character to Yu Haoran, Qin Lingfei just promised that it was quite useful, so Zhong Lishuiqin couldn’t help showing off.

“oh! ”

Thinking of Senior Brother’s love for Qin Lingfei, and Qin Lingfei’s emphasis on Zhongli Shuiqin, Wu Zhengjun knew that he would definitely be overwhelmed by Zhong Lishuiqin in the future, and there was a helpless sigh.

“Hehe!” This also made Zhong Lishuiqin and Qin Lingfei laugh happily.

“Tower Spirit, how long is it before the end of the endless Thunder Tribulation?” After the cultivation base was promoted to the realm of the top Martial Venerable Grade 7 Peak, Yu Haoran faintly felt the amount of thunder and lightning dropped by the endless Thunder Tribulation, and gradually couldn’t support the cultivation base. Asked a little worried about the speed of improvement.

After all, the use of the medicine pill breath that suppresses the 9th layer of Dan to trigger the advent of endless Thunder Tribulation, the real purpose is to impact the real emperor’s fleshhy body grade.

As long as the level of fleshy body can be successfully promoted to Emperor Wudi supreme expert realm, then relying on his ability to surpass the challenge, it is enough to deal with the supreme expert of Wudi realm who just broke through.

And those recently-awakened Emperor Supreme experts need a period of time to readjust the state in order to restore the power consumed during sleep, just to give him precious time to find space spar and compete for the fruit of the void.

“Less than two hours!” After a little calculation, Tower Spirit replied.

In less than two hours, let alone the flawless body grade of the Emperor Wu realm, I am afraid that even a real realm with a tenth grade of Martial Venerable is not enough.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran knew that he had to take a risk and fight once, otherwise, he would lose the opportunity that had been hard-working for this time.

Take out three sixth-order spirit veins directly from the storage ring and the domain tower, and three drops of spiritual medicine spiritual liquid directly into the inside of the body, and then use the spirit vein Spiritual Qi, Spirit strength, Thunder Tribulation strength of thunder and lightning to speed up the top Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak Realm.

After 40 minutes!

After the cultivation base successfully upgraded to the realm of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak, Yu Haoran stood up and looked up at the dark clouds that were still full of endless thunder and lightning.

“Yu Haoran, if the dark clouds enter the Thunder Tribulation, as the body of Divine Soul, I can only hide inside the domain tower, no matter what danger you encounter, I will not be able to help in time.”

Although Yu Haoran didn’t say exactly what he wanted to do, he had fully seen his guts of Tower Spirit. He did n’t need to think about it. He also knew that he wanted to directly use the strength of the Thunder Tribulation ’s strength of thunder and lightning to strike Martial Venerable. Realm.

In this regard, he neither categorically refused nor readily agreed, but just explained the consequences of risk.

“I know!”

Solve the problem, do not cool the enemy ball after the fight

After a nodded response, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and rushed directly to the dark Tribulation cloud in the void.

“I’m dizzy, to Pill Emperor, this is scary and doesn’t want to pay off!”

The endless Thunder Tribulation, which attracted the so-called death robbery, has made everyone on the scene thrilling.

The recultivation of the self-defeated cultivation base has made everyone at the scene feel scared.

Now, as everyone prepares for the welcome trail, Yu Haoran rushes directly into the dark clouds of Thunder Tribulation, which makes Elder, the Elder from the Shi Family of Baili, cannot help but sigh.

In this regard, a group of people who have a good relationship with Yu Haoran have a sympathetic nodded identity.

Hou Jiu Fang Sun hated the moon and pointed to the Lord

And some people who have a normal relationship with Yu Haoran, and have hatred, just pray that he better die in the dark clouds of Thunder Tribulation.

But just thinking about it in my heart, I didn’t dare to say it proudly.

After all, the experience of being beaten up just now has just passed, and they don’t want to suffer a humiliation in the face.

“Yu Haoran, wait until the endless Thunder Tribulation is over and see how I can pack you up!”

Qin Lingfei, who suffered a strong shock from her heart again, had no panic weeping bitter tears at this time, but she couldn’t help but feel itching.

“Sister, maybe this is the important reason why Pill Emperor was so old at this age!”

In the face of Yu Haoran’s risky rush into the dark clouds of Thunder Tribulation, Zhong Lishuiqin had a different view from the crowd.

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