Yang Yu, Qianlong Fortress is empty!

The enemy is not the enemy, Sun Xuezhan Mo Yu

“The moment the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle ended. On the mobile phone side” Facing Yu Cangqiong’s questioning, Yu Haoran immediately gave the exact time to start pill concocting.

“That being the case, then this deity now returns to Heavenly Demon Sect to prepare the medicine ingredients needed for the Demon Soul Essence and the four treasures promised to the little friend.”

Hou Di Yuan Qiu Qiu Qiu Mo Mou Qiu Yu Qing Qing

After the end of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle, it will take two to three days for the Heavenly Dao rule to fully enter the dormant state, and that is the best time to truly break through the Emperor Wu Realm.

Therefore, Yu Haoran gave Pill concocting time to open the furnace, which made Yu Cangqiang very satisfied, and he was more attentive to his safety.

“Senior, don’t send it!” Nodded, Yu Haoran arching.

With the deal with Yu Cangqiang, it is impossible to continue to kill Yu Haofei.

Sun Qiu’s revenge is far from the moon

Peng Yanfei, who has a Murderous Intention to himself, cannot move Ji Wenlong for the time being.

In desperation, Yu Haoran’s eyes refocused on Beicheng Beijing, continuing to watch the challenges of friends and relatives.

When he turned his attention to Beicheng Beijing District, he heard the voice of Shen Jiachang in the No.XNUMX Beijing courtyard.

“I confess to losing!” Looking at the giant tail with less than one meter above his head, feeling the terrifying power of the giant tail, Shen Jiachang’s face pale and voluntarily conceded.

Then he turned to look at the other house where he had lived for more than a month, and said to Jiang Jingya with resentful eyes.

“Senior Sister, the tenth courtyard is now yours!”

“I don’t have the slightest interest in the No. XNUMX other hospital. You can live by yourself!” Jiang Jingya hurriedly waved in the face of the Shen family’s reluctance to surrender the No. XNUMX other hospital.

Jiang Jingya’s answer made Shen’s family unstoppable for a moment, followed by the expression of doubt in her eyes.

Since you have no interest in the No. XNUMX other hospital, why should you challenge me, Shen Jiachang, will it be that I have no enmity with you? Or is it not pleasing to me?

After the wind-tailed fox reduced her size and stood on her fragrant shoulder, Jiang Jingya ignored Shen Jiachang, who was full of doubts, and flew directly to Yu Haoran, then asked expectantly.

The enemy who hates far from hates the enemy

“Senior Brother, how are I and Xiaofeng doing?”

“What do you say!” Yu Haoran faint smile asked back.

Although he has just responded to the joint attack of Ji Wenlong and Yu Haofei, he has not paid attention to the fight of No. XNUMX other hospital for the time being. However, from the state of Jiang Jingya’s long breath, he did not mobilize Origin Force and Soul Power. Who is the main force.

Facing the questioning of Yu Haoran faint smile, Jiang Jingya glanced at him with a bit of dissatisfaction, and then looked down to see Jian Wujin and Huang Fu’s infant baby fighting.

The use of Rain Dragon blood essence to open the Bauhinia sword emperor’s inheritance of the sword has no trace, making up for the shortcomings of her own defense, and in conjunction with the powerful attack of refining 30% sword array, she is in the fight with Huang Fu’s infant.

In contrast, Huang Fu’s infant!

In the case of a long battle without success, her emotions are getting more and more impatient. At the same time, she has exerted her formidable power to make her consume more and more, and more and more weak spots are exposed when she attacks.

If Huang Fu’s infant is not able to calm down immediately, in the end she will be the champion of the central domain Hidden Dragon List, and she will likely be defeated by the invisible sword invisible.

Seeing Jian Wujin continue to keep his heart calmly challenged, Yu Haoran was quite satisfied with nodded, and then turned his eyes to the No. XNUMX other hospital, then shook the head with a bitter smile.

Although the use of too ruthless mind to open the special mark of Tianchen physicals, so that the elder sister has the ability not to lose to the top Martial Venerable Grade 6, but in the face of strength is not lost to her, and used a card of Zhou Mengling, her The disadvantages are becoming increasingly apparent.

If it weren’t for Zhou Mengling’s jealousy of the threat he had just made, she would have jealousy when she shot, I’m afraid she has suffered a heavy defeat.

However, with the dilemma of Emperor Realm’s low-grade sleepy days, she could be directly captured by Zhou Mengling for a maximum of three or five seconds.

So, in order to avoid the capture of elder sister battered and exhausted, Yu Haoran shouted directly at the two men who were fighting.

“Sister, Zhou Mengling, stop!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s voice, Yu Siqi and Zhou Mengling looked at each other and found that their respective eyes were frustrated, and they stopped at the same time and continued to fight.

“You are strong, but I will be stronger next time I fight!” Yu Siqi fighting intent glared at Zhou Mengling with a cold look.

“I can beat it once, I can beat you ten times, so you’re stronger and useless.” Zhou Mengling replied toughly not to be outdone.

Then she looked up at Yu Haoran floating in the air and asked.

“You are satisfied!”


No matter what Zhou Mengling and Zhou Youze did to An Yufei, just because she just showed mercy to the elder sister’s men, and even at the expense of revealing a card for the championship, Yu Haoran still needs to accept the favor of the opponent.

“Yu Haoran, I hope only once, otherwise, Zhou Mengling will never be merciful.”

Yu Haoran’s satisfied reply eased Zhou Mengling’s frosty complexion.

But when she saw the intense fighting intent revealed by Yu Siqi’s eyes, she could not help but threaten Yu Haoran.

Mo Yang Tai Ship

Afterwards, she did not give Yu Haoran any chance to speak, and returned directly to the bedroom of the other courtyard.

“Little Ran, give me some Hao Ling Dan and Yu Ling Dan of Grade 9 Grade XNUMX.”

Folding out the intense fighting intent that emerged, Yu Siqi flashed in front of Yu Haoran, and then reached out for a medicine pill that would enhance Martial Venerable realm and strength.

Seeing the indifference that elder sister’s eyes flashed from time to time, Yu Haoran, while feeling a little horrified, also obeyed Tower Spirit’s original command, and took out three medicine pills from the storage ring that could improve realm and strength and gave them directly to Yu Siqi.

After receiving the medicine pill sent by Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi was very satisfied with nodded, then sat down directly in the volley, and began to use medicine pill to improve his realm and strength.

took a deep breath, Yu Haoran’s eyes turned to the XNUMXth courtyard.

The enemy is far from the cold moon early test

While watching Qin Lingfei and his opponent fight, he began to ask Tower Spirit who knew the sea, and asked why the elder sister who had just entered the sentimental realm gave him a feeling of breaking through the ruthless realm.

“Yu Haoran, if I’m not mistaken, the reason why Siqi girl is too oblivious to the realm ascension so fast, I am afraid it has something to do with the changes you encountered.”

Just less than a day after being promoted to a ruthless realm, there was a vague breakthrough of ruthless realm. Yu Siqi’s speed of raising realm was too embarrassing, and it also shocked Tower Spirit.

Based on the characteristics of being too forgetful, and then combining Yu Siqi’s physique and character, as well as life experiences from young to old, Tower Spirit finally found the reason for the rapid improvement of realm.

Tower Spirit’s speculation just made Yu Haoran think about what happened to the elder sister after the accidental death of his parents.

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