Yang Yu, Qianlong Fortress party!

“At Pill Emperor, what are you doing now? What am I doing now?”

Although she felt chills over the biological father Zhou Youze’s ruthless and cruel approach, she has never really lived with each other, and she has never seen Zhou Youze herself. !

The enemy’s distant ground Sun Sun Youyueyou

Therefore, An Yufei, who soon accepted her tragic life, began to ask what she really cared about, which was her current change.

“Yu Fei, do you still remember that before Anyang Village, I used inferential deduction to demonstrate the process of meeting you and me in previous lives?”

The painstaking arrangement of the footsteps is not only to make up for the regrets left by previous lives, but also to be able to continue the love of this life.

So, in the face of the most important moment, Yu Haoran felt a little nervous and reminded.

“Of course I remember!” An Yufei nodded signaled.

“Yu Fei, the reason why I did not continue to demonstrate the future and show you the process of getting acquainted with you is because you have been unpredictable.

Looking back at Qin Lingfei with a sad expression in her eyes, Yu Haoran turned her expression of sorry expression and continued to An Yufei.

“Through the calculation of fate, I know that I made an oath when I faced you in the face of unexpected circumstances.”

Ship Chou Yuanqing Loves Sun Shusuo Yue Taishu Sun

“If there is an afterlife, it will definitely change the tragic fate you have experienced.”

“So, I conveniently stepped into the battle with a defensive Heaven and Changing Fate and regained everything that belonged to you.”

Hou Yuan Fen Sun Fang Sun Xue picks up the secret

Facing Yu Haoran’s true feelings, the eyes of the crowd revealed envious expression.

Who is Yu Haoran!

That is the most powerful powerhouse for the young generation of Heavenly Profound Continent. Heavenly Profound Continent is the first and only Emperor Powerhouse of Pill Dao and Formation Dao.

It is possible to obtain the vow of his life-long guardianship through his empty past life. This kind of opportunity is probably what everyone on the site desires, and it is the dream that many women on the site have dreamed of.

Although Yu Haoran didn’t say it explicitly, An Yufei was able to guess his true intentions through the promise he just showed.

However, in the face of the opportunity everyone admired, An Yufei said apologetically.

Ke Yuan ghost back ball by Gutai

“At Pill Emperor, your affection Yu Fei has been led, but Yu Fei already has someone she likes, so sorry!”

After the vengeance, Ke Yuan, the ghost and the back, played by Gu Taiji, did he really just like the psychological owe, not really love each other!

“It’s Qu Jichen!”

In the previous life, it was precisely because of this guy named Qu Jichen, that An Yufei’s blood was finally splashed to the edge of the earth, and he was buried at the Cape Corner.

So when he heard An Yufei said that he had someone he liked, Yu Haoran immediately asked gnashing teeth.

“Who is Qu Jichen?”

After hearing the names mentioned by Yu Haoran, An Yufei asked a puzzled first, then said with a shy expression on her face.

“At Pill Emperor, his name is Wuma Tianqi, an inheritance disciple from Iron Blood Sect!”

Witch Horse Qi!

Hearing the name mentioned by An Yufei, Yu Haoran’s mind immediately emerged a burly, ordinary-looking young man.

In the previous life, Wu Zhengjun has a very similar character to himself. There are not many close friends. This guy named Wuma Tianqi is one of his few best friends in his previous life. He is also the Life and Death who has been with him on the battlefield. brother.

Moreover, Wuma Tianqi is a righteous sect, kind-hearted, not the kind of empathetic young Master.

However, it was precisely because An Yufei’s lover was Wu Ma Tianqi that Yu Haoran was completely lost.

At this time, he didn’t know how to face An Yufei, nor did he know how to deal with each other’s feelings.

Looking at Yu Haoran who was lost, Tower Spirit suddenly became nervous.

After more than three years of contact and experience of various opportunities and fierce grinds, Tower Spirit knows that it can affect Yu Haoran’s mood ordeal to climb Martial Dao Peak.

But there are only two evils that can be called natural dangers, which will cause Martial Dao to collapse.

The first evil was the murderer accidentally killed by his parents. If the murderer who killed his parents is not removed in one day, the first evil in his heart will not be eliminated.

2nd Demon was given to him by this girl named An Yufei.

Unsuccessful enemy enemy battle

If An Yufei was able to agree to his confession when Yu Haoran expressed his mind, although it might cause some injustice to Qin Lingfei, he could successfully eliminate his inner evil.

However, An Yufei refused in an intentional way, which further expanded Yu Haoran’s inner evil, and further increased his danger of facing the collapse of Martial Dao.

If it wasn’t for regaining the Extinguishing Immortal Sword, Tower Spirit would rather now withdraw from the battle, rather than help An Yufei who put Yu Haoran into a crisis of heartbreak.

Do you like An Yufei in the end? Or did you really love An Yufei?

Confused Yu Haoran, when carefully calculating the life after the combination of An Yufei and Wuma Tianqi, a kind of suspicion emerged from the heart, questioning whether he had worked hard to help An Yufei, whether it was due to the psychological deficit of previous lives, or I really love her.

If you truly love her, then when you lose your beloved woman, you should feel sad and hopeless. Why is there only a trace of unwillingness in your heart!

Is it true that he likes only because of psychological owe, not really love each other!

Thinking carefully about the despair and confusion in the previous life after being abandoned by Lin Mengyao, Yu Haoran gradually faced his true feelings for An Yufei.

There is an essential difference between love and love!

She only sympathized with An Yufei because of her psychological deficit, and then liked An Yufei, whose fate was as miserable as herself, and did not really love her.

Yu Haoran, who was gradually awake from the confusion, suddenly felt a feeling in his heart, feeling that Heaven and Earth in front of him seemed to change suddenly.

Suddenly empty space suddenly had many strips with different thicknesses, different lengths, and different colors.

“Yu Haoran, congratulations on your success in eliminating the greatest evil in your heart, to reach the realm who sees the endless law of shatter void, and the hope of marching into the realm of Valkyrie with the mystery of life and death broken.”

When Yu Haoran wondered about the change of Heaven and Earth in front of her, suddenly a tower Spirit’s voice filled with surprise and comfort.

“Tower Spirit, what is the greatest evil? What is the realm of the endless law of void?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“Yu Haoran, in the future, when you truly break through Valkyrie Realm and become the Spiritual Spirit of Eternal Undying, you will be able to know what the greatest evil is, and what the Realm of the Void Endlessness represents.”

Without answering Yu Haoran’s inner doubt, Tower Spirit smiled and sold it.

In this regard, Yu Haoran, who had no such depressed feeling for a long time, was helpless shrugged.

Subsequently, he took out a flower blooming in a gorgeous color, with a shape similar to that of a human heart, and sent it to An Yufei.

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