Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

“Young man, No Trace’s disposition is too indecisive, and he will definitely suffer in this respect in the future. Bendi hopes that you can see No Trace’s deep affection for you and help her in time when she is in danger.” Jade tone begged sincerely.

“Senior, Wuhen is the most important person in my life. I will never watch her accident.”

The request of the Bauhinia Sword Emperor was exactly what she had been doing, and Yu Haoran, who was immediately impressed, immediately solemnly vowed the assurance.

“If Immortal God wants to hurt her in the future, I will kill the gods and eat them!”

“If Heaven and Earth wants to hurt her in the future, I will break the ground!”

“Young people, many thanks!” Bauhinia thanked Yu Haoran with a thunderous promise.

“Bauhinia, if there is no deviation in future destiny, then my Purple Paragon will personally escort you into Six Paths of Samsara, and then help you get rid of Life and Death as soon as possible and advance to Eternal Undying’s Spiritual God.”

Seeing that Bauhinia easily resolved Yu Haoran’s doubts about the destiny’s son, Tower Spirit was very satisfied and gave his own promise.

“Many thanks Lord Purple Spirit Paragon!” After receiving the promise from Tower Spirit, Bauhinia was extremely grateful.

Wave her hand to indicate that Bauhinia need not be polite, and when her mood gradually calms down, Tower Spirit is ready to interrogate the two questions that just came out of her heart.

So how is the Bauhinia Jade at a glance to see the identity of Yu Haoran’s son of destiny, and how to know his Taoist name in ancient times.

Unfortunately, just when he wanted to use God’s thoughts for interrogation, the Bauhinia Remnants that ended Legacy inheritance disappeared and drifted with the wind.

As the bauhinia’s thoughts drifted with the wind, he immediately opened his eyes without a trace of the sword and quickly got up. Then he knelt on his knees and struck the three beating heads, and his eyes were filled with sadness and resentful tears.

Looking at the sword sent down the ring, there was no trace, still unable to control the sadness and perseverance in his heart, Yu Haoran did not know how to persuade.

In the end, under the initiative of Qin Lingfei, he stepped to Jian Wujin’s side, then reached out to take her into his arms, and patted her fragrant shoulder gently.

Ever since Jian Wujin expressed her affection for Yu Haoran for the first time before the luxury wheel war, everyone on the scene knew she was a daughter dressed as a man.

Therefore, when seeing the two people hugging tightly, the crowd did not feel any accident at the scene, and there was no hint of discomfort in their hearts.

“oh! ”

Looking at Yu Haoran, who hugs the sword seamlessly, Bai Li in the stands on the south side couldn’t help but sigh, her expression of regret and self-blame appeared in her eyes.

In the XNUMX wheel battles, the players in the competition are the best, best peerless and monstrous talent level geniuses in the five domains. As long as they are normal people, they can know the final result of the luxury wheel battle.

But no one expected that not only did Yu Haoran win XNUMX games, but with the powerful deterrence he showed, he could already bring benefits to his family and friends.

At the same time, the points gained in XNUMX games will allow him to gain unprecedented unprecedented Dragon Qi blessings, which is enough for him to become one of Heavenly Profound Continent’s top powerhouses in a short time.

If in the Secret Realm that traversed the mountain range, he did not stop Yu Ling’s pursuit of Yu Haoran, would the Bai family also be able to get his Good Fortune.

If Yu Haoran achieves Heavenly Profound Continent’s top powerhouse and cares more about the Bai family, will the Bai family be able to get out of the harsh white rhino mountain range and have the hope of achieving the inheritance family in the future.

Compared to Bai Li’s regret at this time, Yu Haoran had a reluctant jade spirit in her heart at the moment, but at this moment she has been able to let it go completely.

Because Yu Haoran is too outstanding and perfect, it is no longer accessible to and extravagant by a child of her little white family. It is far better to let go and pursue her own happiness.

“Sister Fangling, I’m tired!” After looking at Yu Haoran who hugs the sword without a trace, He Ruyu’s eyes flashed an expression of envy, Essence, Qi and Spirit seemed to be evacuated in an instant, and looked at Shi Fangling weakly. Said.

Shi Fangling was able to understand that He Ruyu was about to give up the idea of ​​rediscovering Yu Haoran’s affection, and she was able to understand her idea.

After all, Yu Haoran is too good and perfect. Only heaven’s spoiled daughters like Jian Wuhen and Qin Lingfei are qualified to accompany him to climb the Peak of Martial Dao and accompany him through the long years of life and death.

It was precisely because he understood He Ruyu’s ideas that Shi Fangling didn’t have much persuasion and encouragement, but just held her jade hand tightly to give her spiritual comfort and support.

“In Junior Brother, can you let me go first!”

Although being tightly embraced by Yu Haoran, Jian Wuji can temporarily forget the sadness and resentment towards the disappearance of the teacher’s thoughts, but she is too thin-skinned, and for the time being, she is not quite adapted to the ambiguity of the people in the audience.


Loosing his arms embracing the sword without a trace, Yu Haoran smirked slightly, and hurriedly cast his eyes on the other platforms to avoid the embarrassment between him and the sword without a trace.

However, when he saw the two azure giant tails of the wind-tailed fox, the Fire Sword waved by the imperial infant’s infant was easily cut off, and he couldn’t help feeling deep.

“Yu Haoran, no wonder that girl wants to use agreed methods to prevent you from using the yin and yang fires that can restrain all fires.”

I also found that Tower Spirit, which has strong energy fluctuations in Fire Element, temporarily put away the depression after the disappearance of Bauhinia Remnant Soul. I took a closer look at Fire Sword in the hands of Huang Fu’s infant, and then said suddenly.

“It turned out she had the sixth-ranked Red Lotus Sinfire in Heavenly Profound Continent!”

“Honglian Sin Fire!”

Originally, the two azure giant tails of the wind-tailed fox were easily cut off by Fire Sword, which made Yu Haoran feel a little bad.

At this moment, after hearing the reminder from Tower Spirit, I feel sorry for my relatives and friends.

Because the yin and yang different fires that can restrain the red lotus evil fire are not used, even if he is not 100% sure, he can resist the sixth fire of the red lotus evil fire.

The opponent was easily chopped off the two azure giant-tailed wind-tailed foxes, and the expression of terrified terror suddenly appeared in his eyes. He immediately took back the remaining six azure giant-tails, and quickly returned to Jiang Jingya’s shoulder. Then the wind-tailed fox zhi zhi ’s Explained and reminded in her ear.

“I confess to losing!” After hearing the explanation and reminder of Fengwei Hu, Jiang Jingya flashed a little anger in her eyes, and immediately started admitting to the list in the air before the opponent continued to wave the Fire Sword in her hand to launch an attack.

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