Yang Yu, Qianlong Fortress is empty!

Ji Wenlong slightly ridiculed the provocation, making Yu Haoran immediately stop his boxing, and then expression looked down at the courtyard without any anger, a personable, extraordinary, wearing a purple starry gown. !

“Wen Long has seen Junior Brother Yu!” It seems that Ji Wenlong, who is not used to looking up at others, volleys to a level with Yu Haoran and the black clothed long-haired youth, and greets the black clothed long-haired youth with arched hands.

“Yu Haofei has seen Senior Brother Ji!” Facing Ji Wenlong’s active greeting, even the black-haired young man with long temperament, he did not dare to neglect to return to the courtesy immediately.

“Yu Haoran, your life is so great!” Nodded responded to Yu Haofei’s return, Ji Wenlong’s gaze turned to Yu Haoran, his expression sighed with a slight annoyance.

Enemy Division

Kudi Moku, an enemy of science and technology, is anxious, guilty!

“Ji Wenlong, tell your younger brother Ji Hanyu, if you want to keep his dog’s life, it is best to kneel down and give up immediately, otherwise you will not only lose the younger brother, but also the Lord of Heavenly Palace will inevitably see one’s child die. before oneself. “

The reason for Ji Wenlong’s annoyance was that he successfully cracked the upside-down gates and the four seasons reincarnation array, safely left the plum blossom forest, and let the Lord of Heavenly Palace take the opportunity to kill himself.

The enemy is far away from the science of the sun

Looking down at the No. 48 courtyard, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a cold light, and a happy smile appeared on his face, and he said with a ridiculous tone.

“Of course, it may also be in your heart of Ji Wenlong, wishing that Ji Hanyu died in my Yu Haoran’s hand.”

“After all, as the heir of the Lord of Void Jade Palace Heavenly Palace, how can you Ji Wenlong allow a wild species to defile the pure Bloodline of the Ji Family!”

“How is it possible to tolerate a waste that is not enough to succeed, and to destroy the reputation of Void Jade Palace that has maintained the number of heavenly Profound Continent seven top sects for several thousand years!”

“Yu Haoran, you shut up for me!” After hearing Yu Haoran’s ridicule, or his sinister intentions, Ji Wenlong, who was furious and angry, immediately shouted harshly.

“Hurry, guilty!”

Hou Keyuan hates the cold star

Facing Ji Wenlong, who was desperately angry, Yu Haoran immediately pretended to be shocked, his voice filled with incredible questioning.

“I can’t believe it. I guess, you Ji Wenlong wants Ji Hanyu to die!”

In fact, the ridicule of Ji Wenlong and Ji Hanyu just now is not a word of mouth.

Because in the previous life, while avoiding the pursuit of the powerhouse of Void Jade Palace, Yu Haoran once heard the expert chats from Ji Wen Dragon Sect, and learned that he was strongly dissatisfied and disgusted with Ji Hanyu, and that he had been deliberately planning to deal with Ji Hanyu secretly. .

Not far after the relentlessness

“Sure enough he wants me to die!”

In the bedroom of the 48th courtyard, hiding away from Yu Haoran, Ji Hanyu, who did not dare to show up, saw Ji Wen Dragon Qi’s desperate appearance, and after seeing a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes, his face was somber and murmured to himself.

Hou Ke is not cool

Subsequently, a gray jade slip was taken from the storage ring, and Ji Hanyu continued to whisper to himself.

“Ji Wenlong, since it is you who are not kind at first, then don’t blame me for being unrighteous as a younger brother.”

After gnashing teeth, Ji Hanyu took out more than a dozen blank jade slips, and then copied the contents of a gray jade slip into empty white jade slips.

“Yu Haoran, don’t continue to talk big, if you have the courage, directly fight with Ji Wenlong for Life and Death.” Knowing that Ji Wenlong, who can not continue to engage in verbal confrontation with Yu Haoran, immediately took out the topware of honor Murderous-looking invited to fight against Yu Haoran.

Sun Qiuke Local Sun Xuejie Yang Yang Kelang

“Fulfill your wish for courting death.” Yu Haoran, who immediately smiled, said a cold reply.

But before moving on with Ji Wenlong, he turned his head to provoke Yu Haofei, who was going to watch a show.

Leng Tong Lv Tong Leng Tong Leng Tong Leng Du

“Anyway, one is killing, the other is also slaughter. You Yu Haofei together!”

“Boy, arrogant!”

Facing his own central domain, or the most powerful house of the young generation of Heavenly Profound Continent, Yu Haoran not only had no fear at all, but also invited Yu Haofei, the most powerful house of the demonic cultivator, which gave Ji Wenlong an instant A feeling of contempt and humiliation.

After an outcry, Ji Wenlong directly cast the town palace method of Void Jade Palace Heavenly Palace, reaching the rank of Heaven-level Peak, using a trick to conquer the world’s White Dragon, directly taking the key of Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran, you are courting death!”

At the same time, Yu Haofei, who also felt humiliated, drank a violent sigh, and his hand color and luster showed a black top grade sword sword, and directly cut out a black dragon with a stench.

Not far away from the future

“Fist Town!”

Looking at the two black and white giant dragons rushing towards himself, Yu Haoran stepped back without fear, and then swung his left and right punches at the same time to punch out the Jijiquan.

Hou Yuan Ke Yuanqing Observation Warfare Nook Me

As the twelve ancestors and witches with the strongest ancient co-creation skills, the formidable power of the boxing land is enough to shake the entire ancient continuous.

Accepting the memory of the twelve ancestors, Yu Haoran, under the blessing of the potential Dragon Qi, and the cultivation of amazing insight, has won the essence of boxing 1%.

Therefore, the mountain formed in the boxing method just broke away from the left and right punches, and was not lost in a city of Qianlong Fortress. It immediately trembled, which made all the players living in the board room and other hospitals vacated in advance.



With two deafening roars, the two mountains formed by the boxing method directly smashed the Black Dragon and the two giant dragons, and the formidable power continued to hit Ji Wenlong and Yu Haofei without any weakening.

Whether it is the White Dragon limping around the world, or the Black Dragon formed using demonic path martial skills, Ji Wenlong and Yu Haofei almost use the strength of nearly 8-Layer.

In the case of using 8-Layer strength to join forces, not only was it unable to defeat Yu Haoran, but the powerful punches performed by the opponent gave the forcibly a break of the joint, which made Ji Wenlong and Yu Haofei unable to resist the complexion changed.

Taking a look at each other, Ji Wenlong and Yu Haofei screamed at the same time, directly using the stronger formidable power and Sword Art, blasting towards the mountains.

The previous blow has made Yu Haoran fully aware of the results of her closed-door cultivation during this time. With her mouth slightly tilted, her left and right fists are then used to perform the second trick of the ancestral inheritance.

Hateful complex hate by the haunted feather owner

I also felt that the punch of 1% essence broke through the sky.

“At Pill Emperor, please stop!”

Hou Kedi’s distant foes hate and coldly take the ship

However, when the boxing technique had just formed and it was not really blasted out, a sound of familiar blocking suddenly came from the attic of Qianlong Fortress Plaza.

“Zun Zun, what do you mean?” Yu Haoran questioned, looking at the purple clothed powerhouse that immediately appeared in front of Ji Wenlong.

“Don’t get me wrong at Pill Emperor, this deity is not malicious.”

While explaining, the powerhouse of the purple clothed year used the sound transmission of the divine mind to explain the reason why he had just stopped.

Sun Budi loves Sun Hat Mo Gu Yue most

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