Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

After the boxing and the powerful Sword Art offset each other, Yu Haoran knew that he could not continue to use the trick of the ancestral witch inheritance. Otherwise, he would have lost the illusory shadow because of the disappearance and emergence of seven emotions. Bring in the rules under Sword Art.

Since there was a decision in his heart, Yu Haoran directly omitted the fourth, fifth, and sixth move of the Ancestral Boxing, and directly performed the seventh strongest formidable power.

“Ancestral spirit reappears!”

Along with Yu Haoran’s violent drinking, overdrawing the inheritance fist played by some of the ancestors Bloodline, quickly condensed into a burly and strong body, with clear facial edges and corners, exuding a vast ancient spirit.


The burly year-old man condensed into a boxing roar towards the sky, then waved his huge fist and rushed directly to Bai Qi illusory shadow.

Fate is not hatred


“Kill the sadness!”

“Kill the terror!”


Looking at the burly year man who rushed fast, Bai Qi illusory shadow could not help but changed the complexion, while whispering to speed up the roar, his hands were wielding four powerful sword energy.

It is a pity that when the formidable power of the four powerful sword energy has just begun to affect the emotions of the crowd at the scene, the burly young man who bullies himself not only blows his fist directly to the four powerful sword energy, but also his powerful body It is a few steps to knock back the illusory shadow directly.

Seeing the illusory shadow of the ancestors, he was gradually at a disadvantage under the onslaught of the burly year man. He mobilized Origin Force, Soul Power, and strength of Law into Bai Shengsheng, and immediately performed a stroke to kill God Baiqi’s original Heavenly Rank Peak Sword. Art.


At the moment when Bai Dongsheng had just mobilized Origin Force and Soul Power, Yu Haoran clearly felt the fluctuations in the breath of power. After giving thoughts to the boxing method and consolidating the commands of a burly year man, he directly used the ancestral witch inheritance boxing method to meet Bai Tiansheng Peak Sword Art performed by Dongsheng.

“Fist Town!”

Bai Dongsheng’s show incorporates all Origin Force and Soul Power, as well as the Sword Art of the Slaughter dual series strength of Law. The formidable power has reached the strength of the top Martial Venerable Grade 1 Peak, which is slightly better than Yu Haoran’s boxing.

However, the huge gap between Shengjing top grade’s destiny Magical Artifact and Zunjing top grade gloves Magical Artifact caused Bai Dongsheng to be severely damaged at the same time, and the sword’s body also suffered a slight damage.

At the same time, Bai Qi illusory shadow was unable to withstand the powerful fleshhy body attack of the burly year man, and was finally scattered forcibly.

After hitting Bai Dongsheng with one stroke, Yu Haoran not at all killed him with victory and chased him. He waved to disperse the arrogant young man who gathered in the boxing method, and he slowly landed on the ring, then his expression was indifferently said.

The enemy is not a secret enemy

Sun Dike from afar

“You lost, you can admit defeat!”

“You don’t kill me!” Originally intended to overdraw all of his strength and lifespan, to come to a magnificent last bloom of life, but with Yu Haoran’s active reminder, Bai Dongsheng asked suddenly.

After all, the flesh and blood of Zheng Ning and Miao Zehe and the others, as well as the red-stained daisies of blood mist are vivid.

“Yes, I won’t kill you!” Nodded, Yu Haoran responded.

“Why?” Bai Dongsheng asked in more confusion.

“In order to continue the Bloodline of Senior, it is also to enable your descendants to reproduce the glory of their ancestors!”

Looking up at the location where Bai illusory shadow was just blasted, Yu Haoran’s eyes revealed a sad and expectant look.

Although Bai started to protect the billions of lives of the ancient continent, the self-destructing warrior Dao Foundation chose to perish together with the demonic path giant engine ghost soul, but under the control of some ulterior motives, the world only remembers that he slaughtered tens of millions of nights. The evil of the soul, but forgot his selfless contribution, which caused Bai Qi’s descendants to be hunted down.

Even after the destruction of ancient times, the world still hasn’t forgotten the slaughter that Bai Qi used to be, which makes Bai Qi’s descendants less and less. Otherwise, he can’t encounter a white one after nearly a century of experience in the previous life. Future generations.

“Senior brother Yu, many thanks!”

I can feel Yu Haoran’s anger for the unfairness of the ancestors, as well as the care and expectation of his ancestors and descendants. After Bai Dongsheng put away his sword and top grade sword, he thanked him for his cup one fist in the other hand. After a sound, he looked up at the mid-air list and acknowledged.

“I surrender!”

After the colorful small dragon finished the process of engulfing, Bai Dongsheng gratefully faced Yu Haoran nodded, and then as he flew away from the ring, Yu Haoran came to his ears to use the instructions from God’s mind.

“Be careful!”

An endless gratitude returned to his place, and Bai Dongsheng immediately began to use the Murderous aura condensed within the body to repair the sword.

After Bai Dongsheng left the ring, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and the eyes full of sharp murderous aura went directly to the edge of the ring, and Gu Sheng who still closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

“Yu Haoran, if you’re still a man, it’s best not to open up and give in.” Gu Sheng, who was forcibly brought to the ring, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Yu Haoran, his mouth slightly agitated.

“I haven’t slaughtered you, how could I have given up!” Yu Haoran sneered sneerfully.

“That’s good!” Facing Yu Haoran’s counterattack, Gu Sheng’s indifferent nodded.

Afterwards, he turned his head to glance at the players who were willing to lose, and glanced at the bloody mud and bloody stage of the ring, and finally looked at Yu Haoran.

“Yu Haoran, the easy win of the first 98 rounds, does it give you a sense of dominance and a sense of superiority for me?”

“Gu Sheng, it seems more suitable for you if you want to come and see everything and give me exclusive respect!”

Gu Sheng’s seemingly chatty move is actually an offensive conspiracy. With the absolute strength to kill the opponent, Yu Haoran disdains to use this conspiracy, but also wants to take a closer look at the means of the core family members of the Gu family. .

After all, Gu Sheng is just one of the core disciple of the Gu family, not the highest is innate talent, the strongest inheritance disciple. He needs to understand the ancient disciplinary temperament by understanding the means of Gu Sheng.

“Yu Haoran, do you know what Heavenly Profound Continent focuses on the most?” Yu Haoran just used his attack to fight back. Not at all gave Gu Sheng a slight mood swing. He still asked indifferently.

“Gu Sheng, do you want to talk about Bloodline’s inheritance!” After hearing Gu Sheng’s question, Yu Haoran turned his head to look at Qian Yuan Jin, and replied with a scorn of tone.

The hateful and cool ball is blocked by the moon


With his eyes wide open, he took a step forward, a fierce breath rose from Gu Sheng, he said with a look of pride.

The enemy is invincible.

“Only those who have inherited Bloodline’s ancestors can break the mystery of Life and Death and advance to Eternal Undying’s Valkyrie realm.”

The enemy ’s enemies hate the battle, and the battle is cold. When Bai Dongsheng leaves the ring, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and his eyes full of murderous aura went directly to the edge of the ring.


Jie Bu, Bu Bu, Le Duan

Taking the same sudden step forward, Yu Haoran retorted more proudly.

“Only the ordinary Bloodline has the possibility of unlimited promotion, and only the ordinary artist of the Bloodline has the hope of climbing Martial Dao Peak.”

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