Qianlong Fort, on the central square!


Seeing Qin Lingfei’s final ranking of thirty-two on the list, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed a little disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Disappointed that Qin Lingfei’s ranking is too low, and the number of potential Dragon Qi blessings is too small, which is not conducive to the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle to be held one month later.

Dissatisfied with those players who feared their own strength and voluntarily confessed their losses before they actually fought, it was because of their initiative to confess their defeat that Qin Lingfei lost the hope of being promoted to a higher position.

“Prince Consort, in fact, I can make it to the finals and get the blessing of the potential Dragon Qi. I am very satisfied. I dare not expect to get too many benefits beyond my own strength.” After seeing the final ranking of his list, Qin Lingfei immediately turned around to observe Yu Haoran’s reaction, and found that his eyes were indeed disappointed and dissatisfied, and he was very contented to persuade him.

“Ling Fei, originally had the opportunity to make you rank higher and gain more potential Dragon Qi blessings, but I didn’t grasp it well, sorry.”

If you don’t want to hide more strength and hole cards, and directly use the martial skills of the Life and Death dual system rules, many players will never have the opportunity to open up. So Ha Haan feels very self-blame in the face of Qin Lingfei’s contented persuasion.

“Prince Consort, as long as I can accompany you to participate in the Hidden Dragon List battle of the Five Realms, I am already satisfied. I don’t care how high the ranking is and how much Dragon Qi can be transported!” His head rested tightly on his shoulder, Qin Lingfei said tenderly.


With regard to Qin Lingfei’s over-satisfied mentality, Yu Haoran really didn’t know what to say, and only shook his head with a bitter laugh.

“Prince Consort, look, the elder sister ranks twenty-ninth.” While leaning on Yu Haoran’s broad shoulders, Yu Guang has been staring at the list, and when he saw the list, Yu Siqi’s ranking appeared. At that time, Qin Lingfei immediately reminded in surprise.


Although Yu Haoran also had some dissatisfaction with the final ranking of the elder sister, after Qin Lingfei’s persuasion and surprise on the face of the eder sister, he finally did not have much disappointment.

Subsequently, he accompanied Qin Lingfei to continue to pay attention to the list to reveal the changes in rankings.

However, when he saw Jiang Jingya’s final ranking and even ranked XNUMXth on the list, he couldn’t help but glance at her sleeves.

With Jiang Jingya’s cultivation base and strength, let alone the tenth place in the finals, I am afraid that the second round of the rematch will not make it.

The reason why she was able to achieve such an astonishing achievement was because of the wind-tailed fox that usually hid in her sleeve.

However, even if he successively slayed the top ten of the list, Zheng Zhongning, Miao Zehai and Gu Sheng, with the wind-tailed fox barely reaching the strength of ordinary Martial Venerable Grade 1, it is difficult to enter the final tenth place of the list.

It seems that in the last few rounds of the game, the wind-tailed fox must have swallowed up part of the Bloodline of the eight-tailed green fox. Otherwise, it will definitely not be able to beat the players ranked XNUMXth to XNUMXth in the list.

“Yi! ”

When Yu Haoran’s sights returned to the list, he was immediately attracted by the name of the ninth-ranked player in the list.

Wang Chuantao, the demon powerhouse who once challenged the No. XNUMX courtyard and wounded Wu Zhengjun.

Wang Chuantao’s ranking surprised him because his original ranking was only XNUMXst, but this time he rushed to the XNUMXth place.

The ranking rises so high, although there is a reason to kill Gu Sheng and the others by himself, I am afraid it is also related to the strength that this person has been hiding.

Of course, the ninth ranking of the list did not have the ability to threaten and challenge him, so Yu Haoran was only slightly surprised and continued to watch the rankings revealed by the list.

The eighth player on the list was Yuan Lixing, who had originally ranked sixth, and his ranking dropped two places.

The seventh ranked player in the list is Zhu Xuanbin, who was originally ranked fifth, and his ranking also dropped by two places.

The sixth-ranked player in the list is Xiagu Fengze, who originally ranked fourth, and his ranking is still down two places.

The fifth ranked player on the list is Bai Dongsheng, who ranked second.

The reason why Bai Dongsheng’s ranking dropped directly by three places, in addition to using blood essence to consolidate the illusory shadow of the ancestor Bai Qi, also lies in the fact that his native sword weapon was damaged, preventing him from exerting the true Peak’s strength and losing. In the hands of Wu Zhengjun, Jian Wuhen and Qian Yuanjin.

The fourth player on the list is Qian Yuanjin, who ranked third. He fell into the hands of Wu Zhengjun and Jian Wujin.

After the list revealed the finals from the fourth to the eighty-eighth, the speed at which the colorful rays of light disappeared suddenly stopped. Although everyone at the scene already knew the top three players and rankings, they were still suddenly nervous.

The colorful rays of light only paused for three seconds, then began to slowly disappear again, and then gradually revealed that the third-ranked player in the sword had no trace.

“Unmarked younger sister is a pity!”

With the sword array presented by Yu Haoran, Jian Wujin’s final ranking is ranked in the top three.

In this regard, Qin Lingfei not only did not have the slightest envy and jealousy, but could not help but start to embarrass her.

“Prince Consort, in fact, with the strength of Wu Young Younger Sister, and then with the power of Promise Divine Sword, will definitely be able to defeat the kid of Zheng Jun, but she only voluntarily conceded in the face of you.”

In the face of Qin Lingfei’s accusations, Wu Zhengjun dared not have any rebuttals except to smile bitterly.

After all, Qin Lingfei is his sister-in-law, and his only respected senior brother Yu, the most beloved wife.

“Lin Fei Princess, in fact, with the strength of Senior Brother Wu and the weirdness of Bloody Magical Artifact, even if the mark is assisted by the Promise Divine Sword, the result is undoubtedly defeated.” First, a look of a smile on his face Yu Haoran, then explained to Qin Lingfei with the same smile.

“Unmarked younger sister, you don’t need to speak for the boy of Zhengjun. In my eyes, you are better than him, you just take the initiative to admit defeat in the face of Prince Consort.” Faced with the unmarked explanation of the sword, Qin Lingfei not only did not Change your views, even closer to some unreasonable talk.

“Ling Fei, don’t make trouble!”

Wu Zhengjun didn’t take the initiative to refute, because he respected and obeyed himself, but Yu Haoran could not let his brother suffer.

So he immediately put away the smile on his face and explained seriously.

“Actually, Wuji was right. Even with the help of Wuji Divine Sword, she is not an opponent of the army.”

“Why?” Although Qin Lingfei didn’t continue to make trouble unreasonably, she still asked a little bit unconvincingly.

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