Qianlong Fort, Yantai!

Seeing Yu Haoran who suddenly launched an attack, Miao Zehai couldn’t help but changed complexion. After instinctively trying to resist the fist attack first, he conceded against the empty list. !

But what he absolutely didn’t think about was that the top grade gloves combined with the inheritance fist performed by the ancestor Bloodline, the force reached the strength of the top Martial Venerable Grade 1 Peak, which has far exceeded the defense limit that Miao Zehai’s flawy body can bear. .

At the same time, he had no time to inspire the top grade to defend the Magical Artifact in the Holy Land, and was finally blown into a blood mist by the boxing method.


A white haired old man from the western stand, after seeing the Miao Zehai that was blasted into a blood mist, the anger that erupted in his heart instantly made him slap the armrest of the stone chair, his eyes immediately appeared thick Thick baleful qi.

Regarding the angry clapping sound from the western stand, Yu Haoran chose not to pay any attention to it, closed his eyes, and began to take advantage of the special breath of the hidden Dragon Qi to accelerate the acceptance of the memory inheritance of the ancient twelve ancestors while waiting. The next opponent’s field.

“I confess to losing!” Zhang Tianji, who ranked eighth on the list, immediately panicked and admitted to the list as soon as his feet had just stepped on the ring.

In this regard, Yu Haoran didn’t even open his eyes to continue immersing in the inheritance of the ancestral witch’s memory.

“Ou Yangqin has seen senior brother Yu!”

For the contestants of the South Domain Hidden Dragon List, the number of female martial artists themselves is very small, and the female martial artists who can advance to the finals are as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

If Qin Lingfei, Yu Siqi, Jian Wujin, and Jiang Jingya who have a special relationship with him are set aside, there is only Ouyang Qinxin who has just been forcibly brought to the ring in front of him.

Therefore, relying on herself as a girl, a beautiful girl who is not inferior to Jiang Jingya and Yu Siqi, but slightly inferior to Qin Lingfei, Ouyang Qinxin who was forcibly brought to the stage not only did not directly admit defeat, but smiled and hehe said.

“Yu Haoran met Ouyang Senior Sister!”

After arching his hand without opening his eyes, Yu Haoran raised his white stick, and gave no choice, either to give in or to die.

“Senior brother Yu, can’t you see that it’s a girl’s part, slightly have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and give Qin Xin a chance to expand his horizons and expand his horizons.” Faced with the threats given by Yu Haoran, Ouyang Qin Xin immediately asked with a grieved expression.

“In Yu Haoran’s eyes, there is no distinction between men, women, children, and children, but only friends and enemies.” Suddenly opened his eyes, Yu Haoran’s eyes appeared thick fighting intent.

After expressing his attitude, the power of the ancestral witch’s flushy body and Bloodline, combined with the stick method of turning the river, Yu Haoran did not have a direct hands-on attack of have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

I didn’t expect that Yu Haoran was so cold-blooded and ruthless, and Ouyang Qin, who also felt the law of fastness, backed down quickly and admitted to the mid-air list.

“I surrender!”

Withdrawing the attacking white stick instantly, Yu Haoran immediately returned to his place and continued to accept the ancestral memory inheritance.

“Yu Haoran, you are such a cold-blooded and ruthless man!” Seeing Yu Haoran who instantly returned to his place, Ou Yangqin accused without giving in.

In response, Yu Haoran not at all gave any response.

In fact, just now he has been merciless to his tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. Otherwise, he has the strength and means to let Ouyang Qinxin have no chance to admit defeat.

Seeing Yu Haoran, who ignored her accusations, Ouyang Qin’s heart was finally angrily, and he flew away from the ring with a curse.

“Smelly man, cheapskate, picking goods, and I don’t know how Qin Lingfei would look at you as a cold-blooded asshole.”

Yu Haoran’s cold-blooded treatment of Ouyang Qin’s heart just now has made some of the male powerhouses on the scene feel a bit intolerable, but for Qin Lingfei, Jian Wuhen, and Jiang Jingya, the heart felt sweet.

However, when Yu Siqi looked towards Ouyang Qin’s heart and appearance, his eyes were a little surprised.

“I surrender!”

Yuan Lixing, who ranked sixth on the list, was like Zhang Tianji, who ranked eighth. His feet immediately conceded as soon as he stepped on the platform.

But unlike Zhang Tianji, he not at all left the ring immediately after the colorful small dragon finished the devouring process.

“I was born in the Southern Region and grew up in the Central Region. My real opponents are only those geniuses in the Central Region.”

After a series of grand words, Yuan Lixing said to Yu Haoran with an arrogant expression.

“Yu Haoran, the reason I just voluntarily conceded was not to fear you, but I didn’t want to expose too much strength and hole cards in the South Hidden Dragon List battle.”

“So, the real fight between you and me will be postponed to the ring of the five-domain Hidden Dragon List battle.”

Opening his eyes slowly and watching Yuan Lixing flying away from the ring, Yu Haoran’s eyes flashed disdain.

The real powerhouse pays attention to fearlessness, never going forward, never worrying about exposing his strength and hole cards in front of opponents. Yuan Lixing’s statement just now is just a guilty conscience that wants to keep a little face that’s all!

“Lan Zun, this person is no longer suitable for the assessment of the Pure World Organization!”

Yu Haoran can see Yuan Lixing’s guilty conscience, as the top purple clothed year powerhouse of Martial Venerable Grade 9 Peak limit can also be seen.

Pointing at Yuan Lixing who flew off the ring, he instructed the old man in a blue robe.

“Yes, Zi Zun!” The old man in the blue robe immediately respected and answered.

“Yu Haoran, I don’t know if you remember the two Zhu Family elite children who you killed when you just entered the city?” Zhu Xuancheng, ranked fifth, was forcibly brought to the stage while taking out the top grade long spear Magical Artifact, reminded indifferently.

“It seems that you want to take revenge on them!” Slowly opened his eyes, put his hands on the Magical Artifact, and then brought Magical Artifact with Glory top grade gloves, Yu Haoran expression calmly replied.

Invincible Yuan Sun Cool Moon Mo Yuefan

“If you are willing to bow down and worship the nine sounds in front of their spiritual position, maybe I will consider giving you a small life.” Zhu Xuanbin said with a compassion.

In response, Yu Haoran’s response was very direct and simple.

“Fist Town!”

A trick of the inheritance of the ancient twelve ancestors made Zhu Xuanbin, who had a sneer on his face, immediately gloomed, and then he recruited Tianjie Peak’s Spear Art to directly meet Yu Haoran’s boxing.

After the end of the surgery

“Cold Stars!”

Tianjie Peak’s Spear Art technique allows Zhu Xuanbin’s long spear Magical Artifact to move down and down. Left, right, and left quickly swing like lightning, emitting a cold light gun head, and immediately emit countless starlights like stars.

Ke Qiu Ke Cool Kick Ball

Countless starlights not only began to weaken the formidable power of boxing, but also attacked every key point of Yu Haoran’s body.

“Ku Haoran, don’t you know if you remember the two Zhu Family elite children you just killed when you just entered the city?” Zhu Xuancheng, ranked fifth, was forcibly After taking the platform, he reminded indifferently while taking out the long spear Magical Artifact of the top grade.

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