Yangyu, Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

As long as the effective time of 30% of the defense spell has passed, Yu Haoran has enough confidence to directly blast the opponent into a blood rain in a short time. Product W

However, the words of the refusal had not been said, and Tower Spirit, who knew the sea, immediately reminded.

“Yu Haoran, promise him!”

“Why?” Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

“As a Demonic Artifact at the level of the god realm, even if the magic sword fell to the imperial realm low grade due to heavy damage, its internal core, Formation not at all, was destroyed.”

Tower Spirit, who can feel the energy of destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth constantly gathering inside the magic knife, quickly explained.

Lonely grandson

“At the same time, because the magic knife has devoured too many life Essence in the past century, it has begun to condense a new Artifact Spirit.”

“In the face of the crisis of the destruction of the sword, the Formation hidden in the source of the magic sword will perish with you through Self-destruction.”

Qiu Yuanke Solitaire Fighting Solitary Place Yuemo

“With the formidable power of Formula Self-destruction, the core of the magic sword, the entire Qianlong Fortress will become nothingness in an instant.”

After hearing Tower Spirit’s explanation, Yu Haoran didn’t hesitate at all. With a wave of his sleeves, he withdrew the boxing power against the magic sword to avoid the crisis of the formation of the core of the self-destruction of the magic sword.

“I confess to losing!” Seeing Yu Haoran taking the initiative to withdraw the power of boxing, Lu Xiaoyun also kept his promise and looked up at the list to admit defeat.

Later, after raising his hand to retrieve the mid-air magic knife, Lu Xiaoyun expressed the gloomy vacancy and left the ring.

“Dare to be guilty, when it breaks, then it seems that there are some successors to Blood Ghost Sect!” Looking at Wei Yu one after another Lu Xiaoyun, who was able to fight Yu Haoran in the face-to-face battle, Yu Cangqiang could not help but praise At the same time, he twisted and sighed at Elder who was on Blood Ghost Sect.

“The Sect Master in the sky is over, and Xiao Yun is still far away!” Blood Ghost Sect with a happy smile on his face was too Elder, and humble manners.

After Lu Xiaoyun conceded and left the ring, Wu Xing, ranked third in the Western Regions list, was forced to take the ring by the list.


In an azure suit, Wu Xing had a bald head and no hair, and saluted with one hand.

“This poor monk has met the donor!”

“Buddha cultivation, peaceful and long Buddha spirit, there really is a pure Buddhist cultivation in this life!”

After hearing Wu Xing ’s unique way of paying respect, Tower Spirit immediately used the energy of the ontology domain tower to cooperate with Demi-God realm’s powerful divine thoughts, and carefully examined Wu Xing’s energy within the body.

Then he shouted without shock.

Ignoring the lost self-control of Tower Spirit, looking at the glorious realization in front of him, Yu Haoran suddenly thought that when he first entered Xianyang City and participated in the auction held by Tianxiang Pavilion, he sealed a jade slip of demonic cultivator Remnant Soul, which triggered Master Qing Qingyun gave him the Qingxin Mantra cheats, and finally the Qingxin Mantra cheats turned into a bald illusory shadow with a dazzling golden light.

Ending the Enemy and Rivalry

Although the bald head of Wuxing is different from the bald head of illusory shadow, the peaceful and long breath exuded by the two bodies is exactly the same, which also makes him instinctively feel a bit disgusted, and his attitude is instantly indifferent.

“Either concede or die!”

Facing Yu Haoran’s choice of admitting and dying, Wu Xing said with no anger.

“To the donor, too much slaughter causes your violent gas within the body to be too heavy. If you do not eliminate the violent gas within the body immediately, you will surely fall into the demonic path in the future and become a demon who only knows the slaughter. “

“Wu Xing, it seems that you have made the choice of death, then I will give you the way now!” It seems to be a persuasion in good faith, but it is a rather vicious psychological attack. An angry Yu Haoran emerges from the heart, 狞 said with a smile .

“Buddha says, saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda, since Yu Xun is willing to fall into the demonic path, then Wu Xing uses endless Buddhism to help the donor repent and be saved.” Facing Yu Haoran sneered Wu Xing replied with a gentle smile on his face.

Then he sat down with his knees bent, and then whispered with his hands folded.

“Buddha says: Boundless Abyss of Suffering, repent and be saved!”

“Buddha says: Everything is illusory!”

“Buddha says: There is no tree in Bodhi, there is no platform in the mirror, there is nothing in the world, where is the dust!”

“Buddha says: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!”


Whenever Wuxing reads a Buddha says, he will condensate a million character curse from his mouth.

The million characters rose in the wind, and quickly became a giant spell about the size of the ring.

“Damn, it’s the wild mantra that the bald donkey used to confuse people.”

Seeing the spell covering the entire ring platform, Zhong Lishuiqin, standing on the edge of the ring platform, flashed a deep disgust, then flashed away from the ring platform and appeared directly in front of Wu Zhengjun.

“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any malice towards Xiaojun.” Seeing Yu Siqi and sword without any trace, which quickly inspired the sword’s formidable power, Zhong Lishuiqin waved his hand immediately.

“Sister Qi, Senior Sister, let her come over!” With the secret technique of covering the water with tenderness, the mentality cultivation base has successfully broken through Wu Zhengjun of Martial Venerable Grade 3 Peak, and suddenly opened his eyes to Yu Siqi and Jian Wuwen requesting .

“Xiaojun, the reason why the water piano didn’t immediately respond to Pill Emperor’s question is not because you don’t love you.”

He stepped forward to Wu Zhengjun, and Zhong Lishuiqin sat in front of him with a bent knee, and said with a touch of pain.

Gu Di Qiu Yuan Guzheng Station

“It is because if you and I are combined, it will inevitably lead to the family behind me. At that time, not only will you be in danger of life, but Pill Emperor will also be greatly implicated.”

“Zhongli Senior, you and I have known each other for more than seven months, and I should know what Wu Zhengjun pursued in my life.”

Facing Zhong Lishuiqin’s apology and explanation, Wu Zhengjun lightly shook the head, then looked up at Yu Haoran, who was dealing with the gigabyte attack, and said firmly after retracting his gaze.

“Follow the steps of Senior Brother and accompany him to climb the Peak of Martial Dao. The matter of children is not in my consideration for the time being!”

“So Zhongli Senior doesn’t need to worry about that.”

“Little army!”

After hearing Wu Zhengjun’s deliberate alienation of the cold response, the sadness that suddenly appeared in his heart made Zhong Lishuiqin cry.

In this regard, Jian Wujin, Jiang Jingya and Qin Lingfei glanced at each other and found that their respective eyes were blank.

“Shuiqin elder sister, don’t worry about it first!”

whoever started the trouble should end it!

Since it was Yu Haoran’s questioning that made Zhong Lishui Qin hesitate about her and Wu Zhengjun’s relationship, then he still needed him to give Zhong Lishui Qin the courage to pursue love.

Therefore, as Yu Haoran’s wife, Wu Zhengjun’s sister-in-law, Qin Lingfei took the initiative to persuade.

“Jingjun, don’t be so unforgiving. After waiting for your Senior Brother to resolve that baldness, let him decide your relationship.”

In this regard, Wu Zhengjun nodded, and closed his eyes again to continue to improve his cultivation base.

The enemy does not hate the goal alone by Yue Taisuo

Zhong Lishuiqin was crying gradually.

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