Yangyu, Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

Facing the endless display and persuasion of the discerning Buddha, Yu Haoran was too lazy to explain too much. His ten fingers quickly formed the mark of the secret technique of Fuxi gossip chart into Wuxing within the body, and then slowly pulled out a hint of faintness within his body. lifeline. !

“This is the secret numerology estimation technique of the Tao. You are also a magician, and you are also a magician whose cultivation base reaches the Grandmaster realm!”

Surgery is not performed locally

The enemy is not hated by the ghost, after the Lord Yuki

Suddenly felt the surge of Dao Aura, so that the discerning Buddha immediately stopped talking nonchalantly and looked up at Yu Haoran, who had drawn out the disciple’s dim lifeline, and his eyes showed shock like a stormy sea.

Experienced the splitting heaven and earth apart created by the dual law of power, the four seasons of reincarnation and the four seasons of reincarnation created by the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the dual law of life and death just created the impact of life and death.

In the face of the shouting of the discerning Buddha shouting that Yu Haoran was a master of the realm, he was not shocked at all.

“Either hand over the cultivation technique and cultivation insights of cultivation, or turn them into a pile of dust!” The marks of secret technique of sacred path are dispelled, and the lifeline of Wu Xing’s faint lifeline is returned. The threatening path of Yu Haoran expression’s indifference.


The cultivation technique and sentiment of cultivation is not only the foundation of his Heavenly Profound Continent, but also the hope that he can lead the Buddhist Taoism out of the Western Region in the future.

In addition, on the road of cultivation, he already has the owner of the Valley of Worry-Free Valley, the Black Tortoise family of the four guardian families, and the organization of four powerful sorcerers such as the Destiny. I don’t want to add Yu Haoran, who can see through the depths.

However, when the life and death martial skills let him within the body ’s life strength for the eighth time, the fear of death, the temptation to grow immortal, and the vanity of worship of all things, made him ultimately helpless to accept Yu Haoran ’s Claim.

Reached out to take over the two empty white jade Jane handed by Yu Haoran, the Buddha only recorded the cultivation mentality and insight into the blank jade slip in detail.

“Only Buddha, don’t make trouble in the records of mind and sentiment, otherwise, Yu Haoran, I will definitely go to the Mercy Sect in the Western Region in the future.” Thinking of the sinister and cunning means of Buddha, Yu Haoran expression severe threat Road.

“Yes, this poor monk will never tamper with it.”

I am planning to change the key points of my mind and cultivation, so that the conscious Buddha of Yu Haoran cultivation deviation, when he heard Yu Haoran ’s severe threat, he shook his hands slightly, and quickly extinguished the idea of ​​reform, honestly Really record the mind and sentiment of Taoism.

“No wonder your cultivation base is so high!”

Reaching out to receive the two jade slips recorded by the Buddha’s consciousness and consciousness, just after glancing at the origin of the cultivation, Yu Haoran couldn’t help but sigh. The heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

Ke Di Yuan Qing Sun Shu You Lonely

The Book of Changes, created by the ancestors of the Zhou family in ancient times, and the eight maps of Fuxi created by Fuxi Paragon, and the ancient book of Hetu Luo created by Divine Beast one of the kings, are listed as the three saints of cultivation Code.

The esoteric and powerful of Fuxi’s eight pictures, he has been deeply conscious of his cultivation, so he has been cultivation for more than a hundred years, the real way of realism is still only the Buddha of the Great Grandmaster Peak Realm, and issued a little ridicule just now Sigh.

If someone sighs with a little ridicule just now, the Buddha of consciousness will definitely refute it through the sacrifice and difficulty of cultivation.

Only for Yu Haoran, who is also proficient in the arts and promoted to the Grandmaster realm in a short time, not only cannot he refute, but he must also bear the ridicule of the other side in silence.

With the two cultivation Scriptures of Yijing and Fuxi Eight Diagrams, Yu Haoran has enough confidence in his realm to chase Pill Dao, and he does not need to please the valley owner of Sanssouci Valley.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who was instantly happy, with a smile on his face, withdrew the consciousness of the Buddha within the body, the power of the Martial Skill of Life and Death.


At the moment when the power of the Martial Skill of Life and Death disappeared, I re-sit back to the discerning Buddha of the white lotus platform, and after leaving a sentence for my disciple enlightenment, I drove directly towards the white lotus platform like lightning. Western Region.

Even Master ’s incarnation of the Buddha ’s condensed ontology ’s one third strength has been lost, and it is still so badly lost, even if it ’s Gouki who returns to the Peak state, there is no trace of fighting spirit to continue fighting.

However, thinking of the Buddha Relic, who can help himself to impact the higher realm of Buddha, and the azure clothing and splitting heaven and earth apart martial skill that are still wrestling in the air, Wuxing has an unwilling request.

“Yu donor, can you withdraw the law of martial skill and allow this poor monk to take back the Buddha’s clothing and return the Buddha to Relic?”

I looked up and took a glance at the azure suit that could withstand the splitting heaven and earth apart rule. Martial skill condensed the axe attack. I also thought that the Buddha Relic could assist Tower Spirit’s Divine Soul body to recover the Demi-God realm, and immediately took out the white stick Yu Haoran. , Watching Wuxing replied with a sneer.

“You say it!”


Yu Haoran has taken out the white stick that can be used to defeat the Buddha’s illusory shadow, and has shown that he will never return the Buddha’s clothing and Buddha Relic’s attitude.

Therefore, Wuxing, who was full of perseverance, sighed the Buddha’s name and looked up at the list to admit defeat.

“I surrender!”

He got up and left Wutai to leave the air, finally glanced at Yu Haoran on the ring, sighed and returned to the ring, and then began to impact the higher realm of Buddhism with the help of the Life and Death Tribulation difficulty just experienced.

“At Junior Brother, I look forward to your moment of becoming a Dragon Transformation!”

Jian Wuhen ranked third in the battle for the Hidden Dragon List in the Southern Region, so just after Wu Xing left the ring, she was forced to take the ring by the list.

Reached out and picked a few hairs in front of the forehead, said the sword without trace tenderness.

“If you are Jackie Chan, there will be no trace of Fengfeng to follow!”

Later, she looked up and conceded to the mid-empty list, and then with a little embarrassment, vacated directly and returned to Wu Zhengcheng.

In response to this, Yu Haoran felt sweet for a while, and the guilt that emerged instantly made him wonder if he could accept a traceless affection.

However, when Feng Tingting, who ranked third in the central rankings, was brought to the stage, Yu Haoran quickly put away his inner sorrow, expression grave’s eyes flashed with a thick fighting intent, and brought him a sense of peerless threat. Girl.

Feng Tingting is very beautiful. It is the beauty of the heroic beauty, the beauty that can give people a sense of security, and the beauty that is inaccessible to men with masculinity.

“Feng family core disciple Feng Tingting has seen senior brother Yu!” Desperately suppressing the intense fighting intent of constant inner shock, Feng Tingting’s bowed respect respects.

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