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Prince Consort mansion, practice room!

After sitting on the knees of each other, Yu Haoran looked at the elder sister who was almost 90% similar to his mother in appearance and temperament, and couldn’t help feeling deep for a moment.

In the previous life, the accidental death of his parents caused his and his elder sister’s life trajectory to change. Heaven and Earth turning upside down. The elder sister committed suicide after being subjected to humiliation. He also became a stray dog.

In this world, with the help of the explosion of the Demon God tomb, it was possible to regain his life. When he hoped to change the tragic fate of him and the elder sister, the fate made him stand in the face of a dilemma.

“Little Ran, what’s the matter with you?” After seeing the younger brother sitting on the knees, he remained silent, which made Yu Siqi, who had a lot of doubts, couldn’t help asking.

“Sister, do you still remember that when you became the Ice Snow Palace’s disciple, did I ever ask you to find a mindset that is too embarrassing!” Putting away the inner emotion, Yu Haoran expression asked solemnly.

“Of course I remember!” Yu Siqi nodded replied.

“Sister, in fact, I made you look for the mindlessness too much. I originally wanted to be your major mind, but in the later experience, I only knew the disadvantages of the mindlessness.

Afterwards, Yu Haoran informed the elder sister of all the information about Tai Shang forgetfulness, including the method of Tai Shang Paragon’s sermon, and the special physical mark of Tianhen she had.

He took the jade slip from Tower Spirit and recorded it in front of Yu Siqi. When Yu Haoran got up and left the practice room, his expression reminded him.

“Sister, the younger brother hopes that you can think about it carefully, and then decide whether to cultivate too embarrassingly!”

Looking at the jade slip in front of me, I think about what Yu Haoran just mentioned, too much forgotten feelings, too much for Paragon ’s sermons, and the special physique of Tian mark that he has, for a moment Get lost in thought.

“Prince Consort, are you okay?” Looking at Yu Haoran, who was back in the pavilion, feeling down, Qin Lingfei asked a little bit worriedly.

“Ling Fei, don’t worry, I’m fine!”

After Qin Lingfei reluctantly squeezed a smile of relief, Yu Haoran’s eyes turned to the sword without trace.

“At Junior Brother, with the blessing of the submerged Dragon Qi, my fleshhy body grade, state of mind cultivation base, Origin Force and Soul Power have all reached the top Martial Venerable Grade 2 Peak.”

Although Yu Haoran didn’t say it straight, but Jian Wujin also knew what he meant, so he took the initiative to introduce the achievements of his closed-door cultivation, but also hoped to make him happy.

“With the sword array that has been refining 30%, I should now be able to use the strength of the top Martial Venerable Grade 5 Peak.”

“Very good!” After hearing the results of Jian Wuhen’s closed-door cultivation, Yu Haoran praised nodded with a smile on his face.

The strength of the top Martial Venerable Grade 5 Peak can at least rank in the top XNUMX of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List.

At that time, the blessings of the two Dragon Dragons in the Southern and Five Realms will be enough for the sword to reach the top Martial Venerable Grade 3 Peak or the cultivation base of Grade 4 in a single break through the Martial Venerable realm.

After praise, Yu Haoran’s eyes turned to Jiang Jingya.

“Senior brother Yu, with the blessing of the potential Dragon Qi, I am now the cultivation base of Martial Saint Grade 3 Peak.”

Maybe it was because the atmosphere was suddenly wrong, or it was because Yu Haoran’s mood was still low. Jiang Jingya didn’t introduce him with a temper.

“What about Xiaofeng?”

Do n’t say 1000 meters of Dragon Qi ’s blessing, even if it ’s a trade

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