Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

As long as there is no error in the process of condensing and dividing Dan, there will be no accidents in the warm cultivation of medicine pill and the final Chengdan. !

Therefore, Yu Haoran only left 20% of his energy to pay attention to the changes in the independent space of Danhuo, and the remaining four-fifths of his energy was to simulate in his mind the medicine pill that needs to be refined next.

A 1% chance of pill concocting, temporarily adding a third-order Grade XNUMX ground Fire Lotus, Yu Haoran pill concocting before and the performance of the pill concocting process, so that the hands of the purple clothed powerhouse under the sleeves have been clenched .

He was worried that Yu Haoran’s bold move would ruin the nine thousand millennium lotus spiritual medicines he had collected over decades.

Until the nine medicine pills in Danhuo’s independent space began to gather and absorb the Soul Power and emptiness from the scattered Heaven and Earth, the purple clothed powerhouse was regarded as a long sighed in relief, and then the clasped hands were released.

Subsequently, he retracted his gaze about Danhuo’s independent space, and turned his eyes to Yu Haoran, who was sitting on the ring with his knees bent, his eyes revealing a thoughtful expression.

Although I also felt that the nine medicine pills in the independent space of Danhuo began to gather and absorb the world’s spiritual energy, as well as the Soul Power and empty atmosphere mixed with the world’s spiritual energy, knowing that the nine hearts, nine souls, and nine lotuses will soon be successfully refined, But there was no expression of excitement and expectation in the eyes of the crowd around the stands.

After all, the powerhouse of the purple clothed year has introduced the effectiveness of the nine hearts, nine souls and nine lotus roots in detail. It is known that even if Yu Haoran eventually pill concocting successfully, all nine medicine pills belong to the purple clothed year powerhouse. There will be no people at the scene. Any chance of competition.

As the traction force formed by the nine medicine pills began to weaken, Yu Haoran awoke from the memories of mock pill concocting, then stood up.

When the traction force formed by the nine medicine pills completely disappeared, Yu Haoran’s ten-finger seals removed the Danhu independent space.

At the moment when the Danhu independent space dispersed, the nine medicine pills exposed in mid-air instantly became the size of nine buckets and the holy lotus flower in white color.

At the same time, from the nine snow-white lotus flowers, there is a sense of clear and clear spirit, so that the Slaughtering Qi originally generated by the intense competition and the slaughter of strange animals in the Qianlong Fortress gradually melted and disappeared.

Similarly, take out eight empty pill bottles, and point the bottle mouth at the nine empty white lotuses in the air. Yu Haoran sips softly.


Subsequently, the nine snow-white lotuses reverted to longan-sized medicine pill, and quickly fell into each pill bottle.

Reaching out to catch only one after another medicine pill that was not included in the pill bottle, Yu Haoran carefully checked it again and directly used the means of the Origin Force package to send it to the purple clothed powerhouse.

After reaching out to take the medicine pill that Yu Haoran brought to his eyes, the purple clothed powerhouse not at all horses checked, but instead took out a storage ring directly and said apologetically.

“At Pill Emperor, I’m really sorry. The deity has been negligent for a while. When I promised you to make the condition for making medicine pill, I forgot the special characteristics of Jiu Xin Jiu Jiu Jiulian Dan, so I can only use other treasures to compensate. you.”

Without checking the collection in the storage ring and returning it to the purple clothed powerhouse again, Yu Haoran reminded with a smile.

“Zun Zun, first checked the medicine pill on my hand, and then decided whether to compensate me!”

Upon hearing the reminder from Yu Haoran, the purple clothed year powerhouse immediately used the divine mind to look at the medicine pill of the hand.

When he found that the special energy contained in the medicine pill was different from Pill Recipe’s record, he could not help but frowned.

“In Pill Emperor, this is not the Nine Hearts, Nine Souls and Nine Lotuses of the second-order Grade 1.”

Without questioning from the purple clothed powerhouse in the year, Yu Haoran had no discomfort on his face.

“Zun Zun, is it true that the medicine pill in your hand is the heart of nine hearts and nine souls? You can ask the senior to personally check it.”

“Do Great Grandmaster, please!”

After hearing Yu Haoran’s suggestion, the powerhouse in purple clothed gave an arching hand and tossed the medicine pill directly to the dry club.

After reaching out to catch the dropped medicine pill, Gan Huiyi first discerned the unique smell of medicine pill, and his eyes immediately showed a hint of surprise.

Immediately afterwards, she carefully examined it from the inside out using the unique technique of Pill Master and Pill Master, and her surprise was replaced by shock.

“Hui Senior, what is the result of the inspection, is Junior refining whether it is the second-grade Grade 1 Nine Hearts Nine Souls and Nine Lotus Dans?” Yu Haoran asked with a chuckle, looking at the shock in Gan Hui’s eyes.

After slowly closing her eyes and adjusting her breath for nearly 30% of the time, she reluctantly suppressed the continually emerging shock, and Qian Huiyu said to the purple clothed powerhouse.

“Zun Zun, this medicine pill made by Pill Emperor is not only the nine-hearted nine-souled Jiuliandan of the second-order Grade 1 but also the complete nine-hearted nine-souled Jiuliandan.”

“What is intact for the Great Grandmaster?” The purple clothed powerhouse, which was very puzzled by the explanation of Qian Hui, just couldn’t help asking the frowns.

“Zun Zun, the efficacy of this medicine pill is equivalent to the nine hearts, nine souls, and nine lotuses that you and I know!” Holding the medicine pill in motion, the mood was shocked again to the occupants, voice Said with a touch of excitement.

“Zi …!”

After hearing Qian Hui’s further explanation, the purple clothed powerhouse couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air, and it was like a shock in the heart.

Regarding the refining difficulty of Jiu Xin Jiu Soul Jiulian Dan, he has found three Pill Dao Great Grandmasters from the Pure World Organization and Heavenly Profound Continent Pill Dao Peak Great Grandmaster ranked the first source of medicine.

The result obtained is exactly the same. It is regarded as the Pill Master of Pill Dao Pill Emperor realm. In the end, the success rate of Dancheng nine will not exceed XNUMX%.

And Yu Haoran!

Not only the successful refining success, but also further improved the defects of Jiu Xin Jiu Jiu Jiulian Dan to reach the point of perfect and without blemish. This is not only a matter of pill concocting ability, I am afraid that it has also led to Pill Impact of Dao Air Transport.

Thinking of the possibility that Yu Haoran could get the blessing of Pill Dao, the idea in the powerhouse of the purple clothed year suddenly emerged, a plan that can make the power of the Pure World Organization truly surpass the four guardian families.

However, if this plan is to be successfully implemented, it is not possible to rely on him alone. It also needs to be jointly carried out by Dragon Qi Yun and the senior officials of the Jingshi organization.

“At Pill Emperor, at this moment there is only one word in the heart, service!”

The storage ring was brought back to Yu Haoran, and the powerhouse sincerely lamented in purple clothed year, said with a smile.

“At Pill Emperor, the effects of nine medicine pills that were originally needed can be combined into one, which greatly improves the quality of Jiu Xin Jiu Jiu Jiu Lian Dan. Some spiritual medicine in the storage ring can be regarded as a thank you!”

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