Xianyang City, Prince Consort House!

The conversation between Yu Haoran and Wu Zhengjun just now, not at all, deliberately avoided Qin Lingfei and the others of Fengting, especially his last elder’s call to Wu Zhengjun, which aroused the strong interest of everyone in Fengting.

Therefore, after he stepped into the wind pavilion, Qin Lingfei, a gossip, had already appeared in his heart, and immediately asked excitedly.

“Prince Consort, who is the woman who has a deep affection for Zheng Jun? Do we know each other?”

Reaching out Qin Lingfei’s head, Yu Haoran smiled and criticized.

A distant rivalry between the cool and the sciences

“Hurry up and put away your gossip. Ask as little as possible about things you shouldn’t ask.”

In fact, let alone Qin Lingfei wants to know who that woman is, he also wants to know the origin of that woman.


But with Wu Zhengjun’s dumb personality, being able to confess to him the reason for his cultivation base and advanced advanced by leaps and bounds, the help from that woman is not easy.

If you want to know more about the inside story, unless it is he who is willing to say it or the woman’s active appearance.

“Don’t ask, don’t ask, why play someone’s mind!” Although Yu Haoran’s punishment was only symbolic, he couldn’t satisfy the burning gossip, and Qin Lingfei complained a little.

“Ling Fei, sister, Wuchen, Jingya, please tell me in detail about the results of your closed-door cultivation under the cover of Dragon Qi!” Ruan Qin Ling Fei complained dissatisfied, reached out and held her jade hand, then Sitting in the polite stone chair where Blue Heart stood up, Yu Haoran smiled and was instructed.

“Prince Consort, my fleshy body grade has been promoted to the top Martial Venerable Grade 1 Peak, and Origin Force, Soul Power, and the cultivation base have reached the top Martial Venerable Grade 2 Early-Stage realm.”

I heard that Yu Haoran wanted to check the cultivation results of the recent period of time, and Qin Lingfei, who quickly dispelled his gossip, took the lead in introducing.

“Now with the defense of Unending Nine Stars and the attack of Xuan Yin Soul Fire, it should be able to exert the strength of the top Martial Venerable Grade 3 Peak.”

“Not bad!”

After Qin Lingfei’s cultivation base and strength promotion were similar to what he expected, Yu Haoran’s eyes turned to Yu Siqi after a satisfactory nodded praise.

“Little Ran, fleshhy body broke through the limits of Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak seven days ago, and Origin Force, Soul Power, and the cultivation base have just been promoted to the realm of the top Martial Venerable Grade 2 Early-Stage.”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s gaze set on himself, Yu Siqi immediately corrected himself.

“Cooperating with the defense of Yinyue black cloth and the attack power of Qingyue Yan, I should now be able to exert the strength of the top Martial Venerable Grade 2 Peak.”

“I still owe some fire!”

Hearing the elder sister ’s cultivation base and strength promotion, Yu Haoran shook the head slightly disappointed.

The more the martial artist ’s cultivation base reaches the Late Stage, the more obvious the importance of the flyhy body and the strength of law is. With the same cultivation base, the higher the quality of the martial artist, the stronger the martial artist, and the weaker the martial artist of the martial artist. The easier it is to lose money.

With an elder sister Martial Saint Grade 9 Peak’s fleshhy body grade, I am afraid that even the top XNUMX in the five domain Hidden Dragon List battle is very dangerous.

“Yu Haoran, do you remember when your elder sister joined Ice Snow Palace, I used to ask her to look for a mindset that was too unforgiving.”

Seeing Yu Haoran’s dissatisfaction with the speed of Yu Siqi fleshy body’s upgrading, the tower spirit of Shi Hai’s eyes flashed a hesitation, hesitating whether he told Yu Haoran the true truth.

Because of the special physique possessed by Yu Siqi, if you really want to open it, you must practice the cultivation technique that was listed as taboo by the ancient and countless Paragon powerhouse.

But if you do n’t tell the truth about Yu Haoran, due to the influence of the special physique, Yu Siqi will become faster and faster in the cultivation base in the future, making it difficult to become the Spiritual God of the Valkyrie realm for life.

Invincible to cool Sun Cha war month hate

After much thought, Tower Spirit finally decided to give Yu Haoran the right to decide whether to practice too much love.

“of course I remember!”

Too unforgiving mindset is the key to opening up the special physique possessed by elder sister. How could Yu Haoran forget such an important thing.

“Yu Haoran, Ice Snow Palace’s too forgotten love is just a scrap, at most it can only open your elder sister one third’s special physique.”

took a deep breath, Tower Spirit said a little apologetically.

“Actually, the complete volume is too forgotten.”


Tower Spirit obviously has a complete volume of too forgotten heart, but let the elder sister take the risk to find the broken heart, Yu Haoran’s heart burst into anger.

However, the acquaintance and acquaintance of the past three years, let him know that Tower Spirit must do so for a special reason, so forcibly suppressed the anger that emerged in his heart, and asked as calmly as possible.

“Because there is a certain risk of being too oblivious to practicing the complete volume!” Seeing Yu Haoran not at all angry at his own approach, Tower Spirit secretly relieved and explained quickly.

“What kind of risk!” Yu Haoran asked quickly.

“Yu Haoran, although the mindset that is too unforgiving is created by the ancient Demon God, but the person who truly completes and improves the mindset is the Paragon who was one of the Nine Great Paragons powerhouse in the ancient times.”

“Tower Spirit, is it too Paragon who killed his mother by killing his father, killing his brother and his brother, and eating his wife and his son?”

When I heard Tower Spirit mentioning the ancient Paragon, Yu Haoran’s mind immediately emerged with a figure of a young man with a tall, straight face, a sharp sword, and a frosty coldness.

“Yu Haoran, how did you know that by killing fathers and mothers, slaughtering brothers and sisters, and wives and sons preaching too Paragon?”

Hearing Yu Haoran’s preaching method too Paragon, Tower Spirit couldn’t help but the complexion changed, and a strong Murderous aura immediately appeared.

But then, after taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the intense murderous aura emerging from his heart, he asked as calmly as possible.

“Tower Spirit, do you remember the bronze clock Magical Artifact illusory shadow I mentioned when I asked you to make the Magical Artifact of Ruyi Bell?” Yu Haoran, who did not find Tower Spirit, reminded him.

“It’s about the chaotic clock that fought side by side in ancient times, how could I forget it!” Tower Spirit nodded replied.

“I was in a palace in the misty forest, and I saw the illusory shadow of the chaotic clock from a memory of somehow cultivation base powerhouse.

Hou Di Ke Qiu Sun hated by the lone party after the ghost

Speaking of which, Yu Haoran ignored the doubtful gaze of everyone in Fengting, got up and walked to the side of Fengting, then looked at the direction of Dongyu.

“And that corpse was too Paragon who killed his father, his mother, his brother, his brother, and his wife.


Upon hearing Yu Haoran’s explanation, Tower Spirit’s first reaction was impossible.

Because in the ancient times he played against Tai Paragon more than once, he was very clear about the power and means of Tai Paragon.

Don’t say that the destruction of Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times can’t hurt him, the ancient Eight Great Paragons powerhouse may not be able to take his life together.

So who was that corpse that Yu Haoran saw in the misty forest?

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