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Central Realm, Qianlongpu, No. XNUMX In the Courtyard


As for Tower Spirit’s proposal, Yu Haoran did not have any hesitant nodded consent, and then directly threw the imperial low grade sword into the air, and shouted Yu Si sitting in the volley.

“Sister, here’s the imperial low grade sword with the Artifact Spirit.”

After hearing the reminder from Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi, who opened his eyes suddenly, reached out to catch the imperial low grade sword, and then the expression of joy appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, her gaze turned to the No. XNUMX courtyard, and her eagerness appeared in her eyes.

“Yu Haoran, leaving Cangyuan Sword” saw that Yu Haoran not only snatched his lost imperial low grade sword, but also gave it directly to his elder sister.

Because the Cangyuan Sword of Emperor Realm’s low grade belongs to his direct Bloodline Old Ancestor’s destiny Magical Artifact, if he loses his left hand arm, he has already lost his qualification to compete for the top ten of the Five Realms Hidden Dragon List.

If he loses Old Ancestor’s destiny Magical Artifact, I am afraid he will only be reduced to a non-essential a nobody in the Shang clan in the future.

“Shangbaizhan, now the imperial low grade Chuangyuan Sword is my spoils of war of Yu Haoran. If you want to recapture it, you must challenge me.”

Facing the shouting and scolding of the expressions of Shang Baizhan, Yu Haoran expression was full of playful provocations.

“As long as you can defeat me, let alone the low grade Cangyuan sword, even my Yu Haoran’s life is yours.”

In the face of Yu Haoran’s provocation, or irritability, losing the pain caused by the wounds on his arms, he kept awake during the battle.

“The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow long”

Folding the left arm that was torn by boxing, Shang Baizhan threatened with a murky chill in his eyes when he stepped out of the No. XNUMX courtyard.

“Yu Haoran, I will not only recapture Cangyuan Sword in the future, but I will also unscrew your head.”

“Since Yu Haoran’s debut, as long as it is someone who is defeated by me, he will always lose the possibility of chasing, and your business battle is no exception.” Facing the threat of business battle, Yu Haoran hits the opponent’s heart Strike back.


Facing Yu Haoran’s fierce counterattack, Shang Baizhan forcibly suppressed the angry coldly snorted, and then left the ninth courtyard with a somber look, heading directly to the 47th courtyard, which also belongs to the children of the Shang family.

“Senior Brother”

After using Detoxifying Pill to resolve the poisonousness of the millipede black spider, Wu Zhengjun walked straight to Yu Haoran’s face and bowed his head apologizing with guilt.

“Sorry, it was my overconfidence and arrogance that led to the final conspiracy.”

“Jingjun, don’t worry. Shangbaizhan uses the poisonous method of Qianzu black spider to be very concealed. If I am not proficient in poisonous avenues and have special sensitivity to the venom, I am afraid that I will not find the sinister means of Shangbaizhan in advance.” Yu Haoran shook his head and relieved.

Then, he looked up and greeted Qin Lingfei, Yu Siqi, Jian Wujin, and Jiang Jingya, who had all finished the challenge, and signaled that they were all going to the No. XNUMX courtyard.

Through continuous improvement and accumulated battle experience, Qin Lingfei finally successfully defeated the opponent of No. XNUMX other court, and at the same time, Jiang Jingya did not let the other party leave the other court.

The sword without a mark is to use perfect defense and attack to successfully force Huang Fu’s infantile to use his hole cards, choose to actively concede to maintain strength.

“Although the challenge just made you successfully master the power of closed-door cultivation breakthrough realm, it also exposed your true strength.”

Looking at the five people standing in the courtyard, Yu Haoran expression was solemnly instructed.

“So, using the last time before the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle started, you continued to retreat to improve your realm and strength, and eventually you can get a higher ranking.”

Facing Yu Haoran’s orders, I have fully realized that the five powerful players in the central area immediately selected the room and began to practice the last time.

“Either roll or die”

Just as Yu Haoran turned around and decided to pick his own room, Yu Wenhao Fei’s voice was suddenly heard in his ears.

Turning his head and glancing at it, Yu Haoran found that Yu Wen Haofei challenged the No. XNUMX other house, which showed that the other party had let go of its arrogance and began to truly face its own strength.

“This Senior Brother is polite”

Looking back, Yu Haoran had just lifted his feet, and when he was about to enter the attic of the other courtyard, a familiar voice came to his ears.

Continue to glance around, Yu Haoran found that the young robes from the Eastern Region Hidden Dragon List for the championship, are challenging the players on the XNUMXth.

The situation in the Eastern Region is different from that in the Southern Region.

After a terrible accident that occurred more than XNUMX years ago, the Southern Region not only caused a serious loss of world’s spiritual energy, but also caused many powerful forces to interrupt inheritance.

But the Eastern Regions that have not suffered any disasters, not only the world’s spiritual energy is very sufficient, but also many family inheritances in the Middle and Modern Times are very complete.

Being able to become the most powerful powerhouse for the younger generation of the Eastern Regions, the robe youth definitely has the ability to challenge the top ten players in the other courts.

The reason why he chose a player from the XNUMXth house is that he wants to impact the higher rankings while preserving his strength and hole cards.

There is not much time left for the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle. Now that the championships in the three north-south domains are in place, presumably the golden robe bald youth in the western region should be approaching.

Therefore, Yu Haoran has not entered the attic for the time being, and wants to judge his character and ambition through the golden robe bald youth challenged by other court players.

The waiting time is not very long. When the youth of the robes easily defeated the players in the No. XNUMX court, the bald young man in the golden robe appeared above the Qianlong Fortress in a golden light.

Subsequently, the golden robe bald young man chose the player from the XNUMXth court, and with a trick that dazzled the golden light, he threw the player from the XNUMXth court directly out of the court.

“Each and everyone are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Everyone has to deal with it carefully, otherwise, they will likely overturn the ditch.” After taking back the attention of the bald young man in golden robe, Yu Haoran stepped into the attic At the same time, I could not help but sigh.

Three hours before the start of the five domain Hidden Dragon List battle, a total of XNUMX players have arrived.

Among them, there were XNUMX contestants in the southern region, XNUMX in the western region, XNUMX in the eastern region, and XNUMX in the central region.

And the Northern Territory with the smallest number of participants is only XNUMX. From this point alone, we can see the cruelty of the Northern Territory demonic cultivator.

Twenty minutes before the start of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List scramble, some contestants living in the boardroom began to rush to the central square to prepare to adapt to the venue and environment of the game in advance.

Update the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie as soon as possible.

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